Chapter 15: Dance

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**Bianca's pov**

I woke up and looked around my empty room. I still had boxes even though we have lived in this house for two years. I got out of bed. Went into the kitchen and got some cereal. Mom was a workaholic. My dad Captain Man never knew I was born. I was just an accident that happen. I poured the milk into my cereal. Ding dong!

"Ding dong I am a get it." I walked over to the door and saw Ray/Captain Man even though he was evil.

"Dad!" I hugged him. He pushed me off.

"I am not your dad." Ray said.

"Oh." I guess he still didn't know.

"I am looking for your mom Lindsey."

"Oh, she is asleep." I said.

"Wait a minute." I say and then ran to the self and looked for my birth certificate. Then found it and ran back to him and showed him the papers.

"Oh my... Lindsey had a kid." He said very shocked.

"I am your daughter."

**Kelly's pov**

I left for school. But I was worried sick. I sighed. Jay noticed.

"What's wrong?"

"I have no one to go to the dance with." I said. I was a little worried about that too.

"Go with you friends then."

"Can you solve all the world problems?"

"If I wanted too." He said and realize what he said it and covered his mouth. Then I realize he said very smart thing for a fourteen year old and cover his mouth and pretended it never happened.

"Jay why do you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"Said something super smart then pretended you never said it."

"I am a super genius. Okay! That my super special gift." He said that because there was other kids around.

"Then why do you get Ds and Fs?"

"Because I don't want to be picked on. Jimmy is a very smart kid and gets picked on the time." I kind of understood. I walked to class and saw Bianca all happy.

"Hey." I greeted her.

"I met my dad for the first time in forever." (ALL THE DA REFERENCES name them in the comments, I made it very easy to find them)

"That's great who is he?"

"The doctor."

"Doctor who?" (I just gave that to you didn't I)

"Lies he is not a doctor. Nor Doctor Who!" Bianca said.

"I see what you did there. But for real tell me who is he is."

"Captain Man." She said then I screamed. And not the fangirl type of scream when you meat a superstar or just when you get happy you just shriek.

"I know right." She said.

~~~~Friday Lunch~~~~

"It's Friday. Friday. Got to get down on Friday." Charlotte sang.

"Why must you make this day this day the worst day ever?"

"Don't blame me blame Jessica White. She made that song." (Rebecca Black. Jessica White. Let the ohhhhs begin)
I rolled my eyes and walked over to the S.S Alone Table/Ship? Then ate my lunch alone then Carly came over.

"Why did you steal my socks?"


"If you want I could have given it to you. No madder the reason."

"Captain Man."


"I gave them to Captain Man."

"Oh... kay."

"He know your a super."


"I am sorry. I didn't know and I needed the money."

"Oh no."

"What's the plan. I want in." She said as if she was a undercover agent.


"Okay so we are at the dance because?" Carly asked. She went for the causal party wear.

"To expose Captain Man before he 'erases me'." I spotted Henry dancing with the unluckiest girl ever. Poor girl. I sighed. I looked around.

"Bianca to the stage." One of the sound guys say. I was looking around for Captain Man. I felt a tap. I screamed.

"Clam down its only me." Charlotte said.


"Hello teens of Swellview." Captain Man said. Bianca was there right next to him and then I saw Kid Danger run up the stairs. It looked like he had something in the back of his hand. He hugged Bianca. Then put a gun to her forehead. People were freaking out.

"Someone help!" Bianca cried. Kid Danger thought it was a great idea to punch Captain Man. I ran. Captain Man saw me and laughed.

I ran to place back stage and change into my super suit. I ran up the stairs and I thought to go back down there. Where it was safe. But someone had to stop him. I sighed and turned around and went back down the stairs and realize that if a didn't do this Captain Man would hunt down my family. Bianca was endanger. So I turn back around.

"Now or never." I ran into him. I had spilt them. Bianca felt on to the stage. She screamed.

"Captain Man stop this! It over!" I said.

"Or is it!" He took out the mind control machine. I ran and grabbed it.

"She evil!" Captain Man said into the mic.

"No, I am not. I didn't try to kill someone." I say.

"Yes she is evil." Someone in the crowd said. I just wanted to fall into little pieces. Then I saw someone come up the stairs. It was Amy in a super suit. A very pink one.

"Destroy the mind control machine." Amy whisper into my ear. Then threw it to the ground. Then saw a rainbow come out in a beam. I remember everything. Every time Captain Man erase my memories.

"You lied to us." Kid Danger said. Captain Man tried to run to the other stairs. Not the one me and Amy were covering. I ran to the other side like the speed of light.

"Not so fast." Everyone was shocked on how fast I could run.

"Tell them!" I said to Captain Evil.

"Tell them what?" He asked.

"What did you do to all those people!"

"There in a secret place. Still alive. But barely."

"Tell us where." I saw Amy. She tapped him on the shoulder.

"Tell me people where those people are, before they are lost and before they die." Amy said while using her own mind control powers.

"In the Man Cave. Behind my room. You should find them."

"Let's go." Amy said and tried to run but I grabbed her hand.

"Not before we take the evil guy to prison." I say.

"Oh right!"

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