12: Recoveries, Goodbyes, and Wish-granting

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It had been a long time, but finally, Kanan and the Inquisitor got soooo tired, that they collapsed. Once everyone realized that the lightsaber battle had ceased they walked into the cell. And there they saw Kanan and the Inquisitor, sleeping soundly on each other, like buddies. "Isn't that cute?" Yellow Toad said, quietly. Hera picked Kanan up, with lots of quiet groaning, and then everyone paraded out of the cell.
They walked for miles until finally, they got back to the hangar and met Sabine and Peach, who stood looking proud. Together they all headed back onto the Ghost. E.Gadd greeted them with a smile. "I did it!" he cried. "Really? We can go home now?" asked Luigi, who had stayed, who also hadn't gotten much action for a while. He and Mario had been playing wirelessly on their handhelds.
"What? No! I just finally succeeded in tightening that screw! But don't worry! All I have to do is insert the crystal, attach some wires, and complete a simple procedure! I'd say I'll be done, in, about, half an hour." E.Gadd went back into his "lab." Blue Toad hugged Yellow Toad. Jonathan was telling everybody about his experience. Mario was telling Luigi and Peach about some sprig of grass he noticed that wasn't yellow, it was green. "So I plucked-a it and fed it to a Toad, who interestingly-a ate it!" Mario said. Luigi didn't look impressed, but Peach seemed a little interested, mostly because it was her Toad.
Half an hour later, E.Gadd came pushing a red-cloth-covered invention out of his "lab." "Everyone, I'm finished," he said, so very proudly. "Good. Let's go home!" Blue Toad said. "Sure thing!" E.Gadd said. He pulled off the cloth and revealed a big typical – looking Gadd machine, pressed a button, and two purple streaks of energy streaked up two wires, and then they exploded into a portal.
"Does it really work?" Hera asked.
"I'm positive," E. Gadd replied. Then they all paused and looked at each other. After a quiet moment, Peach said, "I guess this is goodbye."
The crew looked at each other. They might not admit it, but they would miss their new...acquaintances. "We were glad to meet you all," Hera said, knowing it sounded lame, but not sure what else to say.
"See you next time," Kanan managed. "Yeah," Sabine said. "We'll never forget this adventure."
"You've all been charming, but my kingdom needs me," Peach said. She took Mario's outstretched hand. "Thank you for all your help!" Then she stepped through the portal and vanished.
Then Mario and Luigi, looking a little sad, waved bye and dove into the portal. The Toads, one by one, went back to their homeland. Last but certainly not least, Blue Toad hugged each and every one of the crew members. "You all have been so good," he said, tiny tears in his eyes. "Thus, I will grant each of you a wish." Sabine raised an eyebrow. "I wish for a cupcake," Zeb said. Blue Toad nodded and went into the kitchen. He returned and gave a cupcake to Zeb. "I wish my blasters were polished," Sabine said. Blue Toad polished them. "I wish that my one loose hair strand was clipped," Ezra wished. Blue Toad clipped it. "I wish the life support filters in the Phantom were fixed!" Hera said. Blue Toad left and came back all greasy and smudged. "Your wish is granted," he said, rather proudly. Then he came to Kanan. "What do you wish, my good sir?" Blue Toad asked. "I wish you would leave and live a happy life in your own dimension!" Kanan said. "Your wish is granted," Blue Toad said. "Good-bye!" he blew them all a kiss and then vanished into the portal. The crew looked to E. Gadd, who was the only one left. "Unodo uno papa!" E.Gadd babbled and hopped into the portal. Then the portal vanished. The machine was left.
"Well, that was fast," Kanan remarked. "I actually can't believe they're gone," Hera said. "After all, the ship really was quite interesting with all those Toads." She actually seemed a little sad. "Don't be sad, Hera," Sabine said. "We can finally live a peaceful rebel life now, like we used to!" Zeb was tired. He went back to his bedroom and destroyed every little Gaddget there. Then he went to bed.
"I guess I'll go sleep, too," Kanan said. But, suddenly, the ramp opened from nowhere, and the Inquisitor jumped into the Ghost! Everybody shrieked because no there were no Toads to save them. The Inquisitor sat there, laughing evilly for twenty hours. Kanan whipped out his lightsaber, but the Inquisitor punched it out of his hand. It flew into the bathroom, so who knew what it's fate was. The Inquisitor advanced on the crew, who was now very worried because Kanan was defenseless. Ezra whipped out his lightsaber, but the Inquisitor took it with the Force and threw it into the bathroom as well. Sabine and Hera blasted at him, but he deflected their blasts. "We're all doomed!" Ezra squeaked.

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