Chapter 1: The End of Super Sentai

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Jessica was in a forest training alone. Little did she know that something was coming. Jessica finished training hours later. A robotic being walks up to Jessica.

??? said,"So you are the Legendary Hero."

Jessica looks at the being.

Jessica asked,"Who are you?"

??? said,"Lord Death, Leader of the Anti-hero Federal Organization of the Royal Empire, Quake."

Jessica said,"I'm the strongest Sentai Hero and I'll defeat you."

Lord Death said,"We already killed your friends."

Jessica was shocked.

Lord Death said,"Join us and we will save you from a world of pain."

"Never," Jessica said.

"Very well," Lord Death said.

Jessica was ready to fight.

Lord Death said,"General Destruction."

Another being named General Destruction walks up to Lord Death.

General Destruction said,"Yes Lord Death."

"Take her where we defeated her friends," Lord Death said.

General Destruction took to Jessica to the spot.

Open field

Jessica saw all Super Sentai teams. Jessica closes her eyes. General Destruction laughed. Jessica opens her eyes and attacked General Destruction. General Destruction kicked Jessica to a building after taking out his sword and slashed Jessica's face, giving her a permanent scar. Jessica growls in pain. The force of the kicked caused parts of the building to fall. Jessica was so badly injured that she couldn't move. The part of the building fell and crushed Jessica. Jessica was really badly hurt. General Destruction laughed and left. Jessica saw Juran.

Jessica said,"Juran... I promise you, that I'll make you pay."

Jessica passed out, presuming dead. Someone was passing by and saw Jessica. The person went to get some help.

27 years later

People was struggling as Quake took over the world. Someone was hiding in shadows, watching Quake's every move.

??? said,"You'll pay for what you done to me."

The person took off the mask and revealed to be Jessica. Part of Jessica's face was completely robotic. Jessica looks around. Jessica put her mask on. Jessica took out a picture of her and Juran.

"Juran..." Jessica said softly.

Jessica put the photo away. Jessica walked to an abandoned building. Jessica walked down to the underground base. Jessica saw on the monitor, Zenkaioh JuraGaon.

Jessica mumbled, "Juran, I will always keep you near me..."

Jessica sighed softly. Jessica turned off the monitor.

Jessica thought, "What am I going to do?"

Jessica took off her mask. Cutannar and Ricky walked up to Jessica.

Jessica looks at them, "Cutannar, Ricky."

Ricky said, "We want to fight against Quake."

Cutannar said, "We want to make Aniki and Aneki proud."

Jessica said, "Alright."

Ricky said, "Thanks Jessica-san."

Jessica smiles. Jessica turns on the monitor.

Ricky asked, "Are you rebuilding every Mecha?"

Jessica nods.

Jessica said, "For all our fallen friends, we will avenge them."

Jessica put her mask on again.

Cutannar said, "You need for find more heroes."

Jessica said, "I know."

Someone walked down to the underground base.

A dark haired male said, "Sorry for trespassing."

Jessica looks at him, "What's your name?"

"Taichi Takeuchi," The dark haired male named Taichi said.

Jessica said, "Alright, how would you like to join us but Quake must not know our identity."

Taichi said, "Sure."

Jessica nods. Taichi smiles.

Taichi said, "I'll gather more members."

Jessica said, "Ok."

Taichi leaves to gather more members. Jessica sighs softly.

Ricky asked, "Can we call you, Aneki?"

Cutannar said, "Yeah."

Jessica smiled, "Sure."

Jessica pat their head. Ricky and Cutanner smiles. Jessica turned the monitor again, showing the Geardalinger and Geartlinger.

Jessica said, "Kaito, Zox, Magine, Juran, Gaon, Vroom, Flint. Don't worry I'll protect this planet."

The City

On top of a building someone was watching the city, holding the Geartozinger. It was Stacaesar but it wasn't Stacy.

Stacaesar said, "Tsk. This world is decaying."

Stacaesar looked around.

Stacaesar said, "But it's best if I stay neutral for now then choose a side."

Stacaesar leaves. A ninja was on top of a different building.

"I hope Mom is still alive, I know she won't stop until this new threat is over," The ninja said.

A girl ran up to the ninja.

The girl said, "Jurou, we need to go back."

The ninja named Jurou sighed, "Fine, Sakurako."

Jurou and the girl, named Sakurako, leaves. A blue haired man was spying on them before leaving.

"Are they talking about the legendary hero?" The man questioned.

The man leaves to find Jessica.

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