1.4 Onslaughts and Exiles

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The cargo hold exploded in a mess of blood as Xacks triggered the auto airlock, catching the suited man mid stride. The steel doors were designed as a safety measure to protect the people inside, closing regardless of obstacles. The sudden blast of air as they shut, accompanied with a spray caused the three armed men to turn. As it turns out, it was the wrong way to face as bullets ripped into their backs. Knapp had never been shy about using his gun, while on the force he had been involved in numerous shootings and had even been investigated. It wasn't even his first time firing at the law, the bullets from his desert eagle finding their mark and ending two lives. The third soldier felt the brunt of Scott's scatter gun, it tore through the side of his head killing the man instantly and spreading his brain across the wall. Within a second Xacks had the remaining man off Dana and dangling by his throat. 

"Do you have backup?" He spoke, trying hard not to revert to his native tongue.  

"Yes." The man hissed, struggling to breathe. 

"How many?" Xacks snarled  

"Two more units and a blazer cannon, in case you try to take off." The man croaked. 

Xacks dropped the man roughly, snatching his gun as he did. Unfurling his lower arms from his back he checked the rifle, while his top two focused on using the remote tablet to prep the ship.  

"Fuck." Knapp said inspecting the remains of the man's arm and leg hanging out of the door. "What was I just saying about not cleaning up after you." He lay it on Dana "You owe me and I only take cash." 

"Fine." She replied. "But if you want to see it, you had better keep me alive." 

Knapp snarled but he knew that she had him there, at least he would be able to name his price and killing officials was not going to come cheap. 

"So what is your smart ass plan for getting us out of this?" Knapp demanded. 

"My plan is to let you handle it." Dana smiled, rolling to her blood sprayed back and pulling the cuffs around her legs, bringing them up in front of her. 

"You fucking bitch!" Knapp was mad before, now he was totally riled. "You better start by telling us who we are up against then."  

"That would be the prime minister elect Johnathan Botony." Dana replied meekly. 

"The fucking nutsack of a politician we are all running away from." Scott spoke holding out his stubs of fingers, now that they weren't bleeding. "So which was he, your boss or your boyfriend?" 

"Both actually." She grimaced a little at the thought. 

"So you can make a call and get us all out of this mess then?" Knapp sprouted, sizing a glimmer of hope.  

"I seriously doubt that he is just going to let you all go. You guys seriously have no idea how fucked this guy is." Dana crushed his hopes while searching the dead bodies for keys. "I don't know how they found me but If they know where we are, then we have to move, and soon."  

"Well sweet heart, with that cannon just waiting to blow us out of the sky I don't see how." Knapp was just about to make a sarcastic suggestion when a flash happened, followed by a brief period of weightlessness. After a minute the central boson adjuster came online, sending everyone crashing back to the floor.  

"What the fuck was that?" Knapp demanded of Xacks, who had just reappeared. 

"I got us away." He clicked proudly still brandishing the machine gun with his lower arms. "We are in space now, so do put your safetys on. I will use the first person to breach the hull as a cork." 

"What happened? How did we get from the hangar to space? Are we in orbit?" Dana barraged him with questions. 

"I don't see it as any of your business. The way I see it you have twice as much cleaning up to do." He said motioning to the corpses which had gone on their own space walks, leaving trails of blood to track their paths. 

"I think we all want some answers." Scott piped in.  

"Well." Xacks started. "I used an inter dimensional trick to teleport us." 

"To where?" Scott asked patiently 

"No fucking idea, if I'm being honest, and I am." Xacks clicked, obviously just having topped up on the good stuff. 

"You will have to do better than that." Knapp was passed riled now and well into exasperation land. 

"How?" Dana interjected. 

"You know about the multiverse right?" Xacks ignored Knapp and focused on Dana. "Well if you stopped being on earth, let's say you step from the earth into another universe. But then you step back again in exactly the same spot, right. Well the earth is no longer there, is it. It's three thousand something miles away. Get it?" 

"So we are three thousand miles from earth?" Scott asked not quite grasping the concept. 

"Not exactly." Dana said filling him in. "Depending on what universe you jump to and what direction they are spinning will determine the distance. 

"So how far out are we?" Knapp butted in still pissed that he had been ignored. 

"We are in a planetary system now so I've run a search on known planets and none of them match anything in the computer" Xacks let fly as if it were nothing. "I can plot star positions to work it out, but it will take time."  

"So basically we are lost?" Dana sighed with relief. Her boss could hardly find her, if even she didn't know where she was. 

"I'm bringing us in to orbit the closest habitable planet now." Xacks concluded. 

"This is fucking tops, she gets us a wanted status and you get us fucking lost. I don't see how this could be any more fucked up if I wanted it to be. 

"Failure to follow instructions from an official." Boomed the Andy who had been quiet this whole time. "Discharge of a fire arm upon an official. Failure to disclose parasite infection. Taking of illegal substances. Failure to acquire inter dimensional permit." He trailed off as everyone stared at him. "My apologies, It seems I am yet to develop a good sense of humor. Please forgive this failed attempt."

His outburst was followed with an eerie silence before Xacks burst into a series of deep clicking laughter. After about a minute everyone was smiling, even Knapp had to lighten up when the pilot opened the blast shutters and the view of a blue green planet appeared in the window. Wherever they were, at least they were away from the madness that was plaguing the earth. The only person not smiling was the soldier, who had dragged himself into a corner and sat hunched over waiting for his fate to bite his ass off.

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