Chapter Eight: Vs. Little Mac

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        And so, they were walking.  Walking and walking.  The desert rolled on beyond their eyesight like an unending scroll.  Mario Fox, Peach, and Sheik stumbled along the sand.  They had been traveling for hours in the intense heat and were quickly losing energy.

        "How...much...longer..."Fox panted.  He could barely talk.

        "We need to find a safe haven.  This desert is probably filled with creatures," Sheik responded.  They all groaned and continued.  The sun seemed to push them down more and more.  Then, Peach saw something.

        "What's that, over there?" she frantically pointed.  It looked like a small building.  Yet, it seemed odd to have in the desert.

        "You must a-be seeing things," Mario panted.  His face was filled with shiny beads of sweat.  "I see a-nothing,"

        "No, I see it, too," Sheik said.  They all gained hope, getting some energy back.  "Let's go," So, they walked over.  The building came more into view.  It was a big, navy blue building, that looked like a box. There was nothing to it, just a box with a door.  Finally, the four made it to the door.

        "Let's see if anyone is in here," Sheik suggested.  Then, she opened the door.  It was not locked. The four suspiciously walked in.  It was dark, and you could not see anything in front of you.

        "Hello!" Peach called.  Her voice echoed throughout the building.  It sent chills down the heroes's backs.

        "Well, I'm out of here!" Fox exclaimed.  He ran, but was soon stopped.  Out of nowhere. he just bounced down to the ground.  "What the-"

        Suddenly, lights turned on.  The four were in a huge boxing ring.  There were cheers, but no audience.  Mario, Sheik, Peach, and Fox looked around.  Everything was so intricate.  Yet, they noticed something, no, someone in front of them.  Her wore a black shirt, green shorts and boxing gloves, and his hair was slicked up.

        It was Little Mac!

        However, something was different about him.  His eyes were a pure dark purple.  It was like when Mega Man was possessed.  Little Mac must be the same way.  He looked vicious and very angry.  Then, someone stood in front of him.  He was a big, black guy who also had purple eyes.  It was Little Mac's coach.

        "Alright, who is up first?" he asked.  More applause from the audience.  The four heroes gulped.  However, Mario, Sheik, and Peach stepped back and out of the ring.  They knew they couldn't leave, but they had to get out of there.  That left Fox in the ring, standing in front of Little Mac.  The coach was also out of the ring by then.

        "Fight!" He yelled out.  It echoed through as more invisible applause ensued.  Fox was about to fight Little Mac.  Little Mac ran forward and did his Jolt Haymaker.  Fox instinctively ducked and Little Mac passed over him.  However, Little Mac landed on the ropes and propelled back toward Fox.  Fox turned around, but it was too late.  Little Mac plowed him in the face and Fox fell back.  He wasn't done yet, though.

        Fox jumped up and tried to punch Little Mac.  However, the boxer dodged the attack and gave a combo of punches to Fox.  Then, to finish it off, Little Mac punched him in the stomach.  This sent Fox back even more and he fell toward the other side of the ring.  Little Mac watched to a prone Fox.

        "I'm going to enjoy this," he said with a grin full of hate.  He was about to punch down on Fox, but was interrupted.

        "Holy shit!" Fox yelled.  Little Mac looked up to see what Fox was screaming about.  Then, he saw the lights above him hurling down upon the two foes.  Little Mac jumped out of the way.  Fox crawled away from the blow, too.  Fox and Little Mac looked at the fallen lights to see Mario standing on top of it.  He must have cut the wires to try and hit Little Mac, but it failed.  However, Mario was now in the fight.

        Mario jumped toward Little Mac.  He tried to punch his adversary, but Little Mac used Counter. This sent Mario flying toward Fox.  Fox knocked off of the ring on and off the floor.  He was too weak to continue fighting.  Mario got back up.  Then, Sheik jumped up behind Little Mac.  She was now in the ring.  Sheik tried to use her Needle Storm.  But, Little Mac jumped over them and the needles struck Mario, knocking him back down.  Then, Little Mac threw more punches at Sheik.  This left the heroine dazed.  At this chance, Little Mac grabbed Sheik and flung her at Mario.  They knocked into each other.  Mario was hit out of the ring and Sheik was too weak to weak to fight anymore.  Had Little Mac won?  No!  Peach jumped up and onto the ring.

        "Ha! A woman wanting to fight me?" Little Mac laughed.

        "I'll show you what I'm made of," she whined.  Little Mac ran toward her.  However, Peach used her Peach Bomber and knocked Little Mac to the ground.  Little Mac was about to get up fight more, but Peach threw a Vegetable at him, knocking him back.  This kept happening, over and over. Soon, Mario, Fox, and Sheik were in the ring again, watching this.  Little Mac was drained of energy very soon.  Then, Peach pulled out a big tuber.  Little Mac was trying to get up.  Then, Peach threw the tuber.  It smacked Little Mac on the back and a bright white light filled the room.  The light faded and everyone was on the ground besides Peach.  They were all getting up from a daze.

        Even Little Mac.  Peach was about to lay loose another veggie, but there was something different about the boxer.  He seemed docile.  He staggered up and looked at Peach.  His eyes were no longer purple, but a normal color.  Soon, the four heroes were looking at Mac.

        He looked around.  "W-Where am I?" he stuttered.

        "You were a-possessed," Mario informed.  "Do you want to join us to find the person who did this."

        Little Mac thought.  He still wasn't clear on his thoughts, but he finally agreed.  "I'll like to punch up whoever did this to me," Mac said with a grin on his face.

        So, the five were just about to leave.  However, they heard someone getting on the stage.  It was the coach.  However, he was still evil.  Once everyone was looking at him, he took off his red coat.  This revealed bombs strapped to him.

        "Now it is time to die," he chortled.  Then, he pressed a button on the bomb set.  Then, an explosion filled the room.  It all happened instantaneously.

        "RUN!" Fox shouted.  Fox, Mario, Sheik, Peach, and Little Mac all ran like hell out to the door.  The explosion was behind them, trailing them.  Mac busted through the door and they all ran out.  Then, when they were far enough away, they turned around.  The explosion went around the spot and filled the sky.  The man had died.  But, that did not matter right now.

        Little Mac was on their side.


Hey guys!  I know I haven't written in a LONG while.  I have told you I would, but I missed writing.  However, within a few days, I will be able to post a chapter practically everyday.  I'll make up for it!

Either way, vote, comment, and subscibe to my account.  Don't forget to come back for Chapter Nine. 


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