Chapter Twenty Four: Preparing for War

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        Fox found himself in a place he knew too well.  He had been there before.  He looked around at the purple, celestial background.  He looked to see stars plated on a purple space.  He looked down to see that the ground was gone again.  It was his dream state.

        He looked ahead to see someone.  It was the angelic Angel, his wife.  He was able to see her once more.  She came down like an angel from the skies.  Light surrounded her like it was trying to worship her.  Fox looked in awe.  He had seen her in this celestial dream before on this interminable quest.

        "Angel!" Fox cried out.  "Come with me!  I'm tired of this adventure! I need to be with you!" He tried to walk forward to be closer to her, but he was being stopped by a force he could not see.

        "Fox," Angel beckoned, but he couldn't move to her.  "My mother is among you.  You must protect her."

        "You mother?" Fox questioned.

        "My mother is Samus Aran," Angel informed.  "I've come here to tell you something."

        "Tell me!" Fox ordered in a desperate way.  Tears were almost coming down from his eyes.

        Then, Angel slowly closed her eyes.  Then, she opened them quickly.  Her eyes were a pure red color.  "You're working for the wrong side," she said.  But, her voice sounded ten times worse than a devil's.

        "What?" Fox questioned.  Then, everything turned black.  The background, the stars, everything. The only thing he could see was himself and Angel.  But, the light around Angel seemed to turn to an even darker black than everything else.  She raised a bit higher, her eyes still a red color.

        "You're fighting the wrong people!" she exclaimed in her demon voice.  Fox felt as if he was being consumed by blackness.  "The true villains are out there!" Then, she held up both of her hands.  But, they turned into two, huge white gloves.  They were easily recognizable.  It was Master Hand and Crazy Hand.

        "You're going to die," Angel continued, "if you keep fighting Ganondorf and his army, you will die!  Fight the real enemy!"  Then, both of the hands rushed toward Fox.  He couldn't do anything but scream.

        Soon, he only saw black.  Then, Fox saw a light.  A singular light.  Then, he heard a voice that echoed everywhere.

        "Save my mother and yourself," the voice simply said.  It was Angel.  The real Angel.

        Then, Fox opened his eyes and shot up.  He looked around, seeing that it was only a dream. He remembered the day before.  All of the heroes met up in F-Zero.  They made Mario the leader, because they decided that they needed to destroy Ganondorf and his army once and for all.  They would attack tomorrow once they found the villains.  He remembered that they had to sleep on the tracks of the race track, and that's where he was.

        Fox looked around, breathing heavily.  Everyone was still sleeping.  Fox lay back down.  He thought about the dream.  They couldn't fight against Ganondorf.


        "What's this for?" Dark Pit asked.

        Dark Pit, Bowser, Bowser Jr, Wario, and King Dedede were sitting at a metal table in a small metal room.  The destination was unknown, but everything was metal.  Ganondorf stood at the head of the table.  There was a screen behind him, but they didn't use it.

        "We've been working together," Ganondorf started, "but we haven't gathered together.  Yet, we must gather now.  The heroes have everyone, and their all together.

        Everyone gasped.  Bowser Jr started crying.

        "Damn that plumber!" Bowser yelled.  Chaos was starting to happen.

        "Silence!" Ganondorf screamed.  Everyone was quiet.  "I have a plan."

        "Do tell," King Dedede urged in his blubbery voice.

        "The thing is," Ganondorf said.  "they think they have all of the heroes."  Then, Ganondorf raised his hand and a purple aura swirled around it.  Then, the screen was magically levitated, revealing a small, closet like space.

        In there was Ness, tied and gagged up.

        "Mm-mm, mmm!" he tried to shout, but a cloth was tied over his mouth.

        "Shut up!" Ganondorf ordered.  Ness obeyed.

        "What are we going to do with him?" Wario asked.

        "Near us," Ganondorf explained, "is a desert.  But, it had many rocks.  We leave Ness out there and inform the heroes.  They'll bring all of their heroes, even though we say to bring one to rescue Ness.  Then, when the hero comes out, one of us will come out and the whole group of heroes will arise.  Then, the rest of us come out with a whole army of minions.  This will catch them all guard."

        "Then what?" Dark Pit inquired.

        "Then, we FIGHT!" Ganondorf exclaimed.  "This will be the battle that decides the fates.  Whoever wins, wins for the rest of the ages, and we will win"

        Everyone went in an uproar.  They all hooted and hollered, jumping around everywhere and taunting like no one's business.

        "Silence!" Ganondorf shouted.  They all sat down again.  "Bowser has thousands of Koopas that are ready for war.  Even though they may be weak, many of them can overwhelm the heroes."  Ganondorf turned to Ness, as if he was talking directly to the boy.  "Then, the villains will rule over all."


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