Chapter Two: Mega Man

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        "Holy Crap!" Mario yelled.

        He was shocked by what stood in front of him.  There was Ganondorf.  He stood, tall and brood, by a bug control center.  It most likely controlled the mother ship and everything else of the enemy's the battle.  But, that is not what surprised the plumber.  It was who was controlling the control center.

        This person was Mega Man.

        However, there was something different about him.  He looked the same except for one thing.  His eyes were a pure purple.  It was a very dark purple, almost black.  However, it was all purple, just that blank color.  It was as if he was possessed.  Mega Man heard the crash, and so did Ganondorf.  They both looked to see the plumber, Mario.

        Ganondorf reacted immediately.  "Get him!" Ganondorf commanded.  Mega Man went away from the control center and stood straight up.  He stood in front of Mario.  The two heroes stood, face to face. Shit was about to go down!

        Without further adieu, Mega Man hastily shot a metal blade from his hand, straight at Mario.  Mario jumped over this, easily evading the attack.  This gave Mario a chance to shoot a fire ball, which he did.  The fireball soared through the air.  However, Mega Man used his flame sword to nullify the attack.

        Mega Man ran forward, shooting his mega buster as he ran.  Mario ran forward, too.  When they got to each other, they broke into an epic fist fight.  However, Mega Man was not very good in hand-to-hand combat.  This gave Mario the chance to easily knock him down.  Mario blew some punches, which Mega Man blocked.  Then, Mario kicked his feet, knocking the humanoid to the ground.  Just as Mario was about to unleash the final blow, Mega Man put up his leaf shield.  Mario ended up punching one of the leaves.  This, in turn, allowed Meg Man to get up and shoot the leaf shield at Mario.

        The bundle of leaves hit Mario, phasing him.  This is when Mega Man shot a crash bomber.  It was like a sticky bomb, so it stuck to Mario.  The plumber ran around, trying to get it off of him, but it was no use.  The bomb exploded and Mario ended up laying on the ground.  Mega Man slowly walked up to the defeated foe.

        Ganondorf laughed in the background.  He knew he had won.  Mega Man was charging up his blaster.  Mario was about to be killed.  But, he was a persistent man.  Mega Man shot the blast.  Right as that happened, Mario took out the yellow sheet and deflected the blast.  This sent it right back at Mega Man.  The blast sent Mega Man back, flying in the air.

        Mario saw his chance.  He ran under the foe and used his super jump punch.  Mario saw some coins fly out as he hit Mega Man with his fist.  Mega Man landed on his feet, but he was stunned.  Mario sprinted over and charged up his fist.  When he got to Mega Man, he punched.  It seemed to happen in slow motion.  The fist went through Mega Man.  A bright light filled the room.  Next thing he knew, Mario saw Mega Man, lying on the ground.  His eyes were no longer the dark purple color, but back to their normal color.

        Mario knew that Mega Man was back to normal, but his mission was not yet done.  He turned to the control panels, which were by a surprised Ganondorf. Ganondorf was just about to do something when Mario shot another fireball.  It sped all the way to the control center.  It hit the desk and set it up in flames.  Red lights filled the room and alarms started blaring off.  The ship was soon going down. Mario smiled smugly at Ganondorf.

        "This isn't over!" the warlock threatened between gritted teeth.  Out of nowhere, a purple swirl came around him.  Within seconds, the purple swirl vanished and Ganondorf was gone.  That left Mario and Mega Man in the crashing ship.

        Suddenly, a giant hole formed right in the middle of the ship, on the wall.  In came Fox's ship, crashing in the side of the enemy base.  Mega Man still lay there like a slug.  Mario ran over and helped him up until he was able to balance on his own two feet.  Mario looked back at the ship and saw the door opened, Fox waiting.

        "Come on! Let's go!" he screamed from the ship.  The base was crashing down and they would be, too.  Mario dragged Mega Man over with no resistance.  Mega Man still had no idea what was going on.  The two entered the ship.  Mario and Fox sat down while Mega Man stood by the entrance, dazed.  Within minutes, the ship was off and flying far away from the ruckus.  They did their job.

        They flew through space at ridiculous speeds.  Mega Man stood back,  just returning from his phased state.  Mario and Fox sat in silence.  Finally, Mega Man spoke.

        "What's going on?"  Mega Man asked.  He had a childish voice.  No surprise, since he technically was.

        Mario turned around to look at Mega Man.  "Well," he began, "you were-a possessed by Ganondorf somehow.  We-a saved you in an intergalactic battle and now we are-a here.  Something strange is-a going on."

        Mega Man nodded, understanding what he said.  "I know you're Mario,"  Mega Man pointed out.  He looked at Fox.  "And you are..."

        "Fox," he filled in, not looking at him.  Silence filled the room.

        "So, what are we doing?" Mega Man inquired.

        "We honestly don't know," Mario replied.  It was true.  They had no direction, no sense of where they were going or what to do.

        That's when the ship jolted.  Everyone almost fell down.  Red lights flared and alarms bolted out, just like in the enemy base.  Fox started frantically pressing buttons.

        "What's-a going on?!" Mario shouted.

        "Something just hit our ship's jets!" Fox answered.  He was trying to do anything he could to put the ship in shape.  "We're going down!"

        Mario looked toward Mega Man, trying to keep his balance.  A little window was at the back of the ship.  He saw another starship trailing them.  It was one of the enemy spaceships.  Mario saw faintly, through all of the windows, that Ganondorf was controlling the jet, laughing maniacally.

        They could do nothing now.  The spaceship was going down, crashing for some place unspecific.  The trio of heroes screamed as they fell.  Mario saw that they were coming for a planet.  It was about as big of a planet he lived on.  He couldn't tell, but it may have even been his own planet. He could not tell, though,  because he was too busy trying to save himself.

        The ship reached the planet's atmosphere.  The ship was now on fire, hurdling toward the surface.  They were done for.  Mario saw land.  He could not tell where he was, though.

        Then, they crashed.


I told you there would be swearing.

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Also, feel free to give me story ideas.  I can make one out of it.  I am still thinking about the one story I am speculating.  Come back for Chapter Three!  

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