Chapter Ten: Going Hunting

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        "How much longer?" Mega Man complained.

      Mega Man, Robin, and Link were walking through a pathway filled with all types of shrubbery.  There was not many trees, but bushes and flowers filled the way.  They had been walking for hours now and kept on walking.  They were trying to find a way out of Hyrule and all of the territory in it.  That way, they could find more heroes to fight the plethora of enemies.  However, they seemed to be in the path for an interminably long amount of time.

        "We'll stop for rest at night-fall," Link informed.  Mega Man groaned.  Robin stayed quiet.  They encountered an occasional enemy here or there, but it was just a lot of walking around.

        Suddenly, Robin stopped.  "Did you hear that?" he asked.

        "Hear what?" Link questioned.

       "That...That noise." Suddenly, they all heard it.  It was a faint bing.  Link looked over to the source.  There, right in front of them, was a cylinder of dynamite, about to explode.  Link slashed it with his sword and sent the explosive flying through the air.  Then, it went off like an orange firework. Harmless embers fell down from the sky.

        "What was that?" Mega Man inquired, stunned.

        "I think we're being attacked," Link assumed.  He looked at Robin and Mega Man.  "Be on your guard."

        So, Robin and Mega Man walked behind Link, who led the way.  They were all on their guard, being ready for another attack.  After a little more walking, the path widened.  Suddenly, the path came to a dead-end and it formed a circle.  It was like a small arena.

        "What do we do now?" Mega Man asked.  They were surrounded by shrubbery.  However, he was interrupted by yet another noise.  However, it sounded nothing like the dynamite.  It was a rustling sound.  Someone was in the bushes.

        "Get ready," Link whispered to his two companions.  Link readied his sword, Robin was charging up a thunder blast, and Mega Man had his blaster ready.  They were set for an attack.

        Then, the bush closest to Robin moved.  Robin cried out and shot his Thunder at the bush.  The shrub exploded in a rush of leaves.  As this happened, a brown dog with a blue bird jumped out of the bush in terror.  The dog whimpered and the bird followed close behind, hiding behind its protector.  The hound slumped on the ground.  He did not seemed heard, but shocked and sad.

        Mega Man, Robin, and Link put away their weapons and ran to the dog.  He was covering his eyes.  Link bent down and tried to comfort the dog.

        "Oh crap, oh crap," Robin kept repeating as he went over to the hound.  Mega Man followed.  The bird was on the dog's fur.  The three heroes started petting the dog.  This seemed to comfort the animal duo.  So, the dog and bird got up (of course, the dog was on his fours and the bird was flying near him).  The dog looked at Link, Robin, and Mega Man.

        Then, the dog talked.  "Who are you?" he asked.  He had a dopey voice.

        The three heroes were shocked.  The dog had talked!  They did not know that was possible.

        "Oh, my gosh!" Mega Man shouted.  "You can talk!?"

        "Oh, well how rude of me," the dog scolded himself.  "I'm Duck Hunt Dog.  This is my fellow bird, but you can just call us Duck Hunt."

        The heroes had never seen Duck Hunt before, yet a name so classic as this would make anyone know (even the slightest bit) who he was.  They din not know him, but they knew he was something to them.

        Link looked around.  "Do you know a way out of this forest?" Link asked.

        "This place?" Duck Hunt questioned.  "I know this forest in and out.  I can lead you."

        "Great," Robin chipped in.  "Maybe you can join us."

        "What do you mean?" Duck Hunt inquired.

        "We're looking for people from Smash Bros," Mega Man stated.  "You seem like you are from Smash Bros, so you can join us and help us destroy the bad guys."

        Duck Hunt thought about this.  Then, he finally said, "Well, I'd be glad to help.  This way." Duck Hunt beckoned the heroes into the depths of the woods.

        "Wait!" Link called.  "That's off the path.  We'll never be able to find a way."

        "Trust me," Duck Hunt assured.  There was brief hesitation, then Mega Man started following Duck Hunt.  Soon, Mega Man, Link, and Robin were deep into the trees and shrubs, following the dog and bird.

        This was a dangerous path, though.  There were spikes from plants and the trees seemed to suffocate the area.  It did not seem good. Plus, Duck Hunt was going than the others.  It was obvious he knew his way.

        "Wait up!" Robin called to the hound, but the persistent dog kept on going at a fast pace.

        "I-I don't like it here," Mega Man stuttered.

        "We'll be fine," Link assured, but at this point, he wasn't so sure himself.  Suddenly, Duck Hunt stopped.  The other three heroes ran over to him.  They were now together.

        "Just through these few trees," Duck Hunt said.  "Then, we're out of here."  So, Duck Hunt, Mega Man, Robin, and Link walked through the tall trees.  Then, the shrubbery, trees, and any type of greenery abruptly ended.  They were in a huge, rocky field with a tip of a cliff above them.  They must have been in the woods for a while, because the moonlight shone.  

        Then, seven silhouettes appeared at the top.  An eighth one appeared in front.  They were covered by the moonlight.  All eight of the figures jumped down simultaneously.  They hit the ground, causing it to shutter a bit.  There, standing before them, were the seven Koopalings led by the infamous Bowser Jr.

        "Oh, shit," Link whispered to himself.  Before they knew it, the four heroes were surrounded by the eight brats.  There was no way out.

        "We have you now," Bowser Jr laughed with a devilish grin.


Hey guys! Now starts the run of consecutive chapters.  By this, I do not mean that I will post ten chapters in one day.  I mean that in most days (MOST DAYS) for a couple of weeks, I will be able to do a chapter everyday for you guys.  Get ready to read.

Either way, vote and comment on my chapter and subscribe to my account.  Don't forget to come back for Chapter Eleven.


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