7.3 Crashing in a Back Door

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The alien ship's thrusters fired as it shifted dimensions. At best it softened the impact as the stationary craft was suddenly propelled forwards from an external force. The external force being the spin of the planet that had effectively just crashed into them. Like a bug on a windshield they were stuck, propelled along with the planet. It had been a heavily calculated move on Zero's part and had taken more than a day of calculations, followed by another day of cross referencing independent data. It seemed to have paid off though and all systems now showed them squarely in the mess hall of the enemy base.

Alien forces had no time to react before the ship appeared and quickly became a twisted flaming wreckage. Most died when the space they were occupying was suddenly filled with hot metal craft, others were torn apart or spread like jam, as the ship slid the short distance left in the room, only to crash into the back wall. The rooms automatic fire extinguishers did their best to extinguish those on fire as their flesh melted away regardless.

Inside the wreckage Zero checked for Dana's life signs. The tick pod she had taken refuge in was designed to withstand severe impacts, although not specifically being hit with a planet. When her vitals checked out he did a quick manual test with Scott, moving his arms and legs, inspecting for damages. The worst of his previous wounds had already healed and Zero put the zombie at about ninety percent efficiency.

The ship on the other hand was a complete and total wreck, the thruster, not withstanding the impact, had torn loose of its supports, ripping the ship apart. There would be no escape using this vessel, there was no way it would support life in space and Zero was doubtful it would even survive a dimension jump. The plan had never been to escape anyway, by Zero's calculations, they stood a better chance if it were all or nothing. Given they could disrupt the organization enough, there was always a chance that an option to escape would present itself at a later time.

Without dwelling too much on suicidal thoughts, Zero unsecured his metal body and detached from the hard link. Without the ships extra processing power he would be less efficient, but it was a necessary step. With a little luck he would be able to draw on some of the enemy's computing power and his first mission priority was to connect directly their system. Checking to see Dana was still secure he released the tic, sending the smaller craft crashing free of the burning wreckage and embedding it in a wall. With that done, he checked his weapon, too heavy for human use he'd added a counterbalance. Combined with a heavy shield, he stood a reasonable chance, given that things went partially to plan. Abandoning the burning wreck, he made his way into the base.

The mess hall was connected directly to the barracks and it seemed the destruction had overflowed into the adjacent area. Those who hadn't evacuated were either dead from heat and flying debris, or too wounded to move freely. Zero passed the moaning bodies without guilt, the wounded would only serve to hinder their efforts against him, so he let them live rather than end their suffering. Ahead of him someone scuffled amongst the overturned beds, fireing a  pneumatic shot, it whistled through the air and  found its mark, punching a hole in the creatures brain. The base should have been on high alert if the data was still accurate and Zero felt a sense of satisfaction as the end of the room opened up, giving access a heavily armed response squad.

The shield took a pummeling as the enemy opened fire, the mech body barely covered as it crouched behind it. Rather than risk taking damage, he let them attempt solid projectile fire, always a first choice in battle, most things fell to the sheer onslaught of such weapons. Zero instead chose plasma in return, spewing the hot substance over his foes. The ones he didn't hit we're kept busy trying desperately to extinguish their companions and regroup. When the drumming of their bullets on his shield had almost ceased to be replaced with panicky calls and screams, he dared a glance. The armed squad had abandoned their formation in a vain attempt at damage control. With their guard down they stood no chance and Zero mowed them down without mercy, his own projectiles finding enough uncovered flesh to end them.

Advancing he took the time to see each one off this plane of existence, not wanting to leave any options for recourse. Beyond them in the long hall was a second team and although Zero had no connection with the Zombie body, he recognized the handy work as these too bled out in a spectacular fashion. Not having essential data, on what were surely his own kills frustrated the mech as he abandoned the shield to check each body carefully, and it was only when he was sure that they were all beyond causing harm to himself or his mission that he moved on.

Further on the corridor became a tangled mess of mutilation and Zero was happy to be moving away from the main trunk. The part of him separated by the cloak seemed to be doing well, but the fact that he hadn't rejoined this frame of reference and declared a victory could only mean trouble. There was still Dana and the chance her cloak had succeeded where the Zombie had failed, but again there was no possible way to know until he could confirmed it for himself.

Reaching his destination Zero found the lack of resistance disturbing, it didn't fit with the data he had on the organization and he could think of only unsavory reasons why it would be left unguarded. Chalking the whole mess up to those unseen variables he continued as planned, saving his worrying for when something did happen and not before.

Connecting directly, Zero was part way through corrupting and crippling the enemy system when he felt the first blips. They happened instantaneously and changed the whole game, he had been a fool to think they were unprepared for such an assault. They had been preparing since the moment he first gained access all those weeks ago. They knew whoever had managed to steal their secrets had a skill and that the skill could be transferred electronically. All the chasing and insidious attempts at retrieving their data had hidden their other purpose, to contain the device which had broken through in the first place.

This was a trap set for him with the goal of stealing his freedom and forcing him to do their bidding. With all the power they had, the company still wanted more, and they were prepared to kill and have their people killed in any number to achieve such a goal. With no confirmation of mission success from either himself or Dana, Zero's thoughts of self preservation falted as he considered his options. And with no other means available to the electronic being he put in motion the only intelligent response that had any hope, even if it was to mean his own demise.

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