Chapter 38: The Invasion Of Hell/The Defector

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(The Heroic Alliance, except for Deka Break and Deka Bright, are seen at IMP City flying above the MAC-V compound, and hover over it.)

Hotel Six: MAC-V compound in sight. You are jumping into some deep shit, Woods.

Robbie: We're here to yank the defector, with vital intel on Soviet involvement in 'Nam. We lost contact with his security team. They may be holed up in the MACV's safe room.

Kyra: If he's alive, we'll find him!

(The team's Huey flies throughout the city. Many things can be seen. A squadron of Hueys can be seen flying below, A lone Huey can be seen taking out a ZSU, and an F4-Phantom can be seen initiating a bombing run. The Huey arrives at the MACV-SOG compound)

Deka Red: SOG X-Ray team, hook up.

(Mason leaves the controls to the helicopter, and hooks up to rappel down to the compound. The helicopter is shot down by a mobile ZSU.)

Deka Blue: Quad 50! We're hit! We're hit!

(The helicopter swings wildly out of control.)

Baker: LOOK OUT!!!

(The heroes luckily manage to swing from their ropes into a room of the compound. Hotel Six goes down.)

Deka Green: Lima Niner, we are going down!

Lima Niner: Hotel Six, come back. Hotel Six, do you Roger?

Deka Yellow: Lima Nine, Hotel Six is gone.

(An NVA soldier enters the room the heroes are in to investigate the noise of the windows shattering when they crashed in. Baker ambushes him and snaps his neck, and attempts to pull the SPAS-12 from the soldier's corpse. While she is doing this, she shoots 2 more NVA soldiers passing the room and noticing the commotion. She breaks the gun away, and throws it to Robbie.)

Baker: Here, SPAS-12, it'll hold your incendiaries. (Robbie catches the gun) Where we headed, Robbie?

Price: Move out.

Merrick (on radio): Lima Niner, I got eyes on X-Ray.

Keegan (on radio): You got villainous troops all over the north wing, guys.

Soap: Light 'em up!

Lima Niner: Lima Nine is inbound.

Ajax: X-Ray, get your heads down!

(The heroes take cover as Lima Niner shoots inside the building with the Huey's heavy machine guns, killing enemy soldiers soldiers.)

Lennox: X-Ray, you're clear.

Stak: Come on, move up!

(A civilian passes by them, startled upon seeing them and fearing they would shoot him.)

Razor: Out of the way, go! Northeast corner.

Epps: On the way.

Roebuck: X-Ray, we're breaching the roof.

Polonsky: The whole damn building's overrun!

Woods: Dispatch is next floor down.

(Bowman and a randomly generated Marine rappel down from a window from the roof, and clear the room.)

Mason: You think the defector survived this attack?

Adler: Well if he did, then he's one tough son of a bitch!

(An enemy soldier outside of the building gives orders to their troops.)

Robbie: Merrick, what's he saying?

Merrick: Kill the civilians.

Almagro: Your collaboration with mankind is proof of your guilt. In accordance with party tradition, the punishment is to be carried out immediately.

Kyra: Get down!

(The enemy troops enter the room and execute unarmed civilians. X-Ray kills the troops in a firefight.)

Lima Niner: X-Ray, this is Lima Nine, anyone who doesn't get out soon isn't going to. The villainous troops have overwhelmed the entire north wing.

Baker: Roger that Lima Niner, moving on.

Price: Safe room is just ahead.

(X-Ray team enters a room with stairs, and enemy soldiers.)

Soap: Molotov!

Keegan: At the window!

(An enemy soldier throws a molotov cocktail from a window high up to the ground. A few more civilians run in, but to no avail are killed by villainous troops.)

Stak: The safe room is down there.

(X-Ray clears the room.)

Ajax: Clear!

Razor: Safe room's been breached.

Lennox: So where's your contact?

Mason: He might have fallen back to the safe room... He may still be alive. Let's move, on me.

(Mason kicks open a door, leading to the war room, with many enemy soldiers inside.)

Woods: The safe room's on the other side of the war room. RPG!

(A soldier with an RPG appears. They clear the room of villainous troops.)

Epps: Clear!

Robbie: Lima Niner, sitrep, over!

Lima Niner: X-Ray - the Villainous Alliance have taken over the MAC-V south - you are cut off.

Kyra: Shit.

Roebuck: Roger that Lima Niner.

Lima Niner: You'd better get your asses in gear if you want an evac.

Baker: Let's go.

(X-Ray team enters a hallway.)

Price: He should be in one of these rooms.

Soap: Robbie, Lennox, Epps, take the door at the far end of the hallway. The rest - on me.

(Robbie, Lennox and Epps enter the room and are ambushed by a single Federation Maniac. The maniac attempts to stab Mason, but Professor Oak snaps his neck from behind. Oak helps Robbie up.)

Oak: Robbie? Is that you, my friend?

Robbie: (shocked) Oak.

(Then the rest of the Heroic alliance comes in)

Brock: Professor? Is that you?

Dimitri: But how did you survive?

Oak: Once I was about to die, I used my last resort. (Kamen Riders Kabuto and Drive come in) These two helped me out and I decided to disguise as a defector so the Villainous Alliance wouldn't suspect about my survival.

Blue Beetle: Never thought I'd see you again, Bart.

Kabuto: Me neither, Jaime.

(Blue Beetle and Kamen Rider Kabuto shake hands)

Oak: I am here with a warning your government would do well to heed.

(Oak picks up a dossier from a table, and hands it to Robbie. Oak picks up a Commando.)

Oak: Almagro is planning an attack on the west.

(There is a small explosion that shakes the building.)

Batman: You get what you came for?

Robbie: Almagro. I knew we'd see him again.

Oak: His influence spreads like a cancer. Even the Kremlin does not know what he is truly planning. He must be stopped, Robbie. Union, Decepticons, Almagro. All must die.

(They leave the compound, and meet up with the rest of the team.)

Oak: Are these the heroes?

Robbie: Dekarangers, Justice League, Avengers, Teen Titans.

Oak: I am Professor... Oak.

Woods: What the hell took you so long, Robbie? That intel had better be worth it! Lima Niner, where the hell's our pick up?!

Lima Niner: X-Ray, be advised, some of the hell's heroes are engaged in heavy fighting west of MAC-V. Push through to rally point Delta - 2 klicks north on the river.

Price: We'll make it - you just be there!

(Meanwhile Joseph Allen, Andrei Harkov, Leonid Pudovkin, Anton Fedorov, Alyosha Tarkovski, Daniel Clarke and Ms. Mayberry are seen preparing their weapons to prevent the Villainous Alliance from taking over Hell.)

Almagro: Heroic Alliance! Put down your weapons! This is not your war! We wish you no harm. The Villainous Alliance is here to liberate you!

Allen: We're gonna need some close air support for this shit.

(The team makes it to the downtown of Hue, and meet up with other soldiers engaging Villainous troops, aided by an M113 APC named "Bottom Feeder". Allen walks up to James Ramirez, Sergeant Foley and Corporal Dunn next to Crosby, who is trying to call an airstrike, but is being denied.

Crosby: R-T Texas this is One-Five. We need immediate air support at grid 7 Delta Oscar Tango!

Texas: One-Five we do not have clearance in that grid. Everyone's in the shit, son.

Foley: Son of a bitch, fuck!

Allen: Pull it together, and give me that radio, Crosby!

(They see Joseph Allen, and get shocked by seeing him as a demon.)

Crosby: Joseph Allen?

Harkov: Just give him the radio.

James Ramirez: Good luck with that shit.

(Crosby gives Joseph Allen the radio.)

Allen: Texas this is Sierra Oscar Golf X-Ray. Priority one ordinance on my command. I authenticate golf shoe, over.

Texas: Affirmative, X-Ray. Let us know when you need us.

Allen: Marking coordinates, take 'em out.

Texas: Coordinates confirmed. Contact at the six story building.

(Texas flies in and fires at the six story building. X-Ray team jumps down the ledge and enters the streets.)

Texas: We have confirmed kills at zero, area secure.

Pudovkin: X-Ray, move out!

(Various Villainous Alliance Troops are killed.)

Fedorov: Excellent!

Tarkovski: Rain fire!

Clarke: Keep on them, guyd!

Mayberry: [laughs] It is good to fight by your side once more! URA! URA!

Kyra: Thanks, Crosby.

Crosby: I don't deserve the credit. (points at Mayberry's Team) They did it.

(The heroes and X-Ray move forward, taking out multiple Villainous Alliance troops. However, after moving one or two blocks, the APC Bottom Feeder is destroyed by an enemy tank. The tank moves back toward the end of the street.)

Cyborg: Shit.

Ryder: APC's down! There's a fucking tank out there!

Woods: Mason, tag that son of a bitch right now!

Mason: Texas, we have enemy armour at Viktor, Zulu, Seven Foxtrot!

Texas: Affirmative X-Ray, standby for strafing run.

(Texas comes in at the opposite end of the street where the tank is.)

Texas: X-Ray, we're coming in hot!

(Texas destroys the tank, allowing X-Ray team to move on.)

Texas: Tank destroyed, X-Ray, you are clear to proceed.

Baker: X-Ray, move out!

Stak: The LZ's half a klick away, end of the street.

(The Villainous Alliance troops are dug in in a building. Dunn calls in support.)

Dunn: Marking coordinates. Take em' out.

Texas: Affirmative, X-Ray.

(Texas goes to attack, however, a ZSU starts firing at Texas.)

Texas: Shit... evasive action! X-Ray, we are under heavy fire! X-Ray, the grid is hot, RT-Texas is pulling out. Take down that anti air and we will return support, over.

Robbie: Understood, Texas.

Epps: I see it! ZSU, second floor, end of the street.

Razor: Gotta find another way! That street's in the beat zone.

Oak: We flank that building!

Kyra: Baker! Help me clear this! Arg...

(Kyra and Baker try to move the debris blocking the entrance to the flanking building, but they are stuck.)

Merrick: We got a tank!

(An enemy T-55 rolls in and engages X-Ray.)

Nightwing: Harder!

Superboy: Off the street!

Robin: Fuck!

(The tank explodes a car, sending it and a Marine that had been taking cover behind it flying towards Mason and Woods, but they make it in just before it hits them. Wonder Girl moves a corpse laying on top of him, and moves on.)

Superman: Ash, Pikachu, we gotta take out that ZSU.

Ash: Leave it to us!

Pikachu: Pika!

Batman: Ajax, keep these guys safe.

Ajax: Got it.

(While Ash and Pikachu are clearing the building, they fall through the floor when the tank fires on the building.)


(They hit the ground, and Professor Oak comes in to help them up.)

Oak: Still in one piece, Ash?

Ash: I'm good.

Pikachu: Pika!

Brock: Ash! You okay, brother?

Ash: I'm still breathing. We'll see you at the rally point.

(The heroes find the ZSU, and clear the villainous alliance troops guarding it.)

Misty: The ZSU is right above us.

Oak: Put a charge on the ceiling. Blow the floor beneath them.

(Robbie steadies the C4 on some exposed rebar wires, and gets to a safe distance.)

Lennox: I got charlie in my pocket here One Zero. How much longer?

Soap: 'Bout 3 seconds.

Oak: Get to a safe distance!

Ash: We're clear! Ready, Professor?

(Captain John Price blows the charge, destroying the ZSU and destroying the front half of the building.)

Oak: Ha! Good work, Price!

(The enemy T-55 backs away upon realizing its anti-air support is gone, but is destroyed by Texas as it arrives at the rally point to evacuate the wounded. The gunship lands, and the team and the Marines get into the town square.)

Woods: There's our ride.

Mason: I'm not so sure...

Texas: Get the wounded first. More birds on their way - sit tight. X-Ray, air support is offline while we evacuate the wounded.

Stak: Looks like we got to wait. Everyone load up - I want this LZ secure! Robbie, set up charges around the perimeter.

(Robbie does what he can to secure the LZ.)

Texas: Get the wounded first. More birds on their way - sit tight.

(Smoke is popped and the villainous alliance troops enter the area after Vietnamese is heard on a loudspeaker, followed by battle cries from the NVA ground troops.)

Kyra: Here they come!

(After a firefight, the villainous alliance troops begin to fall back.)

Keegan: They're pulling back!

Oak: They are not retreating - they are regrouping!

Baker: Command! - X-Ray One Zero! We got a prairie fire down here! Where's our damn evac?!!

Command: This city's falling to the Villainous Alliance - They're picking our birds right out of the sky! You're not the only ones trying to get out!

Razor: We have a priority one package to extract - we need that evac!

Command: We'll find another way - hold your position.

Kalani: Heroic Alliance! Your opposition the Union and the Villainous Alliance will not go unpunished.

Command: X-Ray, your evac is on its way.

Kalani: Instead of returning to your own country - you will die in ours.

Command: X-Ray, check your six, we have a Navy PBR, on its way.

Woods: Roger that! None too soon!

Command: Direct fire support to cover arrival. Delta squadron is on station.

Baker: Got it. X-Ray out. Kai! Mark that target!

(A fleet of Battle Droid, Super Battle Droids and Commando Droids rolls in towards X-Ray team.)

Kai: Marking coordinates. Delta squadron, burn 'em up.

Delta Squadron: Roger X-Ray, Target Run, get your people back.

Robbie: PBR'S here!

(The Commando Droid blows up the gate to the harbour, allowing the team to get to the PBR.)

Kyra: Get your asses to the boat! Incoming, danger close!

Pudovkin: Move, move it!

Robbie: Go, to the boat!

Baker: Get in!

Luke: Kalani.

(Everyone jumps into the PBR, and the airstrike of F4 Phantoms that Mason called blows up the square, sending some villainous alliance troops flying just as Woods jumps in. The PBR starts to drive away to rejoin the main hero teams nearby.)

Robbie: So much for the Tet cease fire.

Oak: The enemy's courage could be the result of their newfound ally...

(Then they see the destruction.)

Marshall: I just hope the king doesn't get mad at us.

Rubble: What for?

Drive: For the mess we made.

Green Arrow: And what a mess.

Robin: At least we prevented them from reviving... You know who?

Batman: I guess they didn't even try. They just wanted to take over hell themselves.

Alastor: In other words, they just wanted to dethrone Charlie's father, nothing more.

Vaggie: Hijos de puta...

Truck: Well, at least no one got hurt.

Grinch: Not all of them.

(Back to the IMP City, a Shadow Company Soldier is seen screaming while on fire until Travis comes in.)

Travis: Hey! Are you alright?

(Then the Shadow Company Soldier removes his burning shirt.)

S. C. Soldier: Yeah, I'm alright.

(Then a vehicle comes in as the driver asks.)

Driver: Who's on fire?

Travis: Err... He was.

(Then the water cannon comes out.)

S. C. Soldier: What... No, no, NO!

(Then a swarm of demons slam into him.)

(Back to the boat, the heroes watch Lucifer Magne's press conference.)

Lucifer: Hello, citizens. I was already aware about a certain villainous alliance, including but not limited to the fake heroes named Union invading this place and trying to rule it themselves. That's why I sent a Federation Defector to tell the ones who dared to try about it. And... Thanks you, Heroic Alliance, for doing your best to stop them. And Raven, don't worry. They didn't intend to revive your father. Well... I guess that's all.

Raven: (sighs in relief) Glad to hear that.

(To be continued.)

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