Chapter 4: Rest in Nightmares....

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Lianna woke back up in Dimension D from last time, still chained up. She saw Mario, Peach and Luigi chained up still.
"G-guys!" Lianna cried out in shock to them. "Lianna! Oh thank gosh you are okay!" Mario cried out. Peach grew anxious, fearing that Dimentio would hear the group. "He won't do anything. I won't let him." Luigi said. "Oh Luigi... but I don't want him to hurt you!" Lianna cried out to Luigi.

"Well, we can't have everything we want." A voice behind Lianna said out loud. Lianna's eyes widened as she looked behind her, she began to panic as she stared at the figure. Dimentio stood beside Lianna. "Glad you could join us." He said to her. "No-no! Please let me go! I don't want you to harm my friends! W-why aren't you physically hurting me?" Lianna asked in horror.

"Because I want to see you suffer." He said to her. "S-suffer? But what about Ms.L? The one you always wanted more than anything else in the world?" Lianna asked in horror. "Oh, she'll be coming out. I want to erase any trace of Lianna first." Dimentio explained. "NO! YOU WOULDN'T DARE DO THAT!" Mario snapped at Dimentio in anger. 

Lianna started to whimper and tear up as Dimentio said that. He wanted Lianna completely erased from existence just to have a fake bunny from within to exist. How cruel of him. "NO! I WON'T LET YOU!" Luigi snapped at Dimentio as he struggled to break free.

"Guys! I don't wanna be erased! Someone help us!" Lianna pleaded in horror as she started to cry uncontrollably. Dimentio chuckled. "Now, who's next?" He asked the three remaining heroes. Peach was whimpering tearfully. Dimentio turned to the princess, floating up towards her. "Aww, is the sweet little princess scared?" He asked while holding her chin mockingly. Princess Peach stared at him in horror.

"DIMENTIO! GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF HER! I DON'T CARE IF YOU ARE WEARING GLOVES, YOU ARE A MONSTER!" Mario snapped at him. "My my. Someone's angry." Dimentio said, grinning. Mario stared at him in anger, his face red with rage and fire was in his eyes.

Peach whimpered in fear as tears stared to stream down her face. "So you won't like it if I use this?" Dimentio asked, holding a knife, grinning. Peach stared at the knife in horror. "NO! DON'T YOU FREAKING DARE!" Mario snapped. "NO! DIMENTIO! DON'T HURT HER!" Lianna begged Dimentio. He laughed. "Oh lighten up." He said to Lianna. He then turned towards Peach. "Now now, there's no need for that frown." He cooed. Peach stared at Dimentio in horror. "W-what are you going to do to me?" She asked him in horror.

"We're going to play a game." He said as he snapped his fingers, and as if by magic, Peach was suddenly strapped onto a large wheel. Peach panicked and squirmed. "G-get me off this wheel!" She begged him in horror. Dimentio grinned and he began to spin the wheel. Peach grew anxious as the wheel spun. Dimentio had a set of knives ready. "Let's see how many misses I can get." He said. "NO! DIMENTIO! STOP!" Mario screamed at him.

Peach began to sob uncontrollably as she knew that she was going to meet her end. "DIMENTIO! STOP THIS!" Lianna screamed in horror. Dimentio didn't listen to either of his prisoners' pleas as he started tossing knives at Peach. Peach was panicking as the knives were being tossed at her. Most landed on her at random points, though none seemed to inflict fatal wounds yet. She winced in pain and was tearing up as they hit her. Dimentio kept throwing knives at the Princess until he had one knife left. She panted heavily as she had so many knives stabbed through her. He grinned as he aimed the final knife. "NO! DIMENTIO! STOP!" Lianna begged him. Mario was red with rage as he struggled in the chains that held him. Dimentio tossed the last knife, aiming for her throat.

Princess Peach was accepting her fate as the knife was flung from across the room. It landed right in her throat.  Peach gasped for air as she was stabbed in the throat as she let out a final breath. She died right there on the wheel. "NOOOOOOOO!" Mario and Lianna screamed in horror. "DIMENTIO! TAKE ME NEXT! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT PRINCESS PEACH! IT PAINS ME THAT SHE IS NO LONGER WITH ME!" Mario pleaded. Lianna was shocked. "B-BUT MARIO! YOUR BROTHER! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THE HERO OF LIGHT. CHOSEN HERO OF THE LIGHT PROGNOSTICUS! WHY ARE YOU GIVING UP?!" She asked in horror. "B-because I know we can't stop this monster... we are done for..." Mario said in tears. Lianna was actually horrified, the hero of the prophecy was surrendering to the villain.

Lianna squirmed and flailed frantically, desperately attempting to get out of the steel chair and chains. After what felt like hours of struggling, she broke free. Dimentio was enjoying the scene too much to notice, Luigi was simply crying his eyes out. Lianna realized that she had to fight back Dimentio. She grabbed one of the knives from the wheel and charged at Dimentio, planning on ending him since he ended the young bunny's friends' lives.

As if by magic, Dimentio suddenly vanished before Lianna could swing her knife. Lianna was shocked. Where did Dimentio go? "Show yourself Dimentio!" She shouted in anger. Mario and Luigi watched Lianna nervously. "Lianna! Be careful!" Mario cried out. Dimentio then reappeared behind Lianna, chopping at the nape of her neck. Lianna's eyes widened as she gasped when she felt his hand hit the nape of her neck. Lianna collapsed and passed out on the ground. "LIANNA!" Mario cried out in horror. "LIANNA!" Luigi cried out, horrified of what he just did to her.

Lianna was rendered unconscious. "DIMENTIO! HOW DARE YOU HURT MY FRIEND!" Mario shouted in anger. His eyes were red with rage. If he wasn't chained up, he would take his life in a heartbeat. "What are you going to do with her?!" He asked him in anger. "Oh relax. I just need to properly secure her this time." He explained to the brothers.
Mario watched helplessly as he picked  up Lianna and held her in his arms. Luigi was terrified.

Mario was horrified. He stared at Luigi nervously. "Bro... I-I-I hate to say this... but I'm scared..." He said to him. "I'm scared too bro... I don't want your game to end..." Luigi managed to say between streams of tears. Mario looked at him in horror. "Don't cry brother!" He pleaded to him.

Lianna was still unconscious and was resting within the arms of Dimentio. Dimentio brought Lianna over to the Steel chair against and placed her in it. He then proceeded to chain her tightly to the chair. Mario watched him chain Lianna to the chair. He was wondering if he was going to anything else to her other than just chaining her back into the chair. He also strapped Lianna's limbs tightly to the arms and legs of the chair and put a collar on your neck, which was chained to the wall. "What is that collar for?" Mario asked Dimentio in worry. "To keep her in place." He explained to Mario. "O-oh..." Mario said tearfully. He looked over at Luigi again. Luigi was trembling with tears in his eyes. Lianna soon grunted and groaned as she began to wake up.

Meanwhile in the waking world while Lianna was having the dream, someone was spying on her in her sleep. Someone was in her bedroom, spying on the young bunny. They were stalking her while she was asleep. The figure grinned as they watched her from a distance. Lianna was tossing and turning in her sleep. The figure then approached her quietly so that they could get a closer look. Lianna was groaning in her sleep.

The figure wasn't going to kidnap me or do anything to her yet. They just wanted to watch Lianna suffer. The figure just chuckled. Lianna groaned in her sleep. The figure just watched her squirm, quite entertained by the helpless bunny. Back in the dream realm, Lianna woke up from her unconscious state.

She stared back at Dimentio in horror. "H-h-how did you know I was going to attack?" She asked him in horror. Lianna was worried he might shut her up or something horrible. "I know." Dimentio said, not explaining how he knew. Lianna stared up at him in horror. "Well, I had to restrain you further so you won't do it again." Dimentio explained. "B-but I need to stop you from ending the games of more of my friends!" Lianna shouted in retaliation at him.

"Oh hush you." Dimentio said in a rather annoyed tone, stuffing a rag into Lianna's mouth. Lianna stared at him as he did that. She tried desperately to spit out the rag that was stuck in her mouth. He then tied a bandanna over Lianna's mouth, keeping the rag sealed in. "DIMENTIO! LET HER GO! NOW!" Mario snapped at Dimentio.

Lianna stared at Luigi tearfully as she couldn't be able to cry out to him for help. Luigi was getting mad. "My goodness you're annoying." Dimentio said, turning towards Mario. Lianna stared at Dimentio and pleaded him muffled cries to not hurt Mario.

Mario stared a deadly stare at Dimentio in anger. Dimentio approached Mario. "So, your thing is fire, correct?" He asked the red plumber. He stared at him, clenching his teeth. Fire was in his eyes. He refused to answer. Although the fire in his eyes revealed the answer for the Jester. "Perhaps we should douse that flame of yours." Dimentio suggested to Mario. He stared at him in anger. "My fiery spirit will forever rage on, no matter what!" He shouted back at him. "Confidence. A fools substitute for intelligence." Dimentio said as he snapped his fingers.

Mario waited for what would happen. He wanted to know what would happen when he snapped his fingers. Lianna stared at them tearfully. A water tank appeared behind Mario. "Ever tried an escape act?" Dimentio asked him. Mario grew anxious as he noticed the water tank, figuring out what was going to happen to him. "Well, I've escaped various perils before. I was swallowed by Bowser once and I managed to escape either way!" He explained.

Dimentio stood silently for a moment. "Hmm. You people have no shortage of interesting adventures." He said. Mario stared at him. "Well yeah, we are the Super Mario Bros! We are heroes destined to save the entire multiverse from destruction!" Mario explained. "What a shame you must go out like this." Dimentio said as he snapped his fingers, Mario was then dunked into the tank, still wrapped in chains.

"MARIO!!!" Luigi cried out, struggling more. Mario struggled in the chains as he was dunked into the tank of water. He tried to swim to the surface of the tank.

Lianna meanwhile was sobbing uncontrollably and pleading Dimentio to stop with his nefarious deeds, although her pleeds were muffled. Dimentio grinned maliciously as the chains made it difficult to go anywhere in the water. Mario squirmed within the chains as he was underwater. He didn't want to drown due to the lack of oxygen. He squirmed frantically as he was drowning. Luigi was crying and was desperately struggling to get out as he watched in horror. Lianna was trying to escape too as Mario was gasping for air. His face turning a bluish purple in color. "MARIOOOO!!!" Luigi cried out.

Mario tried to gasp for air, he tried to say something to Luigi. "L-l-Luigi! I-I-I will always love you b-b-bro!" He gurgled out as eventually he stopped breathing, his body went limp as he floated in place. Lianna was screaming tearful screams as she saw the dead corpse of Mario floating within the tank. Luigi stopped screaming, staring at his limp brother. Tears had streamed down his face. Lianna looked at Luigi in horror. They were the only ones left other than the monster who murdered her friends.

She only could focus on the lifeless body of Mario, Luigi crying tearfully at his dead brother and Dimentio cackling inhumanely. Dimentio leaned his head back and cackled at the sight of the heroes perishing one by one. Lianna was horrified of Dimentio cackling inhumanely.

Outside in the real world, Lianna was groaning and tossing and turning. The figure was still watching her sleep. The chuckled. "Yes, that's right. Keep dreaming." The figure said in anticipation. Lianna whimpered in her sleep as she continued to dream the unpleasant nightmare.

Lianna was still squirming frantically on the chair. She wanted Dimentio to stop this madness, if he had to, just kill her and spare Luigi. Dimentio stopped laughing. "Oh, that's good." He said, satisfied with the work he had accomplished so far. Lianna stared at Dimentio in horror. She wanted him to just let Luigi go. Luigi especially didn't deserve to die. Luigi was an innocent soul, and he didn't deserve to die.

"Now then. One last target." Dimentio explained. Lianna panicked as she knew that Dimentio was referring to Luigi. She didn't want him to hurt him. Dimentio turned towards Luigi. "Oh my. What a poor, unfortunate soul. Lost everyone you cared about, huh? Well, except Lianna." He mocked. Lianna stared at Luigi tearfully. She didn't want him to hurt him. She screamed muffled insults towards Dimentio, demanding him to not harm Luigi or else he will pay.

As if fueled by Lianna, Luigi looked up toward Dimentio. "You coward..." He said coldly.

"Excuse me?" Dimentio questioned.
Lianna stared at Luigi and Dimentio surprised. She was actually surprised that Luigi told that to Dimentio.

Lianna decided to continue her muffled insults and pleas, trying to fuel the strength of Luigi to help him out. "You're nothing but a coward. You've taken everything without doing it like a true villain. You're nothing without your powers." Luigi spat at Dimentio. Lianna watched Luigi in shock. Lianna was hoping, praying that he wasn't giving Dimentio any ideas to kill off him magically.

"Oh really? You think so?" Dimentio asked. "Yes." Luigi replied, not backing down. Lianna watched the two of them in awe, shock and horror. "Well then tough guy, I'll show you I'm just as deadly without magic." Dimentio explained. Lianna continued to plead to Dimentio to not hurt Luigi. She was so scared to see what he could do to him.

Dimentio grabbed another knife. Lianna stared at Dimentio in horror as he grabbed the knife. He then approached Luigi. Lianna was panicking desperately for Dimentio to not hurt Luigi. "Such a grumpy pants. Let's give it a little smile." Dimentio said with a twisted smirk on his face. Lianna was pleading for Dimentio not to do what he was thinking of doing.

"MPPPH! PMMPH! SPPMTH!" She begged, pleading Dimentio to not carve a smile into Luigi's face. Dimentio began to cut into Luigi's face. Luigi winced in pain as Dimentio did so. Lianna watched in horror as Dimentio began to carve into Luigi's face. She screamed tearfully screams as he was being carved into. Dimentio then stood back to admire his work.

Luigi panted as he had a look of pure rage, accompanied by the painted smile he was given. Lianna stared at Luigi in horror. She was in a mess of tears as she saw Dimentio's work done onto him. She was pleading Dimentio to stop hurting Luigi. She didn't want to see him murder the green plumber.
Lianna cried out to Luigi, saying that she will always love him no matter what. Dimentio then grabbed a sword. "My my. That's a much better look for you. But I think we can go bigger." He said, as he circled around Luigi before chopping his hand off.

Luigi screamed as his hand came off, the cuts on his face tearing further into his cheeks. Lianna screamed loudly in horror as Dimentio sliced off Luigi's hand. She was horrified, devastated and filled with terror and fear as Dimentio did that.

She was screaming with waterfalls streaming down her face. Lianna needed someone, anyone to save the two of them. She was horrified and wanted Dimentio to leave him alone. Lianna didn't want Luigi to die. "Much better!" Dimentio laughed gleefully. Lianna was sobbing uncontrollably and began to squirm frantically in her chains. As by being fueled by the rage of seeing my boyfriend be tortured by a sadistic psychopath, Lianna managed to slip out of her chains again and took off the gag around her mouth. She then grabbed another knife that was laying and charged at Dimentio.

"HOW DARE YOU HARM MY FRIENDS SO SHAMEFULLY!" Lianna screamed as she thrusted her knife towards his back. Dimentio turned to her. "Again? You really are troublesome." He said as he then held the sword to Luigi. "Another step, and he's gone forever." Dimentio warned Lianna. Lianna froze in horror as he held the sword to Luigi. "N-n-no! Please don't kill him!" She pleaded.

Lianna dropped the knife, then dropped down to her knees. "P-p-please... don't kill him.... stop this torment... kill me instead.... I can't bear to witness this..." She pleaded, surrendering tearfully. "That's a good girl." Dimentio grinned.

"Lianna, no... I'll be ok... Don't worry about me..." Luigi said to her. "But Luigi! I don't want him to hurt you any more! I love you!" Lianna cried out tearfully. "No... I wasn't strong enough to protect you... You need to run..." Luigi warned Lianna. "B-b-b-but!" Lianna cried out, she then frowned. "I-I-I guess this is goodbye Luigi.... I will forever miss you..." Lianna said.

Taking Luigi's advice, Lianna slowly stood up and began to run the opposite direction, hoping to avoid the grasp of Dimentio. "You can run, but you can't hide." Dimentio called out as Lianna heard him cut Luigi down. Lianna ran away tearfully as Luigi was being cutted down. She had to escape from Dimentio,

From within the real world, Lianna was groaning while dripping with sweat. She wanted this nightmare to end. The figure grinned. Lianna was tossing and turning frantically, like as if she could wake up at any second.

In the dream world, Lianna continued her attempt to flee. She ran as fast as her little bunny feet could carry her. Lianna didn't want Dimentio to capture her once more. Lianna heard him coming. Lianna ran and ran as fast as she could. Tears streaming down her cheeks as she ran fast.

Lianna then paused and took a deep breath, panting heavily as she stopped.
"Oh Lianna!" A familiar voice chimed out loud. Lianna's ears rose as she looked bafk to see if the voice that called to her was Dimentio. It was Dimentio, coming towards Lianna. She began to run more and more, hoping to avoid the malicious Jester. He just kept getting closer, slowly. With him slowly approaching Lianna, it was like something out of a horror movie. Lianna ran until she hit a wall. She realized that she was cornered by the wall and by Dimentio. "N-n-no! Please! Please don't hurt me!" Lianna pleaded as he slowly approached her.

He laughed maniacally as he got closer.
"It's time to say goodbye." Dimentio chimed, knowing that when Dimentio captured Lianna once again, she would be done for. "No! No-no! STOP! SOMEONE! HELP ME! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Lianna screamed as Dimentio laughed and approached her.

Lianna then shot awake and looked around in horror, dripping with sweat.
The bedroom was quiet. She was scared, she breathed heavily. Lianna then looked at the time. It was still late at night. Lianna groaned and looked around.

She then sighed sadly and then laid back down in bed. The figure was still there, they were just turned invisible.
The figure watched her.

Lianna then drifted back into a deep slumber once again, plunging into another nightmare.

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