Chapter 16 - The Ceremony

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Marvin was checking himself out in the full length mirror and he had to concede he liked what he saw. He'd never worn a suit before in his entire life, but it seemed like the thing to do when you were about to receive a medal from the President of the United States.

He was turning around to take another peek at how his butt looked in the suit when the door burst open and Megafantasic Man came into the room.

"Oh, hey, bro!" Marvin called out. "You made it!"

"Indeed I have," Megafantastic Man. "I had just returned from my mission to the deepest depths of space when I heard the news and rushed over here."

"Or yeah, how'd that whole thing go?"

"Disaster of an incalculable magnitude was averted, thanks to me. Justice Woman and Chicken Man helped a little, but if we're being honest, it was mostly me. I had a sit down with the leaders of Frz and Qiron and I convinced them to halt hostilities while we conducted further investigations. I got the Frzian scientists to run a trace on their diplomat's spaceship and they discovered he had never made it to Qiron at all."

"He hadn't?" Marvin asked.

"No. Interestingly enough they discovered he had actually come to Earth where some unidentified villain lied to him and convinced him he was on Qiron and set the whole war into motion. Frz and Qiron then wanted to team up and launch a joint invasion of Earth, but I deterred them from that notion. I can be very convincing when I put my mind to it. Nonetheless, I assured them I wouldn't rest until the diabolical fiend who caused all the trouble in the first place was found and brought to justice. Whoever he is, he's going to rue the day he was born when I'm finished with him."

"Gee, that's super interesting," Marvin said. "Say, did you hear that I saved the world from an evil madman with a supercharged nuclear weapon while you were gone?"

"I did, and let me say I was immensely surprised. But congratulations, Marvin. Maybe there's hope for you yet."

"I've got to tell you, I couldn't have done it without you, bro. It was like you were right there with me in my mind."

"Inhabiting space with you in your mind? Now there's a disturbing thought." Megafantastic Man shuddered.

Megafantatic Man's assistant Lester walked into the room holding a phone. "Pardon the interruption, sir, but there's a call from your father."

"Okay, I'll take it from here, Lester." Megafantastic Man said as he held out his hand.

"Actually, he wishes to speak to your brother, sir."

"Marvin?" Megafantastic Man said with a start.

"Really?" Marvin said. "He wants to talk to me?"

"That's what he said," Lester confirmed.

Marvin took the phone with a sense of nervous anticipation and held it up to his ear.

"Hello? Dad? Is that really you?"

"Hello, Marvin," his Dad's voice said from the other end of the line.

"It is you! Wow! I don't think I've ever gotten a phone call from you before. This is the best day of my life! Are you coming to my award ceremony?"

"I'm sorry, Marvin. I can't make it. I've got much more important things that require my attention. But I just wanted to call and tell you, you did good, kid."

"Oh gosh!" Marvin said. "See, I told you you'd be proud of me, didn't I, Dad? Wait. You are proud of me, right?"

"I'm proud of you Marvin. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to let you go." The line went dead with a click.

"Somebody pinch me," Marvin said. "Is this really happening? I've dreamed of this day for, literally, my entire life."

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Megafantastic Man said. "Of course, Dad's been proud of me pretty much since the day I was born so I'm pretty used to it. Still, there's nothing in the world like a small morsel of praise from Dad. Now you'd better get out there. You don't want to keep the President waiting."

The rest of the Disruptors were already on the stage when Marvin emerged from the wings. Valdimir had even gotten permission to bring his band to perform for the President. They were in the middle of their set and Vladimir was wailing on his accordion while some guy dressed as a wizard screamed into a microphone and another kid who looked like an accountant wearing a viking helmet pounded maniacally on some drums. It was the worst racket Marvin had ever heard in his life, but nothing could dampen the buzz that Marvin was feeling.

At last the band finished their sonic assault and the President took to the stage. "That was, um, fantastic. Thank you for sharing your talents with me. But now I'd like to speak to the Disruptors."

"That's us!" Steve said as he raised his hand.

"I understand the entire world owes the five of you a debt of incredible gratitude," the President said. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'd like to shake each of your hands and give you each a medal in recognition of your service."

"Hang on," Meth Girl said as she finished lighting her pipe and put it away. "Okay, my hands are free now. You can shake 'em to your heart's content."

Ninja Frank folded his hands together and bowed rather than accept the handshake. He passed it off as some sort of ancient ninja custom, but Marvin was pretty sure he'd heard Ninja Frank complaining about the President's politics before. He did accept the medal though.

Steve did one of those fancy handshakes where you end up slapping palms and bumping fists. The President was a good sport about it.

He was also a good sport when Vladimir told him he was a dead ringer for the Elven King Lhathron. He also told the President it was really cool that he was giving each of them a medal because it was totally wack when Princess Leia excluded Chewbacca at the end of A New Hope.

Finally it was Marvin's turn. "Mr. President, dude, I've got to tell you, I've been imagining this moment for a long time and I made a mental note to myself to tell you about this prison for supervillains in Northern California that could really use some more funding for security. I mean, I walked right out of that place after I inadvertently helped Dr. Magnus to escape. It's nothing a budget boost couldn't fix. So how about it? You think you could get on that? Also what do you think of the name 'Tsunami' for a superhero? I was thinking about going with that because tsunamis are super destructive like me. But I also like my old standbys 'Righteous Man' and 'Captain Asskicker.' Which one do you think sounds the coolest?"

"I think you should stick with Marvin," the President said. "Because at the end of the day it was Marvin who saved the day. On behalf of the United States, and if I may be so bold, the entire world, I just wanted to say thank you, Marvin. You're a bonafide superhero."

He hung the medal around Marvin's neck and extended his hand for a shake.

Marvin grasped his hand enthusiastically and gave it a vigorous shake. Unfortunately he was a little too enthusiastic and he heard a loud snapping sound as he squeezed the President's hand.

"Ow!" the President winced. "You just broke my hand, you moron!"

"Oops," Marvin said.

Suddenly a serious looking gray haired man in a dark suit rushed onto the stage. "Mr. President! I need to speak to you immediately!"

"I'm in a lot of pain here, Mullins. Can't it wait?"

"I'm afraid not, sir. We've just received breaking news of a dire emergency."

"Well, what is it?"

"It's the moon, sir. It just exploded."

"Oh wow," Marvin said. "Is that bad?"

"Potentially catastrophic for all life on Earth," the man called Mullins said. "Giant meteors of broken moon rock are headed this way as we speak."

"How could something like this happen?" the President asked.

" It appears to have been struck by some sort of supercharged nuclear missile."

"Huh, I wonder where something like that could have come from," Marvin said.

Megafantastic Man leaped up from the audience and landed on the stage. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation with my superpowered hearing. Those moon meteors need to be diverted or destroyed immediately. I'm on it. We'll figure out the rest of the repercussions of this situation later." He took off straight up into the air and disappeared into the sky in a blur of motion.

"Well, Disruptors," Marvin said. "It looks like we've already got our next mission. Megafantastic Man can't do this alone. And there's some new unknown villain out there who caused this. And he's going to be really unhappy he did when he has to do battle with the Disruptors. The life of a superhero is never dull, is it? Let's get a move on!"

"Can we just take a hit off the bong first?" Steve asked.

"Of course we're taking a hit off the bong first," Marvin said. "I thought that was just understood and I didn't have to say it. All right, Disruptors. First we hit the bong. Then we save the day. And evildoers everywhere better watch out because they're about to get disrupted!"

They didn't have any access to a spaceship so their ability to help with the moon situation proved to be minimal. They did have an epic adventure while waiting in line at a fast food drive-thru about an hour later, but that's a story for another time. 

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