Chapter 32: Escaping from Union Prison (Part 2)

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(The heroes who got unconscious by the tear gas wake up.)

Ryder: (groans) Paw Patrol, are you alright?

Rock: We're fine, sir.

Rubble: What could I say? We're tough!

(Then they see Team Ninjago, Clutch Powers, Professor Oak, Commander Appo, ARC Trooper Denal, Lieutenant Kelvin Williams and McKenney Dillon Marsalis)

Kai: Oh good, you guys are still alive.

(The heroes are surprised and happy to see them.)

Robbie: Better late than never.

Ryder: The Paw Patrol and I were saving some animals from a poacher, who revealed to be the student of Union Academy, Cardin Winchester.

Marshall: And then we got captured and sent to Union Prison.

Clutch: These guys have superiority complex. This is all their care about, nothing more.

Dan: Hang on, where are the other Prisoners at? were they able to escape?

Clutch: They are on the train for the plan.

(Then they hear sounds of gunfire, people talking and explosives.)

Zuma: That does not sound good.

Professor Oak: The door will not hold them forever... We do not have much time...

(Then he walks to a cover which has something over it)

Professor Oak: Within this shrine to the hypocritical decadence of Union Leaders, lays the keys to step eight.

(He then remove the cover to reveal Motorbikes and two BARC Speeders)

Robbie: Freedom.

(The heroes get on the vehicles)

Shawl: Let's do this Texas style.

Ryder: On a Roll PAW Patrol is on a roll!

Jay: Let's show them what true heroes are made of!

Robbie: Here we go!

Denal: Guys, just in case we don't make it out of this, it's been an honor to be with you all.

Cole: We will not die by just giving up.

(They start their Motorbikes, and BARC Speeders, and then break through the windows as the villainous alliance and their troops look in shock and anger.)


Heroes: FREEDOM!!!

(Then the music Call of Duty Black Ops OST-Vorkuta starts playing.)

(A/N: Start at 10:13)

(As they fight, they see the train.)

Professor Oak: There is the train! Hurry Everyone!

(Then nine enemies on vehicles come; three of them are A.A.H.W. Agents on Motorcycles. Three of them were Lego Enemy Guards (Motorcycle) on Motorcycles. And three of them were Scout Troopers on Speeder Bikes.)

Appo: They're not lettin' us go without a fight!

(Then the heroes manage to defeat the nine enemies.)

Zane: Report. That just happened.

(Then a MG Truck comes in)

Robot Sniper: Incoming!

(Then the Robot Sniper starts shooting at Dan while laughing.)

Lloyid: Sentry comin' up!

Dan: Alright, alright.

(Then Dan sees the rifle, grabs it, and shoots at the Robot, who dodges it.)

Robot Sniper: You call that shooting?

(The robot starts laughing until it gets shot in the head.)

Dan: Who's laughing now?

(Then the heroes keep trying to escape as the enemies continue following him.)

Ryder: Uh-Oh, This is not good.

(The heroes keep struggling until they go through a narrow canyon and seemingly escape. But Robbie drives through a Federation Soldier.)

Robbie: Move out of the way, you motherfucker!!!

(Then Kai shoots some shuriken at the federation soldier, killing him. Unfortunately more enemy bikes keep following them. They keep fighting. As they manage to stop them, more enemies block their way, having The Dreads among them.)

Crankcase: You will never make it alive!

Crowbar: The world will soon be ours!

Hatchet: You will all die!

(Then they see a MG Truck.)

Professor Oak: This way! MG!!! Jump on the truck! Get on the MG!

(They shoot an enemy radio operator who was using the MG. Then Oak and Clutch throw the Lego Enemy SS Solider out of the vehicle. Then they start shooting at the enemy vehicles)

Professor Oak: Keep on them!

(They keep engaging the enemies.)

Kai: Where the fuck's the train?!!!

(Then they see the train and get on it, but Professor Oak doesn't.)

Oliver: Your turn!!! Come on!!! Step eight, Oak - Freedom!

Professor Oak: For you my friends... Not for me... 

Heroes: OAK!!

(The truck stops as it approaches a roadblock as another Mi-8 arrives overhead. the train leaves. Then they heroes see Korg, Captain Brian "Leaner" Francis, the British Commandos and the rest of the prisoners.)

Leaner: We're going to the city!

Denal: Wait a minute, who's driving the train?

(Then they see a Blue Battle Droid named OOM-25 driving the train.)

(Meanwhile in the city, a lot of people are seen waiting for both Mayor Michael "Miche" Bloomberg and Mayor Goodway to give their speech.)

Miche: It's time...

Goodway: For the grand opening of the train station.

Miche: Everyone can go to different stations.

(The people starts cheering them up until a train comes in.)

Miche: Guards, find out what's going on!

(Then the heroes and the prisoners get out of the train, surprising and shocking everyone.)

Kai: I guess we owe you an explanation.

Jay: We just rescued these guys who got unfairly arrested by the Union.

Cole: They had a prison of their own. A very secret one, by the way.

Zane: They were innocent people betrayed by those fake heroes!

(Everyone gets shocked and angry.)

Citizen 1: Unbeliavable!

Citizen 2: Those bastards had a prison of their own!

Citizen 3: To think we never heard about it until now!

(Mayor Goodway is shocked by seeing the PAW Patrol with them.)

Miche: We need help.

(Meanwhile at the Dekarangers Base.)

Deka Red: Even though we got equipment, we're short on resources.

Price: We need a diversion to keep them busy.

Mason: Or maybe even more if we want to stop the villainous alliance.

(Then the main computer starts making a call, and everyone sees General Shepherd and Mayor Michael "Miche" Bloomberg)

Carlson: Mayor?

Price: General?

Miche: We need you to go to the pentagon.

Shepherd: It's very important.

Heroes: Why?

Miche: It's classified.

Deka Red: Okay, guys. Let's go to the pentagon.

(To be continued)

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