Chapter 11 - The Plan

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They were somewhere near Bora-Bora when they crashed the jet into the ocean. Vladimir sustained a small scratch on his forearm when they evacuated, but otherwise miraculously there were no injuries. Except, of course, for an unfortunate whale, who was one of the last living members of his extremely endangered species, and who decided to surface for air at the exact wrong moment and got splattered by the extremely expensive high-tech jet that fell unexpectedly out of the sky.

As fate would have it they were picked up by a passing fishing trawler within twenty minutes. Marvin ended up commandeering it by default when he attempted to give the captain a high five for rescuing them. The captain wasn't expecting it and got hammered in the face by Marvin's palm. The sheer momentum of the unintentional slap knocked the captain overboard and he bounced off the side of the ship a couple times before belly flopping into the ocean and then immediately getting eaten by a shark.

"Oops," Marvin said.

The remaining crew were terrified of this strange band of pirates that had invaded their boat and agreed to do whatever Marvin said. He couldn't resist making them crawl around on the floor and bark like dogs. Then he had them sing and dance the Macarena.

It took him a long time to get tired of that before he realized he should probably have them steer the ship to Dr. Magnus's island lair, which Meth Girl assured him wasn't too far away once she smoked some more meth and recharged her tracking powers.

It took about an hour before they neared a small unassuming island that wasn't listed on any charts. They had all brainstormed on the flight and had concluded that the best idea they had collectively come up with as far as plans of attack was "winging it."

Marvin made a spur of the moment decision that they should utilize the element of surprise, so rather than attempt a beach landing, he had the crew anchor the boat offshore so the team could jump in the water and swim stealthily and hopefully undetected to the island.

Unfortunately he miscalculated the distance and the strength of the current and it ended up taking them another hour and a half to reach land, whereupon he realized Ninja Frank had gotten lost and was swimming in the opposite direction, so he had to go back out and fetch him. Also it turned out Meth Girl didn't know how to swim at all and nearly drowned until Marvin gave her a ride on his back.

"Maybe we should have used one of those dinghies they had on board the boat," Steve suggested once everyone was finally on the beach and accounted for.

"They had dinghies on the boat?" Marvin asked.

"Yeah, like four of them," Steve said. "They were pretty big, too. We probably all could have fit in one of them. Probably would have saved a lot of time and effort."

"Huh," Marvin said. "That definitely would have been useful. Everybody looks exhausted. I propose we take a five minute breather and get our bearings."

"And look at the time," Steve said as he checked his watch. "4:20. Time to get our smoke on." He took his bong out of a little waterproof ziploc baggie he'd shoved in his jacket and lit up.

Meth Girl also took the opportunity to smoke some more meth. Partially to help them pinpoint Dr. Magnus, but mostly because she wanted to get really high on meth.

Ninja Frank sat cross legged on the sand and attempted some meditation exercises while Vladimir flopped himself on his back and gasped for breath.

Marvin hit the bong and then took a moment to survey the scene. They were on a sandy white beach with a jungle behind them. A small mountain rose up from the center of the vegetation. Out in the ocean, the fishing trawler was clearly visible and he came to the realization that he probably should have had them anchor it even further out.

After everyone had a few minutes to gather themselves, Marvin pulled them into a circle to figure out their next move.

"All right, Meth Girl, where's Dr. Magnus?"

"Hang on," she slurred. "Feeling a little funny. Think that might have been a bad batch of meth. I can feel him a little bit. Off in that direction." She pointed towards the jungle.

"Yeah, I figured he was somewhere that way. There's nowhere else to go. You think you could be a little more specific?"

"Hey, I got us to this island, didn't I?" Meth Girl snapped at him.

"I know where he is," Vladimir said, still panting heavily. "This is where my D&D experience will come to good use. You always want to build your fortress on the most defensible ground. It'll be on top of that mountain. With any luck, there'll be some sort of hidden back entrance we can use to get inside."

"Sounds good," Marvin said. "Well, I don't see any reason to dilly-dally around here. The clock's ticking and that guy's probably going to launch his nuke at any minute. Don't forget we're the good guys and we're here to save the day!"

They all put their hands into the middle of the circle and yelled "Disruptors!" Then they charged headlong into the jungle where they were ambushed almost immediately by a pack of mimes.

"What the heck are these clowns doing here?" Steve asked. "And why do they all look like they're trapped inside of invisible boxes?"

"They're not clowns," Vladimir said. "They're mimes."

"What's the difference? They're wearing white face paint and acting like fools. Is it because they're wearing berets and striped shirts? Wait a minute, are these French clowns???"

"Not exactly," Vladimir said. "Although many people associate mime with French culture, it is actually an ancient artform, much like the way of the ninja that our colleague Frank practices. It dates back to the Greeks and the Romans, although to be fair, it was in France where mime truly flourished. I think we ought to tread carefully here, guys. They appear harmless for now, but there's no telling what they might be capable of. Stupid, Vladimir, stupid. I should have known from my D&D training that the evil warlock wouldn't leave his citadel unguarded. This Dr. Magnus is some kind of warlock, right?"

"Something like that," Marvin said. "I think he's, like, a scientist or something."

"Well, did I ever tell you about my 200th level magic user character I played in my longest running D&D campaign? His name was Golroth and he could use the energy source of life itself to alter reality."

"That's pretty cool," Marvin said. "Can you do that, like, now?"

"I wish," Vladimir scoffed. "If Golroth were here he'd make short work of this creep. My point is that some things are stronger than science. Like magic."

"We don't have magic," Steve said. "We've got a bunch of French clowns staring us down."

"Mimes," Vladimir corrected.

"Well, whatever these guys are, they're making me feel irrationally angry for some reason," Steve said.

One mime had approached him and pretended to find a loose thread in his jacket which it pantomimed pulling out. It acted like the thread was ridiculously long and it had to keep pulling and pulling on it with no end in sight.

"Hey! Cut that out!" Steve shouted.

Another mime walked up to Steve and pretended to lick an imaginary ice cream cone. It then offered the cone to Steve.

"No thanks, dude. I don't want your germ infested imaginary ice cream that you licked."

The mime shrugged and took a few more licks of its non-existent cone. Then it pretended to turn the cone upside down and smash it on top of Steve's head.

"That's it! No one dumps fake ice cream on me and gets away with it. Steve's gonna punch himself a mime!" He took a swing and connected with the mime's jaw. He immediately grasped his hand in pain as a loud metallic sounding clang rang out. "Ow, that thing's face is hard as a rock!"

The mime responded by curling its white gloved hand into a fist and then it punched Steve in the stomach. He fell to the ground with the wind knocked out of him.

"Hey!" Marvin shouted. "That's my bro you just punched! You're going to regret that!" Marvin wound up and hit the mime in the face with everything he had.

The mime's head popped off and went flying into the jungle in a shower of electrical sparks. The body remained standing upright for a moment with various wires protruding from the severed neck before Meth Girl walked up and gave it a solid shove in the chest. The headless body tipped over and began flailing on the ground.

"I'll be damned," Vladimir said. "They're not actual mimes! They're mime robots!"

"Then we can beat the crap out of them with no remorse!" Marvin shouted. "Come on, Disruptors! Don't hold back!" Marvin grabbed the nearest robot and ripped it in half with his bare hands.

Ninja Frank pulled out a pair of nunchucks and began twirling them around in a blur of motion. It was a pretty impressive display until he managed to whack himself in the face. A mime ran up from the side and managed to yank the nunchucks from his hand while he was still in a daze.

Vladimir tackled another robot and used his weight advantage to wrestle it to the ground. Then he grabbed a nearby rock and bashed its head in.

Steve was still trying to catch his breath on the ground and wasn't contributing much to the ongoing battle.

Meth Girl seemed to be holding her own against a pair of robots that were closing in on her from either side, while Marvin grabbed another one and ripped its arms off.

Ninja Frank recovered from his self-inflicted injury and decided it was time to pull out the big guns. He unsheathed his ninja katana sword and lopped the head off the nearest mime.

Everyone got splattered by an explosive gush of blood.

"Uh, looks like they're not all robots," Ninja Frank said. "That one was a real mime."

"Well, he shouldn't have been hanging out with a bunch of robot mimes then, should he?" Marvin said. "I think he brought that on himself."

Meth Girl bashed the heads together on the last two mimes and the Disruptors found themselves victorious on the field of battle.

"Way to go, team!" Marvin shouted. "I don't know why my brother complains all the time. Being a superhero is easy!"

That was when they got attacked by a twenty-foot tall robot bear.

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