Chapter Four: Robin

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        He lay there, motionless on the ground.  He was just regaining his senses.  Where was he?  He did not know an answer to the question.  The last thing he remembered was him in battle.  Then, a light came down, and he was unconscious.  He was the last thing he remembered.  Where was he?

        He opened his eyes.  he found himself on the floor, facing the ground.  The floor had a slight, green tint to it.  He put both of his hands on the ground and slowly pushed himself off of the floor.  He stood in a spacious room.  It seemed majestic, almost heavenly.


        Someone had called his name.  Quickly, he turned around.  There was a holy saucer, filled with water, on a podium-like stand.  It stood out from the rest of the room.  Above the saucer was a huge reflection.  No, not a reflection.  It was something like a hologram.  It was a hologram of a person with long, green hair.

        Robin took out his electric sword.  "Who are you?" he commanded.

        "No need for violence," the figure said.  Then, without even knowing it, Robin put his sword away.  He did not want to, but it happened like an instinct, a reaction.  "I am Palutena, goddess of this world and all you see."

        Robin looked around.  He had never heard of this woman, let alone see her before.  "What do you want with me?"

        "I need you Robin," Palutena continued on.  "My trustee, Pit, is gone on another mission.  Away for many reasons.  I have watched you, Robin.  You are a very valiant warrior.  Therefore, I need you to go to Hyrule."

        "Hyrule?" Robin questioned.  "I have never heard of such a place."

        "It is a far away land," Palutena answered.  "Yet, bad things are happening there.  There are heroes over there, but it is not enough.  I have summoned you to go to Hyrule, to fight for all that is right."

        "Hols on just a second," Robin interjected.  Even though he seemed to get lost in the goddesses eyes, he was not falling for this.  "Do you think I am a dumbass?  I have never heard of this fricking Hyrule!  My land needs protection just as well.  I do not need to be out saving some other place."

        "You do not realize the severity of this situation, do you?" Palutena asked.  "You are a newcomer to the Smash Brothers community and so am I.  The thing is, though, the villains of Smash have joined allegiances.  They are taking over all of this world.  I need you to join the fight and stop them."

        A long pause ensued.  Finally, Robin spoke up.  "Even though I regret my decision, I will go to this land of Hyrule."

        "Magnificent!" Palutena cheered.  "Now, close your eyes."

        "Huh?" Robin questioned.  But, it was too late.  A bright flash of light covered the room...and Robin was gone.


        "Get off me!" Link yelled.  He and Mega Man were being dragged away by a group of Hammer Bros.  The held the two firmly, not letting them escape.  The Hammer Bros had seen the two rampaging through the castle and were ordered by Bowser to get them off of the ship.  Now, they were doing just as told.

        The Hammer Bros dragged Mega Man and Link to the edge of the airship.  They looked down to see the land of Hyrule, thousands of feet down.  Link swallowed.

        "Look, maybe we can discuss this in a more civil manner," Mega Man suggested.  "Like in a game of chess of something like-"

        However, he was interrupted.  The group of hammer wielding enemies lifted the two heroes up.  Then, they were thrown off.  Air rushed across their face at high speeds as their acceleration toward the ground gradually got faster.  They looked down to see the ground advancing on them.

        "We're doomed!" Link shouted.  He was right.  The heroes would never survive.  Then, Mega Man got an idea.  He brought his fingers up to his mouth and whistled.  It was an ear piercing sound, able to break glass.  Link covered his ears.  Within no time, a red streak came across the sky.  It rushed into the heroes and flew off.  Mega Man and Link found themselves riding atop Rush, Mega Man's faithful dog.

        The red dog swooped through the air like a plane.  Mega Man rode on the dog's back while Link held on for his dear life.  After a short time in the sky, Rush swooped down and landed safely on the ground.  Mega Man hopped off and Link slowly got up from his position on the dog.  He was scarred for life.  Mega Man waved as the dog left, flying through the air.

        "Wait a minute," Link noticed.  "How come we didn't use him to get up to the ship in the first place?"

        Mega Man pondered on this thought for a few seconds and finally ended up saying, "I guess I forgot about him"

        Link was about to beat Mega Man up for not thinking of that in the first place until he saw the ship back up in the sky again.  It was slowly flying away.

        "Dammit!" Link swore.  "We can't get up there now."

        "And Mario and Fox are still up there," Mega Man continued.  Link sighed.  There was no way to stop them now.  That's when he noticed something else.  As the ship was leaving, it was dropping something.  They were little pods.  Then, something landed right in front of the two heroes.  It was a huge, metallic pod.  A door opened on it and out flooded an onslaught of enemies.  Goombas, Koopa Troopas, and many other types of Mario minions came out.  More pods came down, releasing more of the minions.

        "We have to fight them!" Link exclaimed as he got his battle stance ready.

        And so, a battle began.  It was Link and Mega Man against a zerg rush of minions.  Link started hacking and slashing through these enemies.  He would slash a Koopa and throw its shell at other enemies.  Mega Man used his strong projectile attacks to destroy the enemies.  They were weak, so the heroes were able to easily take over them.  However, they just kept coming and coming.  They would not stop.  A half hour had passed.  Mega Man and Link were getting weaker from the fighting and there seemed to be no stop to the minions.  They found themselves surrounded, about to meet their doom.

        "Well, this is it..." Mega Man admitted.  His voice was weak.  He could fight no longer.

        "It was good fighting with you," Link said.  He was the same way, utterly weak.  He could barely hold his sword up.

        Suddenly, a big hole appeared through the enemies.  A ball of electricity knocked through them. Then, they heard a shout.


        Two green waves from the sky came down and knocked out some of the enemies.  Then, a figure appeared through the sun.  It came down closer and closer until the man was right in front of them.  He had black clothes and white hair.

        "Let's fight these fools!" the man exclaimed.  This encouraged Mega Man and Link, giving them some of their power back.  The three heroes ran toward the Goombas and Koopas.  They stood no chance against three strong heroes.  They started scrambling away.  An end of the enemies was coming.  However, the heores chased them, killing them as they went along.  Before anyone knew it, most of the minions were killed.  A few of them were spared, but they had run away.  Link and Mega Man looked at the white haired sword wielder

        "Who are you?" Link inquired.

        "I'm Robin," he introduced himself.  "I was sent here by goddess.  I don't remember much of the conversation, but she was a green haired maiden who told me to come here.  I found myself in the fields and saw many minions.  I chased after them to find you two.  What is going on anyways?"

        "I..." Link stuttered.  "I don't really know.  There were some Smash Brothers companions who came down and I was brought in this adventure."

        "And I think I know what to do," Mega Man interrupted.  Robin an Link looked at him.

        "What's the plan?" Robin asked.

        "Since the villains are teaming up," Mega Man explained.  "We just have to team up with some other Smash Brothers.  We can join forces and destroy the bad guys."

        "That's not a bad idea," Link admitted.  "Let's do it,"

        And so, the three heroes teamed up.


Hey guys!  I don't have much to say today.  Just vote and comment on the chapter.  Also, if you are reading this, you should subscribe to my account.  That would be cool.  Come back for Chapter Five


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