Chaos At Palutena's Temple

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Back at Palutena's Temple, Palutena was assigning Pit a new task to go after Dark Pit.

Palutena: "I've located Dark Pit?"

Pit: "Where is he, Lady Palutena?"

Palutena: "At the Reset Bomb Forest."

Pit: "Okay! Let's get him."

Pit was about to run off, but Palutena stopped him.

Palutena: "Pit, you must train. Dark Pit is ready powerful now, and you need all the strength you can get to beat him."

Pit: "Lady Palutena, How will I train?"

Palutena gave the orders and Pit follows them.

Palutena: "Focus on mainly melee attacks, and then topple him with a Smash attack."

Pit: "Talk about combos."

After hours of training, Pit had a friendly sparring match with Palutena.

Palutena: "Now, let's see what you have learned, Pit."

Pit: "I got this, Lady Palutena."

Pit was firing out projectiles, such as Palutena's Arrows, and he soon was getting with Aerial attacks, and finishing her off with an Up Smash attack.

Palutena: "You're ready."

Pit: (Leaving) "Thank you, Lady Palutena, I won't let you down."

Pit was soon coming back to her.

Pit: "Um, Lady Palutena?"

Palutena: "Yes, Pit?"

Pit: "How do I get to Reset Bomb Forest from here?"

Palutena: "Oh, so sorry about that, Pit."

Pit: "For what?"

Palutena: "This..."

Palutena granted the Power of Flight on Pit as he was uncontrollably flying away.

Pit: "Ahhhh!"

Palutena: (Yelling) "Don't worry, you'll do great. You'll need my power to beat Dark Pit."

Palutena started thinking about Pit.

Palutena: "Maybe I should keep an eye on Pit. I'll watch from the reflecting pool in the interior of my temple."

Soon, enemies started appearing. They were Daphnes! Flage! Lethinium! Mahvas! Monoeyes! Nutskies! Souflees! Zurees!

Palutena: (Sarcastically) "Oh no."

Palutena shredded them instantly with Heavenly Light.

Palutena: "You can't hide from my light."

A "treasure" appeared after defeating the enemies.

Palutena: "Now let's see what's inside."

The moment she was about to open it, the treasure box grew legs. It was Mimicutie. Mimicutie were resilient enemies, so Palutena just stood back and started poking it with the tip of her staff.

Palutena: "Get back!"

She was running away, but the Mimicutie was pretty fast until Palutena led it to an edge of stage and she used Counter.

Palutena: "Counter!"

The Mimicutie fell, got back up, and was running to Palutena until she spot-dodged and pushed the Mimicutie off the cliff with Reflect Barrier.

Palutena: "Too bad for you."

A Boom Stomper appeared and Palutena was taunting it.

Palutena: "Ready when you are."

The Boom Stomper was stomping the ground so hard, it was shaking the ground.

Palutena: "How dare you. You'll ruin my temple. Let's take our matters outside."

Palutena led the Boom Stomper outside and was using special attacks.

Palutena: "Warp! Explosive Flame!"

After a couple of minutes, Palutena got bored.

Palutena: "Let's finish this."

Palutena pushed the Boom Stomper off the cliff with her wings.

Palutena: "Ha!"

A Lurchthorn appeared and Palutena knew exactly how to take care of it.

Palutena: "Reflect!"

Every time the Lutchthorn shot something, Palutena reflected it back, which took about two minutes.

Palutena: "Predictable."

A Clubberskull appeared and Palutena was not happy.

Palutena: "Another one—the Clubberskull."

The Clubberskull was running towards Palutena and she quickly Warped and on the other side of him.

Palutena: "A little impatient, I get it, anger issues. But how about a little...tip of my staff!"

Palutena stabbed it in his eyes and a Smash Ball came and Palutena knew what to do.

Palutena: "Watch this! Black Hole! Mega Laser!"

Palutena grabs the ball and uses her Final Smash, Black Hole Laser and defeated the enemies.

Palutena: "That's how I like it."

Finally, an Orne came.

Palutena: "Not being overconfident or anything, but that thing's deadly."

Palutena took off, eventually losing the Orne.

Palutena: "I think I've lose it for now. Now, I can see how Pit is doing."

She then took off.

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