JRPG Stardom

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Shulk was hunting down Metal Face until he came across a mysterious location and lost track of Metal Face.

Shulk: "I'm...seeing something."

The vision showed Metal Face about to kill Shulk and he was completely helpless.

Shulk: "I can change the future."

Shulk looked at the signs around and realized he was in a place called Midgar.

Shulk: "Midgar, huh? All these buildings...Metal Face is sure to be hiding here."

Soon, Metal Face came flying in above Shulk and landed in the background on top of the Shinra Building, making him a faraway target.

Metal Face: "Hehehehehe. Looks like Monado Boy is so confident in defeating me this time."

Shulk: (To himself) "There's something different...it's affecting the Monado."

Metal Face: "That's right. I'm going through an either flow! That waste of a sword has no effect on me!"

Shulk would then have the same vision of his demise, yet, this time, someone with spiky hair, saved his life.

Shulk: (To himself in the head) "The future is...changing."

Then, a red floating orb appeared behind him.

Shulk: "Alvis! What is this?"

Alvis's Voice: "This is Summon Materia. It will summon various that will aid you in battle."

Shulk: "If the Monado won't work, this'll do."

Shulk used the Summon Materia and summoned Ifrit. Ifrit used Hellfire, but the fire damage did not affect Metal Face.

Metal Face: "Ha! Fire is useless to my superior armor."

Shulk then summoned Ramuh, who used Judgement Bolt. Metal Face dealt with tender damage.

Metal Face: "This is only the beginning. There is only one way you can stop me!!!"

Metal Face shot a laser towards Shulk, which he dodged, and summoned Odin. Odin used Zantetsuken and striked Metal Face, who barely blocked it.

Metal Face: "You thought that feeble blade could knock me down? Think again!!"

From a distance, a young man with blonde spiky hair, blue eyes, and a long sword, noticed the danger.

Meanwhile, Shulk summoned Leviathan trying to sink Metal Face into oblivion. Metal Face was able to dodge Leviathan's Tsunami by flying upwards.

Metal Face: "Wow, it's like you're not even trying."

Shulk: "I'll make you eat those words!"

Shulk, hoping to use his last summon responsibly, summoned Bahamut ZERO. Bahamut ZERO used Teraflare and created devastation in the area while delivering a very severe blast to Metal Face. He was now very angry.

Metal Face: "I've played you like a pawn for the last time! NOW, DIE!"

Metal Face came charging at Shulk. Shulk was then saved by a man named Cloud. Cloud striked Metal Face from the back.

Cloud: "Never thought I'd see the day...That a fellow swordfighter would fall victim to his enemy."

Shulk: "Who are you?"

Cloud: "Just a friend who's here to help. I'm Cloud, Cloud Strife."

Metal Face was then fighting Cloud alone.

Cloud: "Bring it on."

Cloud went in for a Forward Aerial, Up Tilt, Spotdodge, and Back Air. Then a Standard Attack, Up Aerial, and knocked off Metal Face's left leg with a Down Aerial Meteor Smash. Metal Face knocked him down.

Metal Face: "You Monado Boy-looking brat!!"

Cloud got back up and executed an Up Smash, Down Smash, and Forward Smash.

Cloud: "No hard feelings."

Metal Face inflicted Daze upon Cloud, but Shulk stepped in Visioned Metal Face's follow up attack, saving Cloud.

Shulk: "Hey, wake up."

Cloud: "My thanks."

Cloud went in for a Dash Attack. He regrouped himself and started using his specials. He uses Blade Beams, Cross Slashes, and Climhazzards.

Cloud: "Kid, take over!"

Shulk: "Right!"

As Shulk was aiding Cloud in battle, Cloud used his Limit Gauge to charge his Limits for extreme power.

Cloud: "Limits are meant to be broken!"

Cloud was covered in a blue, misty aura.

Shulk: "That power..."

Cloud: "Kid, trap him with that blade of yours."

Shulk: "And you?"

Cloud: "I'll give him a "Finishing Touch"."

Cloud went up to Metal Face and performed his Finishing Touch.

Metal Face: "You puny maggots! I will reign supreme! Time for a last resort!"

Metal Face was about to execute his Last Resort attack.

Cloud: "Not interested."

Cloud saw a Smash Ball and acclaim it. Cloud was up against Metal Face about to annihilate him with his Final Smash, Omnislash.

Cloud: "Your luck has run out."

Cloud delivered a flurry of sword strikes before delivering the final blow.

Cloud: "You cannot defeat me. Better luck next time."

Metal Face: "You Heroes always had to get the last word... Just, die!!"

As Metal Face was about to attack effortlessly...

Shulk: "Back Slash! This is a good result."

Metal Face was now completely destroyed.

Shulk: "Dunban and the others are sure to be happy that Metal Face is now destroyed."

Shulk then noticed Cloud is leaving.

Shulk: "Wait, Cloud, was it? I'm Shulk."

Cloud: "And...that means what to me?"

Shulk: "I'm in a need of your help."

Cloud: "What's the situation?"

Shulk told him everything about what is going on and Cloud, just like that, agreed to help him.

Shulk: "May I ask? Those were unique abilities. Are you even human?"

Cloud: "Yes..., but I am infused with extraterrestrial particles known as Jenova cells and industrial energy known as Mako."

Shulk: "So like, Superhuman?"

Cloud: "Indeed."

Shulk: "And that sword, it's as tell as you."

Cloud: "It's called the Buster Sword. It was used by a late friend, Zack Fair, and used to kill the dark-winged angel, Sephiroth. What about your blade?"

Shulk: "This is the Monado. It is a divine sword capable of destroying the very fabric of existence. It used by my friend, Dunban to destroy robot-like creatures known as Mechon."

Cloud: "Like this beast, here?"

Shulk: "Yes. I used it to destroy a fierce entity god, Zanza. What about that blue aura?"

Cloud: "The Limit Break is only used when necessary. I manually charge it whenever I want to. It powers up my abilities. Do you have any abilities?"

Shulk: "I have visions of victory?"

Cloud: "Meaning...you can predict the future?"

Shulk: "Yes. It shows me my enemy, it shows me the future I must change. Now we must go to the Final Destination."

Cloud nodded and they took off to Final Destination.

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