Chapter 25: A New Reunion/Legends Never Die

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(Miko Kubota, Kamen Riders Zero-One and Ex-Aid, the Soviet Union Soldiers, the Overwatch Heroes, the surviving S.H.I.E.L.D agents, the surviving Clone Troopers, Victor Reznov and his group, including Kyra and Baker come at the Dekaranger Base, they only see the Red Team, the Blue Team, the I.M.P., Mack's group, Hawk, Warthog, General Trevor "Carlson" Patterson, the US Marines, Gru and his friends. Then Alex Mason gets surprised by seeing Reznov)

Mason: Reznov?

(General Trevor "Carlson" Patterson notices the Odin symbols on Kyra and Baker)

Carlson: Are you from ODIN?

Kyra: Yes.

Gru: How did you become... well... these things?

Baker: Once we died, we went straight to hell. Then we made a deal with the king of hell himself.

Charlie: Who is my father.

Kyra: After we returned, we learned about what happened to the world since our deaths. The alliance between Union and the Federation, the Nova 6 Project, everything. Now we're here.

(Then everyone is surprised. But then five mercenaries come in)

Marcus: Sorry, guys. We have a problem.

Miko: What kind of problem could possibly...

(Alastor shuts Miko's mouth)

Vaggie: Proceed.

Damiani: There are reports that Diego Almagro may be still alive, and joined the Union and the Federation.

(Then Elias Walker gets up completely angered)

Elias: What?! That bastard is still alive?!

(Everyone looks at him in confusion)

Jobb: You know him?

Elias: (nods) It was twelve years ago when the Federation's military threatened all of South America. Their leader, General Almagro demanded that all U.S. born citizens should be imprisoned or executed. It was Rorke who convinced Washington to let the Ghosts solve the problem. The US sent an invasion force to destroy the Federation. Rorke led us to eliminate Almagro. But, Rorke became obsessed with him. He talked about the man as if he was a bounty. And it was clear that he would stop at nothing to claim that prize.

(12 years earlier)

Elias (Voiceover): To us, Rorke was a legend. The man could walk through hell and not get burned.

(US helicopters are flying through Caracas, the capital of the Federation. A helicopter is shot down.)

Elias (voiceover): The Ghosts are the best of the best, but Rorke was the reason that we are feared.

Rorke: We are here for one man! Almagro! Follow my lead!

Elias: Alright.

(The Ghosts' helicopter lands. They disembark from it, Elias pulling a Remington R5 with a Red Dot Sight out.)

Rorke: Merrick, Ajax, Left flank! Elias, you're with me!

Elias: As you wish.

(The radio chatter can be heard between the pilot of the Ghosts' helicopter and Command saying that the Ghosts disembarked.)

Rorke: Overlord, patch me through to Iron Horse.

Overlord: Roger.

(The radio chatter from the tanks can be heard. The Ghosts engage the enemies. The friendly tanks fire on the enemies. Suddenly, in enemy tanks come in.)

Rorke: Enemy armor! Get to cover!

Elias: Got it.

(An enemy tank destroys the friendly tank covering the Ghosts.)

Elias: Damn it.

Rorke: (comm) Iron Horse Two-Four, we need support. We're pinned down by enemy tanks.

Iron Horse 2-4: We're almost there.

(A friendly tank bursts through a wall and fires at an enemy tank, destroying it. But, the friendly tank is destroyed by another enemy tank.)

Rorke: Head to the parking garage!

Elias: Okay.

(The Ghosts run inside a parking garage. An enemy tank fires at the Ghosts, causing debris to block the entrance to the parking garage.)

Ajax: We're blocked in now.

Rorke: Keep it tight. Follow me.

Elias: You heard the man!

(They go up the parking garage and come to the edge where they could see an enemy checkpoint. A convoy of enemy cars and missile launcher trucks drive through on the road. Enemy helicopters fly overhead.)

Rorke: (comm) Enemy checkpoint. Hold your fire. Helix Four, we've got eyes on a heavy convoy running parallel to our position.

Helix 4-7: Copy, Actual. I see them. Swinging back around for a gun run. Danger close.

Rorke: (comm) Here they come. Stay back.

Helix 4-7: Firing.

(Friendly helicopters fire at the enemy convoy. One of the missile launcher trucks gets stuck on a barrier.)

Rorke: Go loud!

Elias: Fire!

(The Ghosts open fire on the enemy soldiers.)

(The area is cleared.)

Elias: Okay, what now?

Rorke: Stop the missile truck! Right side!

Elias: Sure

(Elias climbs onto the stuck missile truck and stabs a soldier coming out of the hatch. He drops a grenade into the hatch and jumps off. The missile truck frees itself from the barrier and moves forward, but is blown up by the grenade.)

Rorke: Good work! It's down.

Ajax: There's still one more!

Merrick: Then, let's blow that one, too.

(They engage more enemies.)

Merrick: We've got about a dozen targets.

Rorke: Don't let that launcher fire! Move up!

They pushed toward the missile truck.

Rorke: Move! Stop the launcher! Take that launcher out!

The missile truck prepares to fire.

Merrick: The SAM's gonna fire.

Ajax: What the hell is it targeting?

Rorke: We gotcha covered. Just take out the launcher! Stop the launch!

Elias: Okay, I'll do it.

(As Elias reaches the missile truck, it fires, knocking Elias back and blowing his helmet off. The missile hits a dam, causing the water from the dam to flood into the city. Elias puts his helmet back on and Rorke helps him to his feet.)

Rorke: We've gotta get off the street. Move!

Elias: Damn it...

(The city begins to flood. They run into an alley.)

Merrick: C'mon! Let's go! The city's flooding! We need to move!

Rorke: Down the alley!

(The water comes in behind them. As they moved forward, the water in front of them causes a truck to block the exit.)

Merrick: Shit!

Rorke: In here!

Elias: I hope you know where we're going.

(They tun into a building. It begins to flood. They climb up to a higher part of the building.)

Rorke: Keep moving! Look for higher ground!

Merrick: Don't stop running! Through here! Go! Go!

Rorke: Up the stairs!

(They climb up some stairs and decide that they are safe from the flood.)

Rorke: Catch your breath.

Merrick: Permission to speak freely?

Rorke: What is it?

Merrick: I think we should call this one. I mean, that asshole just flooded the damn city and took out half his own guys.

Rorke: And half of ours, too. We're Ghosts, Merrick. We finish the mission.

Merrick: Yeah, but this is different.

Rorke: Anything else you wanna say, Sergeant?

Merrick: No, sir.

(The building rumbles.)

Ajax: This place isn't gonna hold.

Elias: This is awful!

(They reach a door.)

Rorke: It's hot out there. All right. Let's go get this son of a bitch.

Elias: Okay.

(Rorke peeks through the door.)

Rorke: At least three tangos. Ten meters.

Merrick: Stay alert.

(They sneak through the door. An enemy soldier can be seen trying to pull his friend up onto the roof.)

Rorke: On you, Elias. We can get the jump on them.

Elias: Time to take them out.

(Elias shoots an enemy.)

Rorke: Go loud!

Elias: Sure

(More enemies come in. The roof rumbles.)

Merrick: This roof isn't holding!

Ajax: What do you want to do about it?

Rorke: Keep engaging targets!

(The roof begins to collapse.)

Ajax: The roof's going!

Rorke: Hold on!

(The roof collapses and they fall into the water. Elias is swept through the city by the currents. He manages to hang on to a metal bar. But a truck causes him to fall back into the water. In the water, he finds the body of a soldier.)

Elias: HELP ME!!

Rorke: Grab my hand, Elias!

(Rorke pulls Elias out of the water into a building.)

Rorke: I gotcha! looks like it's just you and me now, brother.

Elias: Too bad, huh?

(Elias pulls a knife out as all of his other weapons are lost in the flood. The enemies can be seen in the room ahead.)

Rorke: Follow my lea... Shit! Stay down!

(They hide under the water. The enemies walk by. Rorke kills an enemy that gets close to them. They go into the hallway where the enemies are. Rorke finds a fire ax inside a fire extinguisher compartment.)

Rorke: This wil be useful. Hold up.

Elias: Okay.

(Rorke peeks around the corner.)

Rorke: Two more up ahead. Go under here. I'll flank around.

Elias: Sure.

(Elias goes under some debris to flank the enemies while staying underwater.)

Rorke: We'll take them out on your mark.

Elias: I'm ready!

! Elias stabs one enemy in the leg and in the throat while Rorke killed the other one with the fire ax.)

Rorke: Grab a gun off one of these guys.

(Elias picks a Bizon up from one of the enemies.)

Elias: This one will be useful. What's the priority now?

Rorke: Priority one's surviving. Let's get to higher ground.

(They go up some stairs and through a door to a balcony.)

Rorke: Just like old times. Eh, Elias? The city's falling apart. We're losing our window fast. It looks like this is the only way to go. Stay on my six.

Elias: Yeah, just like old times.

(They jumped onto a bridge that is connecting the two buildings. The bridge begins to break apart.)

Rorke: It's gonna break apart.

Elias: (to himself) Run, Elias. Run!

(They manage to get to the other side just as the bridge breaks.)

Rorke: Hold up.

Elias: Look!

(Two enemies are seen in the area ahead.)

Rorke: On your mark.

Elias: Locked and loaded!

(Elias kills one enemy. The other enemy try to get away.)

Rorke: One was getting away!

Elias: Not for much longer!

(Elias killed the running enemy.)

Rorke: Enemy helo! Be ready!

Elias: I was born ready!

(Multiple enemies are seen on the roof while a helicopter is trying to extract them.)

Rorke: Multiple Tangos! Open fire!

Elias: Die, motherfuckers!

(They engaged the enemies. The helicopter flies away. They cleared the area.)

Rorke: Clear! On me!

Merrick: (comm) To any callsigns on this frequency, please respond. This is Ghost Two-Two.

Rorke: Got you in the clear, Merrick.

Merrick: Rorke? We have eyes on Almagro, but are taking fire! Just west of the hotel.

Rorke: Roger. We're on our way. (to Elias) Let's go!

Elias: After you.

(Rorke kicks a damaged brick wall down and jumps down. Elias jumps down as well.)

Rorke: Looks like we're saving Merrick's ass, again. Alright. We regroup, then we take Almagro.

Elias: Alright, alright.

(They jump down into the water and engage some more enemies.)

Rorke: Use the water for cover.

(They clear the area.)

Rorke: Let's go!

Elias: Almost there.

(They approach Merrick's position.)

Rorke: Merrick, hold your fire. We're approaching on your six. Coming in from above.

(They jump down to Merrick and Ajax's position and engag the enemies in the parking garage across the street.)

Merrick: Nice of you to join us! We thought your luck had finally run out.

Rorke: Start laying down some fire!

Merrick: We tracked Almagro to the Hotel. He's still there.

(The flood brings a bus between the Ghosts' position and the parking garage, creating a bridge for them to cross.)

Rorke: We gotta get across!

Merrick: Any ideas?

Rorke: Yeah. Follow me!

(They cross the flood on the bus into the parking garage and engage more enemies. As they push toward the hotel, they see an enemy helicopter flying above.)

Ajax: Helo inbound!

Rorke: They're picking up Almagro. We gotta move!

Merrick: We gotta get through that building!

(The area is cleared.)

Rorke: Elias, Merrick, you're with me. Ajax! Cover our six!

Elias: Let's go!

(They reach a door to the roof.)

Rorke: Elias, the door!

Elias: Time to open it!

(They bursted through it. The helicopter that picked Almagro up begins to take off.)

Rorke: Run! Jump!

Elias: Here we go!

(They run toward the helicopter and jumped into it. Merrick punches an enemy and handed him over to Elias who shoots him. Merrick and Rorke are busy fighting the other soldiers.)

Rorke: Get him!

(Elias tries to shoot Almagro, but he dodges and punches Elias in the face, knocking him down. Almagro tries to shoot Elias, but Rorke jumps on Almagro. Elias picked a P226 up and shot Almagro just as he throws Rorke off him, making him scream in pain)


(Then the helicopter falls down)

Merrick: We're going down!

Ajax: Hold on!

(The helicopter crashes and Elias blacks out.)

Merrick: Everyone good?

(Elias comes to. Almagro's body can be seen.)

Rorke: We're too heavy. Elias, I need you to...

(The helicopter shifts and begins to fall. Almagro's body slides down. Elias managed to grab onto a wire. Rorke starts to slide down but grabs onto a ladder.)

Merrick: Shit! Rorke! Somebody, grab him! The whole thing's shifting!

Elias: Hang in there, Rorke!

(Elias grabs Rorke's hand through the ladder.)

Merrick: It's breaking apart! We gotta move, now!

Elias: Wait for us!

(Elias tries to get Rorke though the ladder.)

Merrick: What're we doing here, Elias? We can't save him!

Elias: He's our leader!

Rorke: Elias.

Merrick: We're too heavy! You gotta let him go!

Elias: (sigh) I understand... (to Rorke) Sorry...

(Elias lets go of Rorke. Rorke and the helicopter fall into the water.)

Rorke: Elias!

(Back to the present)

Alastor: The harsh reality of war...

Mack: We must stop Almagro, the Federation, and other villains!

Cherri: Before they take over the world.

(End of Chapter)

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