Chapter Twenty Seven: Master Hand and Crazy Hand

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        Suddenly, a bell sounded.  It sounded like a repeating school bell, but it was loud enough for everyone to get up.  All of the heroes and villains jolted out of the bed.  Mario, who was awake and looking at the weird bottle cap trinket all night, quickly put it in his overall pocket before anyone found out he had it.

        Mega Man jumped up on to the plumber's bed.  "Come on!" Mega Man exclaimed.  "Today's the day!"

        That's when Mario remembered.  Today was the day that they go to The Final Destination and destroy Master Hand and Crazy Hand once and for all.  Mario got out of his bed and walked with all of the others to the main room.  They were all in a bug group when they got there, chatting around.  The machine was definitely ready for use.  Then, R.O.B. came out of his room.

       "Now," R.O.B. said as he got near the teleporter.  "It is time we go to The Final Destination." Everyone cheered.  R.O.B. started pressing all sorts of buttons on the machine.  Then, he pressed a big green button to start it.  But, something strange happened.  The machine started making loud sounds and started to shake violently.  Then, lightning bolts shot out of it, scorching everything.

        "What the hell!" R.O.B. yelled.  "This shouldn't be happening!"

        Then, the machine shot a great light on everyone and it transported them.  But, to be transported, they had to go through a tunnel of light (or at least what it seemed like that).  They teleported, though, everyone was feeling sharp pains through the way.  It was as if each person was being penetrated with one hundred knives.  Screams filled the atmosphere, but no one could tell who was who.

        Then, they all felt ground.  All of the heroes and villains alike fell face first on the ground.  Soon, they started to slowly get up.  Yet something strange was gong on.

        "How come I feel so weak?" asked Ness as he got up.  It was true.  Everyone felt weak, as if they had all gone through the toughest battle of their lives...and lost.

        "I...I don't know," Palutena responded.  "I can't use my powers to tell what is going on."  Actually, no one could use their powers.  Yet, they found themselves on a familiar, blue platform: The Final Destination.

        As they all tried to figure out what was going on, two figures came out of the sky and appeared right before them.

        It was Master Hand and Crazy Hand!

        "Hello, there!" Crazy Hand greeted.  He had the voice of a psychopath.  "How nice of you to drop by."

        "Yes, how nice," Master Hand continued.  His voice seemed to have more command, as if he was always in control.  "Too bad you're all too weak to fight."  Both of the hands laughed maniacally.

        "What have you done to us?" Ganondorf spoke up.

        "Oh, look it," Crazy Hand mocked.  "The king of all that is bad working with the good guys.  How pathetic!"

        "Either way, we can now reveal to you our master plan," Master Hand started.  "The two of us are almost done creating a giant laser.  This will destroy all other dimensions but this one.  Yet, we knew you damn heroes would try to get in our way.  So, we devised a plan."

        "All of the dreams Fox had with Angel were all implanted by me," Crazy Hand admitted with a laugh.

        "No!" Fox yelled, almost in tears.  "How could you?"

        "It was to get all of the characters on both sides together," Master Hand explained.  "Why else do you think she told you to go to the hands?"  There was silence.  "But, that isn't all.  We blocked all paths to The Final Destination besides through R.O.B.'s machine, which we made it harder to get here.  This is so it could be hacked."

        "Hacked?" Mega Man questioned.

        "Oh, yes," Crazy Hand said.  "You don't know.  There is a traitor in your group."

        Everyone looked around, who could it be?  Then, someone spoke up.

        "It was me!"  They all turned to see who said it.  To everyone's surprise, the traitor was Duck Hunt!

        Duck Hunt walked up and in front of the Hands, then faced back to the heroes.  "I hacked the machine so that it would make you all weaker when you were brought here."

        "But, why would you do this?" Link asked, who had been on most of the adventure with him.

        "I'm always hated!" Duck Hunt exclaimed.  "Bad guys are meant to be hated, but I'm not supposed to be antagonists.  People tried to find ways to shoot me in my game, and eventually resorted to making computer games where you can shoot me.  I was meant to be hated!  So, I teamed up with the Hands, because they would treat me better.  Why else do you think, I didn't talk much?  Why else do you think I lead some of the heroes into a trap with Bowser Jr?  Why else do you think I fought terribly?  Well, now you're  all going to suffer for what you've done."

        "Actually, Duck Hunt," Master Hand said, "we don't need you anymore."

        "What do you mean?" Duck Hunt inquired.

        Crazy Hand flicked Duck Hunt into the crowd.  All of the heroes separated ad he landed on the hard ground.  "You can go back with them now," Master Hand said.  "Now you can all suffer!"

        Master Hand snapped his fingers and a huge, black gun with yellow and purple outlines appeared in mid-air.  It was so big that it had to be wielded by both of the Hands.  Then, they pointed the gun at the heroes.  There was nothing they could do because they were all too weak.

        'Bye-bye!" Crazy Hand said.  "See you when the world ends!"  Then, the gun shot a huge, yellow laser.  All of them were hit...


        Mario blinked his eyes a few time.  They were watery, but soon cleared out.  He slowly moved his body parts and saw that he was still in The Final Destination.  But, Master Hand and Crazy Hand weren't there.  The place was too quiet.  Mario turned around only to see a terrible sight.

        Fox, Ganondorf, Mega Man, Bowser, everyone, were turned into statues.  They were all in the positions.  Mario tried touching them to free them, but he could not.  Mario glumly put his hands to his sides, when he felt something.

        Mario dug in his pocket and pulled out the trinket.  He stared at it more.  Then, Mario came to a realization.  The only possible thing it could be was a time machine!

        To explain, all of the heroes were frozen in time.  If you had a time machine this tiny on you, you couldn't be frozen in time because the properties of the time machine wouldn't allow it.

        Mario stared at the small time machine some more.  He turned it this way and that.  If eh went back to just a few minutes ago to stop the Hands because he would create a time paradox.  There was only one thing he could do.

        "It's time to go a-back to the past!" Mario exclaimed.  He thought where he wanted to go and pressed the red button.  He was instantly teleported.


Hey guys! Now we've got some time travel in the mix! Just be sure to vote and comment on the chapter and subscribe to my account. Don't forget to come back for Chapter Twenty Seven.

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