8: Painting, Video Games, and Sleeping

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Zeb and Sabine looked at each other. "So...what do we do?" asked Sabine.
"Let's paint something!" shouted a Toad, and he was responded with loud chattering of agreeing Toads. Surprised, Sabine said, "Well, I've got some paints they can use...But not in here. Hera would have a bantha if the Ghost got trashed."
Peach and Zeb herded the Toads outside and Sabine went to get her paint. Then they handed over the buckets and pretty much let the Toads have their way on the ground. Peach, Zeb and Sabine basically stood and watched. After awhile, Chopper came out. He saw the nonsense painted all over the ground and the messy Toads. He sat there scolding them in a way they couldn't understand for about thirty seconds, then a Toad threw a paintball at him. So Zeb and Sabine sighed, then helped Peach and the Toads clean him up. After that they took a hose to the paint-covered Toads. They nevertheless didn't want to still be out there when Hera got home.
When that was finally over with, Zeb headed back to his room. He heard strange noises and banging coming from inside, so he opened the door. There was Mario hanging from the light fixture, an activated beam sword in his hand. Luigi was on one of the top bunks, beam sword upraised in a striking position. They both froze when Zeb came in. "I don't want to know," he said after a moment, and got in his bunk.

Outside, when Hera approached the ship, she saw the ground littered with bright colors. Frowning, she walked along, looking at everything: there were mushrooms, flowers, stars, and other weird things she couldn't identify. She also reognized some pictures of Toads themselves, along with Mario, Luigi, and Peach, plus some other strange creatures. Just then a Toad came out of the ship. "Miss Hewa! Look what we painted!"
The Toad took her along, showing everything. "Here's some super mushrooms, and fire flowers, and here's Yoshi, and Bowser, and Daisy and Peach and Mario and Luigi! And look, here's you and Kanan and all your crew! And here's us all together," he finished proudly. Hera studied it and smiled sadly. "These are your friends, aren't they," she said. The Toad nodded. "I can't wait to see them again!"
'So innocent,' Hera thought. 'We have to get them back where they belong.'

In Kanan's room, Kanan and Ezra were engaged in a fierce battle of Super Smash Crew. "Let's do this," Ezra said darkly.
"Your mistake," Kanan replied.
"HA! Take that!" Ezra shrieked, jumping up in his excitement.
"You have much to learn, my very young Padawan," Kanan told him.
"What the...?!" Ezra frowned, but it soon turned to a dirty smile. "TASTE MY LOTH-CAT!!!!"
"AAAHHH!!" Kanan screamed as if he could actually feel it.
"When we first started I was but the learner, but now I am the master," Ezra said, flicking his controller arrogantly.
"You deceive yourself!" Kanan shouted. "Strong you are with the Force, - BUT NOT THIS STRONG!" Kanan launched a final smash at him and Ezra got KO'd.
"You will live to regret this night," Ezra told him. "Or maybe you won't!"
"You lack training and discipline," Kanan taunted him.
"Hey – like Master, like Padawan," Ezra retorted.
"Very funny, kid," Kanan said. "But your slingshot is no match for my lightsaber!"
"Maybe," Ezra said cockily. "But that's no match for my lightsaber! Eat my-"
Ezra stopped mid-sentence when he heard Hera say, "I'm home!" They quickly pulled the plug on their game rushed into the common room, where Hera was holding bags of food and cans of fuel-in-a-can. "Sup!" Kanan said to her. "Sup," she replied. She set down the food and the Toads swarmed into the bags and came out holding fruits and veggies. Hera went to refuel the ship. Kanan went and found her. "Hey, a lot of the food was eaten," he said, poking her headtail. "Don't you want some?" he asked. Hera poured the last of a gas can, and then turned around. "I don't know," she said. "You should stop saying that," Kanan replied, leaning with one hand against the wall and crossing his feet. Hera put on another Ahsoka-look. "What?" Kanan asked. "You should be able to tell whether or not you want food!" he said. Hera sighed. "Oh, Kanan, I'm tired," she said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "O-kay, that was random," Kanan said. "Can't we sleep?" asked Hera, putting her head on his shoulder and closing her eyes. "I'm not especially tired," Kanan said, "but, okay!" He leaned his head on hers, and there they slept, standing up.
Kanan stirred in his standing-up sleep, which stirred Hera. They both popped their eyes open, and got off each other. "What happened?" Kanan asked, rubbing his eyes. "We fell asleep," Hera replied. "Oh, yeah, because you wanted to," Kanan remembered. Hera glanced at a clock. "We were sleeping for eight hours," she said. "Now it's night."
Kanan yawned. "That's unfortunate," he said. "Hopefully everyone's sleeping," he added. Hera went over the ladder and started climbing. But because she was sleepy she accidentally lost her grip and fell off the ladder, almost from the very top. "Yi!" Kanan yelled and ran to catch her, but he didn't catch her, she fell on top of him and smooshed him into the floor. "Oof," Kanan said underneath Hera, mostly because the blow hadn't been very suffocating. Hera got off of Kanan. "Thanks for the save," she said and starting climbing. Kanan climbed after her, in case she fell again. When they got to the top, Toads were littered everywhere, sleeping. All of their crew was also sleeping; Zeb was on the couch snoozing, Toads clinging to him, and Ezra had conked out on the floor, draped against the Dejarik table. Kanan walked over to Ezra, and took something out of his hand. "What's that?" asked Hera sleepily. "It's wine," Kanan said. "They were drinking WINE!!???" Hera yelled, shooting out of her sleepy trance. "I think they fed it to the Toads so they would get drunk and go to sleep," Kanan replied. Hera calmed down. "Maybe," she said. "C'mon, let's go sit in the cockpit," she randomly said and yanked Kanan into the cockpit where she sat him down in the passenger seat. They stared at the dark blue night sky of Lothal for a while. Little black lumps littered the fields. They were sleeping Loth-cats. Kanan and Hera started feeling tired again. They fell asleep in their chairs.

"Our crews are sleeping in a field," King Boo told the Inquisitor.
"Really? They don't even have a ship?" the Inquisitor asked.
"No, dumby, of course they have a ship!" King Boo scowled.
"Oh," The Inquisitor sadly said and zapped on the TV.
"Hey, I thought we were done watching that!" King Boo said as he scribbled on a dry-erase board. "Well, we're not," The Inquisitor said. Imperial guys were shooting womp rats on TV. "Watcha drawin'?" the Inquisitor asked. "A picture of a Boo," King Boo replied. "Ah," the Inquisitor said. "I'm tired," he added. "Really? You haven't slept in ages!" King Boo replied.
"What are you talking about? That didn't make any sense," The Inquisitor said.
"I thought your species says that they're tired when they're feeling spritely," King Boo said. "No, I'm actually tired!" the Inquisitor yelled. "Let's go to sleep," he said and zapped off the TV. He laid down on the couch. King Boo came over and plunked himself on the floor. He closed his eyes, even though he didn't need sleep. 'The Inquisitor will never be ready to do anything evil,' he thought with dissatisfaction as the Inquisitor started filling the room with snarfing snoring.

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