Chapter 30: No Russian

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(In Hell, Mayberry is seen with in her house talking with Andrei Harkov, Leonid Pudovkin, Anton Fedorov, Alyosha Tarkovsky)

Mayberry: You are not the only soldiers who have been here, you know. I met two people who wore some kind of space suits. They were using the same weapons you used. If I'm not mistaken, their names are Kyra and Baker. They were trying to prevent the Space Station ODIN from destroying major cities as they found out that the Federation got control of it. They managed to prevent major casualties. But somehow they got here in hell. And the only reason why you can't see them, is because they made a deal with our king himself, and returned to the earth.

(Then some knocks are heard in the door.)

Harkov: I'll get it.

(He opens the door to see a demon with Brown hair, a Suit with an Bulletproof Vest, and with both a M240, and M4A1 Grenadier, on his back. that demon is none other than Joseph Chan.)

Joseph: Can I come in?

(The soldiers nod in agreement.)

Joseph: My name is Joseph Chan. I got here because I played along with a certain villainous alliance.

Tarkovsky: Wait... why are you telling us this?

Joseph: Because it shows how I died, and about the Villain Alliance.

(Two days ago)

(As Private First Class Joseph Allen is briefed on his next assignment, he is given a C.I.A. Deep Cover Operation alias: Alexei Borodin.)

Shepherd: The rest of Task Force 141 brought in the ACS, Allen. Two men took down an entire base. I ask much more from you now. Yesterday you were a soldier on the front lines. But today front lines are history. Uniforms are relics. The war rages everywhere. And there will be casualties.

(The satellite traces several conflicts that have occurred in various locations in the world in the past:)

Rwanda - 1994: 800,000 to 1,000,000 dead

Sierra Leone - 1972-Present: 87,213 killed; Status: Active

Kosovo - 1991-1996: 6,000 Casualties; Status: Mine-Clearing, Ops Till 2023

(The satellite then locates Moscow, Russia and zooms in over an airport. Various newspaper articles about Makarov's many terrorist actions are shown and his profile is uploaded.)

Shepherd: This man Makarov is fighting his own war and he has no rules. No boundaries. He doesn't flinch at torture, human trafficking, or genocide. He's not loyal to a flag or country or any set of ideals. He trades blood for money. He's your new best friend. You don't want to know what it's cost already to put you next to him. It will cost you a piece of yourself. It will cost nothing compared to everything you'll save.

(The satellite tracks Allen in Zakhaev International Airport, Moscow, Russia as he goes on to his mission: Follow Vladimir Makarov. He is in an elevator with Makarov.)

The scene starts black. Sounds of a moving elevator are heard. Zippers are opened, bulletproof vests are worn, and weapons are cocked and locked ready.

Makarov: God is with us.

(The elevator opens on the second floor. Vladimir Makarov and three other men ready their weapons. Private First Class Joseph Allen (C.I.A. alias: Alexei Borodin) readies his M240 light machine gun.)

Makarov: Remember - no Russian.

Joseph: Okay, okay.

(They walk out of the elevator. Makarov inflicts a terrorist attack on Zakhaev International Airport, Moscow, Russia: they fire on the waiting civilians and security guards, but only after getting their attention when some of them look up with concern at Makarov's heavily-armed team. They walk through the security checkpoint and continue to fire on civilians and security guards at the waiting area. The player can also use his M4A1 Grenadier (but it is recommended they save that weapon's ammo for later).)

Makarov: Up the stairs. Go.

(They move up the stairs where there are more civilians running away. They open fire at them and kill any security guards that vainly attempt to stop them.)

Megaphone: Come out with your hands up! Put the gun down! Resistance is futile! In which case, we will open fire!

(They continue their attack through the stores, the food court, and the lobby. More security guards appear, but they are easily eliminated by Makarov and his men. At one point, Viktor runs over to the banister to fire down at the lobby below, and Makarov smokes out security guards hiding in cover with a Thumper. They come to an elevator where three more guards are trying to move in to counter attack, but Makarov tosses a grenade into the elevator. One of the guards jumps out and the other two are killed in the explosion, and the elevator crashes into the first floor. Makarov and his men then fire and kill the last security guard. As they move on, Little Bird helicopters are seen outside flying around the building in response to the attack. On the tarmac, police cars, SWAT vans, firetrucks, and ambulances roar onto the scene.)

Makarov: Let's go!

Joseph: After you!

(As they move down the stairs to a gateway, a flight board is seen switching all of its flights to "Delayed", indicating that the airport is on lockdown. They move out to the terminal, where armored vans and helicopters are seen dropping off F.S.B. Troops while other security guards run out of the terminal to take cover behind the police barricade on the tarmac. The player can pull out his M4A1 Grenadier, switch to his M203 Grenade Launcher attachment and fire a grenade on one of the helicopters, causing the rappelling troops to fall and the helicopter to spin and crash)

Makarov: They're right on time. Check your weapons and ammo.

Joseph: Sure.

Midnight: I've waited a long time for this.

Makarov: (chuckles) Haven't we all.

(Makarov opens a door and the group follows him.)

Makarov: This way. Let's go!

(The group follows Makarov into a gate servicing area.)

Makarov: Go.

Joseph: Right!

(They advance onto the tarmac.)

Makarov: For Zakhaev.

(Police officers equipped with riot shields swarm the runway from the smoke.)

Makarov: F.S.B. - take 'em out.

Joseph: Eat this!

(They engage the F.S.B.)

????: Move!

(As they move up, they encounter more FSB troops on the runway and more firing from a second floor.)

Makarov: Contact, second floor windows!

Mt.Lady: Copy that! Second floor windows!

Joseph: I hope it's worth it...

(They continue to engage as more troops are dropped off by vans that screech onto the scene with a wail of sirens.)

????: Over by the landing gear!; Behind the bus! Behind the luggage cart!

(Endeavour and Oobleck are killed.)

All Might: Man down!

Joseph: What should we do?

Makarov: He's dead, leave them! Go!

(They kill all the F.S.B.)

Joseph: Do we have any time left?

Makarov: 30 seconds. Go.

(They run to another gate service area.)

Makarov: This way. Let's go.

(Makarov opens a door and they move inside to where an ambulance is parked.)

Makarov: Hallway clear.

(They approach the ambulance. Makarov holds up his hand.)

Makarov: Hold your fire.

(The back door of the ambulance opens.)

Nikita: Get in!

Anatoly: Good you made it! Get in! We sent a strong message with this attack, Everyone.

(The villainous alliance gets in the ambulance and they look at Joseph.)

Ozpin: That was no message...

(Makarov pulls out his M9 and shoots Allen, who collapses.)

Makarov: This is a message.

(The ambulance drives away.)

Makarov: The American thought he could deceive us. When they find that body...the whole world will cry for war.

(The Russian Special Forces Troops come in.)

Trooper 1: We got one of the villains!

Trooper 2: Wait! (checks one of his pockets and finds something shocking) He was not one of them! He was trying to gather informations for us about their next plan!

Trooper 3: So he was just playing along.

Trooper 4: And it looks like he got caught...

(At U.S. Base, General Shepherd is seen looking the computers of different parts of the world to see if the villain alliance are playing their next attack)

Shepherd: What are they planning next?

(Then Sergeant Foley comes in with a sad look at his face.)

Shepherd: What's wrong Sergeant Foley? Did something happened?

(Foley hands some papers to Shepheard and he gets shocked as he realizes something.)

Shepherd: Joseph is dead...

(Back to Present.)

Joseph: And this is what happened.

(Then a demon with an orange vest comes in)

????: Ah, so are these the demons we had to find, Allen?

(The demon is none other than Professor Daniel Clarke)

Joseph: Yep. (to the others) Well, guys... let me tell you how I met Clarke. When I got here, we introduced ourselves for each other, talked about our doings, and we occasionally hunted down some really really bad guys.

Clarke: Anyway... Can we stay?

(The others nod in agreement as the screen goes black)

(To Be Continued!...)

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