Chapter 19: Dekaranger VS Legion Of Doom

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(At the Hall of Doom, the Dekaranger are ready to face the Legion of Doom)

Deka Red: All right. Let's go!

(Deka Red has a crossfire with Deathstroke, Deka Blue chases after Reverse Flash, Deka Green is attacked by Maxima, Deka Yellow avoids some of Sinestro's dagger constructs, Deka Pink is dealing with Cheetah, and Deka Master fights Ocean Master.)

Vandal Savage: It looks like we have the advantage.

????: Time to put a shock to your system, Savage!

(Then Savage and Sivana see the Teen Titans.)

Nightwing: Okay, guys. You know the plan.

Vandal Savage: Sivana, don't let them get close to the controls.

(Sivana and Donna Troy have a clash. Then Emerald wraps her Thief's respite around Static, who smirks and unleashes a shock wave which hits Emerald, shocking her. Robin and Vandal Savage have a sword clash.)

(Deka Blue is seen still chasing after Reverse Flash)

Reverse Flash: Everything worked so well. That's why the Legion of Doom allied with Union, you know. Even Ozpin imagined you Dekarangers would come.

(Then they stop running)

Reverse Flash: Not that you wouldn't have come here anyway, right, you... Hero?

(Deathstroke is running out of ammo and decides to use his sword while Deka Red does the same. And both have a sword clash.)

Deathstroke: Not bad, kid. Not bad at all.

(Maxima is still Tackling Deka Green, and then throws him down.)

Maxima: You're decades earlier to take me on.

(Sinestro is seen still shooting some dagger constructs at Deka Yellow)

Sinestro: You amuse me, human.

Deka Yellow: I'm a faunus, alien!

(Then the two have a sword clash)

(Deka Pink is seen still dealing with Cheetah, who tries to scratch her with her claws.)

(Deka Master is fighting Ocean Master as his Sword D-Vega clashes with Orm's trident)

Ocean Master: You can't win, Luthor! With the Justice League finished, the age of the surface dwellers is finally over!

Deka Master: You presume too much, Orm.

(Robin is seen still fighting Vandal Savage as Nightwing gives him a hint.)

Nightwing: Robin, listen. This Vandal Savage guy is immortal. He is basically impossible to kill.

Robin: Then I don't have to worry about restraining after all.

(Then Robin goes all out and gains the upper hand while Cyborg tries to deactivate the Space Station LOKI.)

(Doctor Sivana is seen fighting the remaining Titans, except for Nightwing. Then he release six of the seven deadly sins.)

Static: Gee, things are getting ugly.

(Deka Red is seen still fighting Deathstroke until Nightwing throws some birdarangs on the villain, catching him off guard, and then Deka Red shoots him before Nightwing finishes him with a kick in the gut.)

Deka Red: We could make a nice duo.

Nightwing: Nightwing and Deka Red, the cop wonder.

(Deka Blue is seen fighting Reverse Flash.)

Reverse Flash: Your victory will be in vain, Kevin Rose. The world will soon end. And if you're planning to blame someone, blame the Justice League. They failed with the world.

(Deka Blue tries to shoot him, but he evades)

Reverse Flash: Uh uh uh. As long as I have the speedforce, there's no way you can...

(Before finishing the sentence, Reverse Flash gets shot in his leg, and then knocked out by Yang. Then Ruby comes in.)

Ruby: Kevin, are you okay?

(Kevin remains silent)

Yang: Can't you at least...

Deka Blue: Thanks for the save. But we need to stop the Space Station LOKI before it starts shooting.

Ruby: Space Station LOKI?

(Superman is seen flying as he hears what Kevin said, and realizes what Vandal Savage was planning to do. Then he flies towards the Space Station, seeking to destroy it.)

(Deka Green punches Maxima, who punches back. Then Todoroki Freezes her legs and Momo creates a weapon to shoot her down.)

(Deka Yellow is seen using her semblance and then creates a cannon construct due to having copied Sinestro's ring as the villain does the same.)

Sinestro: You can copy your enemy's weapons and powers, huh? I underestimated you.

????: You bet you did!

(Then Coco is seen as she starts shooting Sinestro down with her Ganduja.)

Sinestro: (weakly) Curse you, humans...

(Then Sinestro falls down as Deka Yellow checks on him.)

Deka Yellow: I'm impressed he could still breathe... (to Coco) Why did you help me?

Coco: I want to show you how much we three regret our actions.

(Deka Pink is having a hard time dealing with Cheetah as she uses a cannon against the heroine. But then she feels some slashes in her body before a hit in the back of her head. Then Hibari approaches Deka Pink.)

Hibari: Are you okay, sister?

Deka Pink: Hibari...

(Then Hibari hugs her and cries.)

Hibari: I'm sorry, sister...

(Deka Master is seen still fighting Ocean Master until a spear hits the atlantean's leg, then pulls him down before Sienna Khan steps on him.)

Deka Master: Thanks, Sienna.

(Sienna smiles.)

(The Titans are having a hard time dealing with Sivana and his army until Deka Swan comes in and fights him. He tries to attack her, but she is agile and evades the attacks before kicking his face, and then Static Shock electrocutes him.)

Deka Swan: Thaddeus Sivana, for the crimes of terrorism and murdering your own brother and father...

Deka Master: Orm, for the crime of coup d'etat...

Deka Pink: Barbara Ann Minerva, for the attempt to murder Diana Prince...

Deka Yellow: Thaal Sinestro, for the crimes of terrorism and oppression on Korugar...

Deka Green: Maxima, for trying to forcefully engage Kal-El in a loveless marriage...

Deka Blue: Eobard Thawne, for the murder of Nora Allen...

Deka Red: Slade Wilson, for the various crimes of murder...

(Then the screen splits in seven)

Dekarangers: JUDGEMENT!

(Then the roulettes which show "O" or "X" is seen in front of the seven villains, and it stops on "X", which means only one thing.)

Dekarangers: Guilty!

(Then they shoot the villains and they are all trapped in the detention cards.)

Deka Red: Only Savage remains.

(Robin kicks Savage, making him fall. But due to the fact he is immortal, he survives. Cyborg manages to hack the Space Station LOKI and sets it up to self-destruct.)

Cyborg: Done!

Beast Boy: Good work, man.

Blue Beetle: What should we do with Savage?

(Then Wonder Woman comes in and wraps her lasso around Vandal Savage.)

(Meanwhile in space, Superman approaches the space station and pushes it towards the sun, causing the space station to desintegate.)

(Back to the Dekaranger Base, Batman is seen talking to Lex Luthor.)

Luthor: Bruce, this is not your fault. You knew of all people, how dangerous they can be, especially Superman.

Batman: That's what I tried to explain. But they simply refused to listen, though it will never happen. And kicked me out.

Luthor: You don't look so surprised, do you?

Batman: Everybody knows me... (walks away) and the reasons why I simply rather work alone.

(Then Kevin is seen with his family)

Kevin: I have taken my decision.

(They are about to shed tears, thinking he won't forgive them, but Kevin hugs Summer out of a sudden, much for her surprise.)

Kevin: I forgive you... For one condition.

Ruby: What could be it?

Kevin: Leave Union Academy.

Yang: We already did.

Kevin: Huh?

Yang: The way you changed made us realize that we are no better than anyone... When I found out about the Nezirangers, I was actually thinking about leaving Union.

Tai: And once Kira got caught and the remaining members of the Union ran away, we enjoyed the opportunity and left the academy.

Raven: You see, nephew. We also accepted to help the Dekarangers in order to earn your forgiveness.

(Then the entire family hugs Kevin happily, knowing that he forgave them.)

(Meanwhile, Coco and Velvet are seen talking.)

Coco: Velvet... I'm sorry...

Velvet: For what?

Coco: For not helping you when you needed...

Velvet: Well, normally I wouldn't forgive you... But I can't hate you, Fox and Yatsuhashi forever. And since you helped me, Coco... I guess we can be friends again... As for Fox and Yatsuhashi, they will still have to earn my forgiveness.

Coco: They will.

(Yagyu and Hibari are seen in the rooftop as they look at the moon.)

Yagyu: Beautiful isn't it?

Hibari: The moon, or its light shining your hair.

Yagyu: Ready to be my sister again?

Hibari: More than anything.

(Then the two exchange smiles.)

(Back to present)

(Mack and his squad check if there are survivors, but then they hear sounds of vehicles, helicopters, a jet and two planes.)

Jobb: Look.

(Then they see two Z-95 Headhunters landing. Then two clone troopers named Hawk and Warthog getting out of them. Then Red Heavy and Blue Spy are seen in the jet.)

Red Heavy: I am Union, Red Local-615.

(Then the ghosts come out of the vehicles and helicopters.)

Ghosts: We are here to help.

(Then Riley barks.)

Riley: Woof woof woof.

(Then Hesh and Logan come in)

Hesh: Riley?

Logan: What's wrong?

(Then Mack shoots something in the sky down. Then everybody checks on it.)

Gru: An Union drone?

Woods: Good thing Mack was quick enough to stop it.

(Then Riley continues barking as Mack's group move some parts and saw some different plans that the Union, the Legion of Doom and the Federation were coming up with.)

Jobb: It looks like the triple villainous alliance have thought bigger lately.

Mason: Crap...

(Gru's airship lands as Lucy, Dru, Dr. Nefario and the girls come out.)

Gru: You're supposed to keep on guard.

Lucy: I know, Gru. But you know your brother.

Dru: (offended) HEY!

(Then they check out the missions the Union, the Legion of Doom and the Federation are doing.)

Mack: Look, they have been trading weapons at the desert.

Woods: And they're even helping some terrorists.

Adler: They even have the help of Raul and someone known as The Auditor.

Bowman: Not only that. They also have an unknown prison.

Mason: A prison? Nobody ever heard about this...

(Then they get angry.)

(Back to Dekarangers Base, the Dekarangers are celebrating their victory over the Legion of Doom)

Richard: We did an excelent work today.

Kevin: Yeah, but we couldn't have done it without our friends.

Izuku: Fair enough.

(Then Hudson and Weaver come in as Mack and his squad arrive as well.)

(Some minutes later)

Richard: Since the Legion of Doom is out of picture, we still need to take care of the Union and the Federation.

Mack: Talking about it, we learned that they are working with Raul and someone known as The Auditor.

Gru: They have been trading weapons at the desert.

Woods: Not to mention that the Union has a prison nobody ever heard about.

Yagyu: If I knew that earlier, I would never bother to enroll in it.

Velvet: Me neither.

(Next day.)

(The Dekarangers and their allies, including Jaune Arc, who became Kamen RIder Blade, are prepared to go to the desert to try to stop the villainous alliance.)

(To be continued)

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