Chapter 6: Dekaranger VS Ace Operatives

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(At Atlas, a young white haired boy is chosen to assume the position as the General of Atlas. This one is the leader of S.P.K. known as Near.)

(The Ace Operatives are both shocked and pissed as the first thing Near did was cut all bonds Atlas had with Union City. Winter was the only one who approved Near's ideal, and subsequently she became part of S.P.K.)

(At Atlas Main Room.)

Winter: I confess I'm shocked.

Near: What for?

Winter: First, for a young boy leading a group of agents and becoming general of Atlas. Second, I suddenly became part of S.P.K.

Near: Well, you're one of the few who broke their bonds with Union. And you are really determined to earn redemption.

Winter: Is there something I can do for you, General Near?

Near: Just call me Near for now. And yes. Have you heard about "Kira"?

Winter: You mean the one they worship as a god?

Near: Serial killer is more accurate! He and those from Union are simply attached to power and mistake themselves as gods, but in the end, they're just crazy sociopaths. This is what they are. Nothing more, nothing less.

Winter: Hmm... I see... what of it?

Near: I want you to investigate those who are closer to this serial killer. You can start with Misa Amane.

Winter: Misa Amane?

Near: Yes. She is one of the people linked to Kira. Just don't let her see you.

Winter: Don't worry. I can take care of myself.

(Meanwhile at White Fang's hideout, Mello is seen disguised as a faunus as Sienna Kahn calls him.)

Sienna: Mello.

Mello: Yes, my mistress.

Sienna: I want you to do something for me.

Mello: What could be it?

Sienna: I suspect somebody is trying to backstab me. I want you to use your Death Note and write the name of whoever is trying to do so.

Mello: Sure thing.

(At Lexcorp, Lex Luthor receives a message and clicks the button as a footage shows the Ace Operatives.)

Clover: If you're seeing this message, this means Ironwood was unfairly arrested!

Elm: In behalf of Union, we challenge you Dekarangers!

Vine: Meet us across the bay!

Harriet: We'll be waiting for you!

Marrow: Just be warned, Dekarangers!


(Message ends.)

Luthor: It looks like the Ace Operatives decided to challenge us.

Richard: (offscreen) We accept their challenge!

Luthor: What?

Kevin: If they challenged us in behalf of Union, they got aware about what we can do!

Izuku: I guess we made it personal for them after we arrested Ironwood.

Velvet: I won't run anymore!

Yagyu: Let's finish them!

(Meanwhile at Gotham's bay, Clover is seen communicating with Ozpin.)

Clover: Ozpin, we got bad news. Ironwood got arrested.

Ozpin: WHAT?

Clover: And it looks like a young boy named Near became the new general of Atlas, and cut all links Atlas had with Union.

Ozpin: This explain why we couldn't contact you...

Clover: We challenged the Dekarangers to a fight here in Gotham's bay. This will buy you time to capture her.

Ozpin: Good. I want to make her pay for her treachery!

(Then the communication ends. Deka Red is seen hiding as he communicates with Luthor.)

Deka Red: Commander Luthor. We got bad news. The Union Academy is planning to capture Winter.

Luthor: What? Why would they do that?

Deka Red: Apparently, she betrayed them after we arrested Ironwood.

Luthor: I'll save her!

Deka Red: Good luck.

(Then the Dekarangers decide to confront the Ace Operatives.)

Clover: So you came, huh?

Elm: Prepare to die!

(Elm swings her hammer, but Deka Blue grabs it and shoves it off before using his brute strength to knock her off. Vine shoves objects on Deka Green and one of the objects hit his arm. Harriet uses her electricity to try to hit Deka Yellow, but she copies her move and shoves her off. Marrow tries to hit Deka Pink, who shields herself with her sword. Clover and Deka Red fight evenly matched. Neither of them is having advantage. Then Kali calls them.)

Kali: Can you hear me?

Deka Red: Roger.

Kali: I installed a program which is ready for use.

Deka Red: What is it?

Kali: It's a SWAT Mode. Be ready to use it.

Deka Red: All right.

(Deka Green gets up as the five Dekarangers take distance.)


(Then the Dekarangers get in SWAT Mode then they get some powerful blasters)

Deka Red: Let's go!

Four Dekas: Attack!

Clover: Ace Operatives, Finish them!

(Then they fight again. With ther enhanced blasters, they easily bring the Ace Operatives down. Clover tries to get up, Deka Red shoots him down with his Hybrid Magnum. Deka Blue punches and kicks Elm various times, and then knocks her down by shooting her with his D-Sniper. Vine tries to shove some objects at Deka Green again, but he destroys them with his D-Knuckle and then shoots him down with his D-Blaster. Deka Yellow and Deka Pink hold their own against Harriet and Marrow, eventually defeating them.)

Deka Red: Clover Ebi.

Deka Blue: Elm Ederne.

Deka Green: Vine Zeki.

Deka Yellow: Harriet Bree.

Deka Pink: Marrow Amin.

Five Dekas: For your crimes against mankind... Judgement!

(Then the roulette which shows "O" or "X" is seen in front of the Ace Operatives, and it stops on "X", which means only one thing.)

Deka Red: Guilty!

(Then they shoot the Ace Operatives and they are trapped in detention cards.)

(Meanwhile, Whitley is seen hiding as Winter goes on.)

Whitley: You're no longer my sister, Winter. (draws a gun) You will die!

(Whitley shoots, but Deka Master comes in time and defends Winter. Then she uses her glyphs on Whitley and traps him in ice.)

Winter: Thanks.

Deka Master: So the rumors were true.

Winter: Yes. Now I am part of S.P.K.

Deka Master: S.P.K.

Near: (comes in with a mask similar to Batman) Yes. Follow me, please.

(Back to the White Fang, Adam Taurus was preparing to kill Sienna, but 40 seconds later, he felt a heartache.)

Adam: Argh... my heart.

????: Thought you could backstab our mistress, didn't you, Adam Taurus.

(Then Adam turns around and sees Mello without any animal traits.)

Adam: (weakly) So... you were... a human... all... along...

(Then Adam Taurus dies as Sienna comes in.)

Sienna: So Adam was trying to kill me, huh?

Mello: And now you found out that I'm a human.

Sienna: That's no problem.

Mello: No?

Sienna: No. The only reason why one of us left was because of him. But I guess the news have spread by Union. So we better be careful from now on.

(Meanwhile at Union Academy, Ghira is completely angered, just like the staff of the academy.)

Ghira: Grrrrr! (punches a wall)

Glynda: First Winter, now Sienna betrays us.

Sirzechs: And that's not all. Since Adam Taurus died. The White Fang will now side with the Dekarangers and that S.P.K. now that this Near guy is the new general of Atlas.

(This surprises Light)

Light: (in mind) Near is the new General of Atlas?

All Might: What should we do?

Ozpin: We don't have much time. We must finish what Adam couldn't!

(Unbeknownst to them, Blake was overhearing the conversation and realizes one thing.)

Blake: (in mind) I was an idiot by abandoning my mom. I hope she can forgive me.

(Then the screen fades out.)

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