Chapter Thirty Two: Back at the Mushroom Kingdom

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        Mario opened up his eyes.  He remembered everything that happened.  All from the space battle, to finding the heroes, to destroying Tabuu.  Yet, something felt different.  Something didn't feel right.

        Then, he looked around.  He wasn't in The Final Destination anymore.  No, he was in the bedroom of Peach's castle.  He looked around to see his own bedroom.  Everything was pink and in place.  He turned his body and looked next to him.  There, he found a sleeping Peach, resting peacefully.  He himself was in bed with her.  He smiled.  Everything was back to normal!

        "Peach!  Peach!" he exclaimed.  "We're a-back!"  Peach jolted up.  She was socked awake.

        "Mario!  What are you doing?" she shouted back.  The pink covers were now all over the place.

        "Why, you a-know-" Mario started.

        But, Peach interrupted.  "It's not like we've been anywhere.  We were in this very bed all night.  You must have had a wild dream."

        Mario's eyes almost dropped out of his head.  What?! he thought.  That's impossible!

        "Let me get some more sleep," Peach said.  "You go out and get ready."

        Mario left the room and got dressed without a word.  What could be going on?  He was for sure that everything had happened.  He knew the whole adventure happened.  He took his overalls and felt in his pocket for the time travel machine.  However, it was not in there.

        Mario sat on the ground of the corridor, almost falling on the floor.  He was still, thinking. Eventually, he put his chin on his knuckles.  When he did this, he felt something sharp on his chin. He looked at his knuckles to see the problem.  There was a little shard of ice stuck in his knuckle. Mario pulled it out and looked at it.  He must have got this when he used a Super Jump Punch on the Ice Shot.  Then, he figured it out.

        Nobody else besides him would remember the whole adventure.  When Mario destroyed the Master Core, it reset time to before the adventure started, but the villains would no longer team up. He was the only one who remembered because he was the one who destroyed the Core.  It was the only explanation.

        Throughout the rest of the day, Mario found out that it was Peach's birthday.  There was a huge ball and a feast fit for a King Dedede.  Then, in the night, the Toad's set up a huge fireworks show. Mario and Peach watched the spectacular show on the small ledge where they were outside.  It was a marvelous sight.  They were silent as the fireworks burst in the sky.  Finally, Peach spoke up.

        "The mail Toad came," Peach told Mario, "and he brought this."

        She took out a white piece of paper and gave it to Mario.  It was a flyer for the fourth Smash Brothers tournament, inviting Mario and Peach to it.

        "We should do it!" she exclaimed.  "I want to see all of the newcomers."

        "You a-know, I think we should a-stay this one out," Mario sighed as he folded up the paper and threw it over the balcony.

        Peach was shocked.  "What?" she questioned.  "But we've always been in the Smash Brothers tournaments!  You love it!"

        Mario put his arms around Peach's. Then, he spoke.  "Oh, if you a-knew the things we've been through together, you wouldn't a-want to go either."

The End (or is it...)


Yep!  That's it...the end.  I feel like cryng right now.

But, it's not over yet!  I will still be doing lots of writing.  You may know about my "The OC Adventure" already.  And, there is another fanfiction coming soon, so be on the look out.

Either way, vote and comment on the chapter and subscribe to my account.  Don't forget to come back for more books!

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