2: Grasslands, Dishes and Strangers

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One completely ordinary morning in the plains of Lothal, the Ghost sat a safe distance outside of Capital City. A bedroom door opened. Ezra, Jedi apprentice, walked out, exhausted from sleeping. He yawned and stretched his arms. He was restless, because all night he had been feeling antsy and he didn't know why. He walked into the common room where Sabine was playing Super Smash Crew by herself. "Hey, Sabine, have you seen Kanan?" he asked. "No, I only got up an hour or so ago," Sabine replied. "Huh," said Ezra. He went into the kitchen, where Hera was sitting there, drinking. "Sup, Hera," Ezra said. "Sup," Hera replied absent-mindedly. "What's so absent-minded with you?" asked Ezra. "I don't know," replied Hera. "Whatever," Ezra said and walked away, ending their conversation. He headed to Kanan's room. On his way there, something out the window caught his eye: a strange purple light far away, pulsing and seeming to give off an electric glow. It was very faint, but appeared very unnatural. "HOLY MOTHER OF LIGHTSABERS!" Ezra rushed to tell Hera what he had seen.

Mario awoke on top of a giant heap of Toads. They were all squirming and chattering in that toad way. Peach was lying, motionless, next to Mario. She was vibrating with all the Toads moving underneath her. Mario looked around for Luigi, but didn't see him. He stumbled to his feet, and, looking around, wondered if this was really where King Boo had planned for them to go. It didn't seem very...evil. It didn't have a black void for a sky. It didn't have creepy music, or strange laughter, or anything typical of King Boo's dimensions. There was nothing but a plain grassland; they were in the middle of nowhere. He noticed a small, gray shape - maybe a building - looming on the horizon. He wondered if that was where they were supposed to go. He thought about turning and going back into the portal, but it had burped and vanished.
Peach coughed and sat up. She looked around and seemed terrified. "Where are we?" she asked. The toads underneath them squirmed in response, so she and Mario quickly jumped down. Suddenly Mario remembered. "Where's Luigi?"
Suddenly a toad flew off the pile as if in response and Luigi pulled himself out of the Toad hunk. He just stood and stared in silence at Mario and Peach for a couple minutes. Then he exploded. "Bro, how could you?" he yelled. Mario just raised up his hands in the take-it-easy way. "You ditched me! You kept a-clinging on to that railing like you loved it! You didn't even say anything! You left me to King Boo's wrath! Just in case you don't remember, I've a-saved you a couple times from King Boo's wrath myself!" he kept on going. Mario interrupted, though.
"What was I supposed to do?"
"Something!" Luigi crossed his arms.
Mario sighed. "I'm sorry, Weegee."
"Sorry for what? Leaving me to the Booyard?"
"What does that mean?"
"It MEANS the Boneyard! Graveyard! Cemetery! Call it what you like!" Luigi yelled. Then he took a long sigh.
Peach pushed in between the bros. "Nobody needs to blame anybody. Why don't we check out that thing on the horizon?" she said, pointing to the thing Mario had seen earlier. And so they started off for it, after putting all the Toads on their feet. And Luigi stared at Mario the whole entire way.
They did need to find help, after all; they appeared to be stranded. It could all very well have been a trap of King Boo's, but this didn't seem at all like something he would do.

"Heraaa! Yo, HERAAAAA!" screeched Ezra as he flew into the kitchen. He crashed into the counter and fell onto the floor, sending an avalanche of dishes onto his head. While he was laying on the floor being bashed by dishes, Hera just stared at him normally and took a sip of her drink. Once the avalanche was over, Ezra got up as if nothing had happened at all. "I saw something weird and purple out there," he said. "Hey, watch what you say, kid," Zeb growled, overhearing as he passed by. "Where?" replied Hera. "Outside. The window," Ezra said shortly. Hera heaved herself up. "Aaauuurrghh!" she groaned as if she weighed ten tons. Ezra led her to the window. He bumped into Kanan on the way. He was sent flying backwards, bumping into Hera, who was also sent flying backwards. Kanan just fell where he was. "What gives, Ezra?" Kanan yelled. "I was showing Hera the window," Ezra replied. Kanan sighed. "Hera already knows what the window is like," he said. Then he got up and walked away to play Super Smash Crew. Ezra looked out the window. Hera did too. "Ezra, I don't see anything," she said. "Well, I did," Ezra replied. But Hera had already had enough. "You mean to tell me you made me get up just to look at dumb Lothal?" she yelled. She turned and went back to the kitchen. Ezra sighed. Obviously, Hera and Kanan had woken up on the wrong side of the galaxy. He peered out the window hopefully again. Sure enough, this time he saw a large group of figures walking through the tall grass, heading towards the Ghost. They were already pretty close. Three of the figures were tall, but the rest were very short. Ezra, once again, rushed to tell Hera what had NOW appeared.

Peach, Mario, Luigi, and the huge group of Toads finally neared the gray building to find it was some sort of ship – the kind of contraption Bowser might build. "You think we will find help in there?" asked a random Toad. "Maybe," Mario said before anybody else could. They walked up to what they thought was the 'door'. "How do we get in?" asked Blue Toad. Gathering her courage, Peach knocked on the ramp.
"Coming," Said a voice on the other side. Everbody looked at each other nervously. The door slowly opened and a ramp lowered in front of them. At the top stood a tall guy in green with a holster strapped around his leg. "What the frick!" he yelled when he saw them and retreated back into the ship, leaving the ramp down. Everybody looked at each other, confused. There was no doubting it. "We're in another dimension!" exclaimed Luigi.

Ezra ran into the kitchen and crashed into the pile of dishes on the floor that was already waiting. "Hera!" he yelled, once he had gotten up. "There's some people coming towards us! I saw them!" he yelled. Hera groaned and got up. They went to the window. They didn't see anything. "For the love of crud, Ezra," Hera said. "If you're hallucinating, just say so."
"I'm not hallucinating!" replied Ezra. Suddenly Kanan came running down the hall and took everybody down. "Ow," Ezra said. "Some weird people just knocked at the ramp! I didn't know what to make of it! I suggest we take off immediately!" Kanan gushed out. Hera looked at Ezra. Ezra looked at Hera, and narrowed his eyes smartly. Hera got up, grabbed Kanan's arm, and lugged him to the ramp. "Let me go!" Kanan yelled at Hera. "No," replied Hera. She went right out to the ramp, and let go of Kanan.
The group of people was still standing there. Only three were human. There were two rather short men with mustaches, looking similar enough to be brothers, especially because they were both wearing coveralls and odd-looking hats. Then there was a yellow-haired lady who looked like a princess in an elaborate pink dress with an expensive-looking crown on her head. They were joined by what looked like a thousand little guys of another species, very short, adorable, and bearing resemblance to mushrooms. They were all very gaudily colorful and cut a comical sight.
They stared at Hera and Kanan. Hera and Kanan stared at them. Kanan wanted to turn, but didn't because he knew Hera had an iron grip. Then Hera said, "Hi, there. Can we help you?"
Mario, Peach, and Luigi exchanged glances, none of them wanting to talk first. The man who'd opened the door had returned with a strange-looking woman. She was dressed like a pilot of some sort, but the thing that really made them stare was her head: instead of hair, she had two long tail-like tentacles coming out of her head, and on top of that, her skin was green!
"Oh...um...yes," Peach said uncertainly. "We seem to be lost...actually, I think we're in the wrong dimension," she told her, glancing at Mario, who nodded.
Hera frowned, not understanding. "You mean you're from another dimension?" She and Kanan exchanged incredulous looks. "Where exactly?"
"Well...we hail from the Mushroom Kingdom," Peach replied. "Where are we?"
Hera, still frowning thoughtfully, shook her head. "I'm not familiar with that name," she looked at Kanan, who shrugged. "Well, you're on Lothal, several clicks outside of Capital City. How...did you get here?" she asked curiously.
"Well, we were...we were sucked through a portal," the blonde-haired girl said matter-of-factly. Now the shorter of the two brothers stepped forward. "An old enemy created the portal and sent us through," he explained. Hera and Kanan blinked at his heavy accent, but the girl in pink didn't notice. She turned and pointed off into the field. "We landed out there...and then the portal disappeared." She turned back and looked at them. "Can you help us?"
"You're certainly not from around here," Hera murmured, studying them. She crossed her arms, deep in thought. She was reluctant, but she knew what was the right thing to do. "I'm afraid I don't know how to get you back," she said apologetically. "But there must be a way." She looked at all the little mushroom people and hesitated, but just for a second. "For now, you'd better come aboard."
"WHAT!" Kanan said, as if he totally expected Hera to send them on their way. "Well, I guess I should've expected you to do something like that." Then Hera turned and led the way into the Ghost. Kanan followed her, rather mad at what had just happened in the last few seconds. "Wait until Ezra sees all this..." he said, under his breath.

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