Chapter 8 - Dad (Part 2)

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It had been five years since Marvin had set foot in his Dad's office and nothing seemed to have changed during that time. It had also been five years since he had seen Dad in person, and while the hair at his temples was perhaps even a little bit grayer than the last time, he hadn't changed much either. He still appeared to be in peak physical shape and continued to dress immaculately. And he still had the ability to intimidate Marvin like nobody else could.

Marvin had frozen in the office doorway, finding it almost physically impossible to continue in, until Megafantastic Man had given him a shove from behind, which broke the paralysis.

"Boys." Dad said curtly. "It's good to see you. Please have a seat."

Marvin obliged, taking a plain brown chair across from the desk with a decidedly hard seat cushion. His brother took a similar looking chair right next to him.

"So, Marvin," Dad spoke. "It's been five years now since you were injected with the super serum. I really thought you were about to become the most powerful being on Earth. I don't know if it was a bad batch of serum, or if you didn't follow my instructions, but somehow your powers seem to be a little muted. I'm not going to lie, I find that this turn of events is a bit of a blessing in disguise and comes as somewhat of a relief to me. Nevertheless, compared to the average person, you possess incredible abilities."

"So you're saying I'm above average? Gee, Dad, that means a lot coming from you."

"Marvin. Shut up." Dad straightened his tie and took a sip from his coffee mug. "My hope when I injected you was that you would learn a sense of responsibility and maybe finally grow up. I've been keeping tabs on you and, sadly, that does not appear to be the case at all. As such, I think it's time a more active role was taken in your management and development."

"Does that mean we're going to spend more time together?" Marvin asked. "Is there any chance we could play catch in the backyard? I always heard about the other kids doing that with their dads and it sounded really fun, but I figured it was just one of those things that only happened to other people. But now, at long last, I will know what it's like to toss a ball around with my old man."

"Marvin!" Dad snapped.

"Right. Shutting up now."

"Obviously I'm much too busy and important to involve myself in these kinds of matters. Which is why your brother is going to do it."

"Excuse me?" Megafantastic Man said with a start.

"Marvin needs supervision and instruction and you're the perfect person to do it. You know how to handle superpowers and the responsibilities that come with them."

"But Dad," Megafantastic Man whined. "I'm an important and busy man, too! Plus, I've got to be constantly saving the world and stuff! Not to mention my role as leader of the League of Scrupulousness!"

"Yes, that was the next matter I wanted to discuss," Dad said. "Marvin is to join the League of Scrupulousness effective immediately."

"Sweet!" Marvin shouted.

"As a junior probationary member," Dad finished. "That means he must be accompanied by another member of the League at all times. And I mean at ALL times. Even when he's sleeping or using the facilities."

"That sounds like a good job for Photocopy Man," Megafantastic Man said as he rubbed his chin.

"Delegate the duties however you wish," Dad said. "Ultimately, however, you will be responsible for your brother. If he fails, it will reflect badly on you and I will not be pleased. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Dad," Megafantastic Man muttered.

"Good. Now one final matter I need to discuss with you. It seems this Dr. Magnus creep that Marvin let escape is stirring up trouble. Apparently he's some sort of evil super genius and he's managed to make it back to his secret island lair. He's got it protected by some highly sophisticated cloaking devices, so we don't know its exact location yet, but I've got my top men working on it. It's only a matter of time before we pinpoint it, but for now we know it's somewhere in a remote part of the South Pacific. Dr. Magnus has threatened the world with some sort of super weapon unless thirty children are delivered to him every month. He specifically mentioned he wants chubby kids, because their faces taste better. This sicko cannot be allowed to succeed in his plans."

"You want me to put a stop to this loser right now?" Megafantastic Man said as he stood up from his chair and flexed his pectoral muscles.

"Unfortunately, there's not much we can do until we locate this bastard," Dad said. "I will keep you posted on any and all developments on that front and it will remain a matter of highest priority. In the meantime, I've just been informed there's another matter of extreme urgency that requires your attention back at the League of Scrupulousness. I don't have all of the details yet, but I understand it involves some kind of war between alien races."

"I'd better get over to headquarters right away and find out what this is about," Megafantastic Man said. "May I use the window?"

Dad pushed a button on his desk and a small portion of the window that took up the entire wall opened up. Megafantastic Man took a running start towards it and then leaped out with his arms extended in front of him and his fists clenched. He flew off into the distance and rapidly disappeared.

"Uh, wasn't he supposed to be babysitting me or something?" Marvin asked.

"Yes, I haven't forgotten about you, Marvin. There's a driver waiting for you downstairs to take you over to League Headquarters. You are dismissed."

"Yes, sir," Marvin said as he stood up and started to head for the door.


"Yes, Dad?" Marvin looked back, secretly hoping he'd see his Dad standing there with a ball and glove in his hands.

"Don't disappoint me. I've been extremely patient with you so far, but my patience has its limits and you are rapidly approaching them. I can make things very unpleasant for you if I choose to. Trust me, you don't want me to do that."

"Got it, Dad," Marvin said and walked out of the office.

He couldn't resist mashing all the buttons on the elevator again before he got off on the bottom floor.

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