Shocking Encounter

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Inside the underground train tracks, Spider-Man is seen chasing his enemy and lost him underground.

Spider-Man: "Have to admit, Shocker is now a fast runner."

Spider-Man triggers his spider sense and see's something coming.

Spider-Man: "Holy!"

Spider-Man jumps out of the way and the shock blast was fired, lucky Spider-Man made it out.

Spider-Man: "Come on, Shocker. You know your heading back to prison after I take you down."

This enemy is Spider-Man's foe, Shocker.

Shocker: "That's it, Web-Slinger. You have mess with me long enough. Once the boss awakens, this world will be ours for the taken. Without you in it!"

Shocker fires his another Shock Blast and Spider-Man jumps out of the way and starts chasing Shocker. Once Shocker runs away, he stops and fires the ceiling, blocking Spider-Man from going after him.

Spider-Man: "Damn, he's pretty good."

Spider-Man see's the train and the switch. He smirks and shoots his web, turning the switch on, and the train drives of itself, showing a hidden door open much to his relief.

Spider-Man: "Time for a little surprise, Shocker."

Spider-Man runs to the door and finds himself at the sewers.

Spider-Man: "Not match for my style, but, whatever."

Spider-Man fires his webbing and went straight to another side of the track without getting dirty and finds a blocking entrance from before and see's the next entrance Shocker ran to.

Spider-Man: "There you are."

Spider-Man heads to the entrance and opens the gate, seeing Shocker was waiting to arrive.

Shocker: "I knew that you would come here."

Spider-Man: "I figured. You can't start the fight without me."

Shocker: "Time to finish you off, once and for all!"

Shocker fires his shock blast, which Spider-Man avoids it by jumping away and shoots his webs, webbed up Shocker's Shock Gauntlets and makes his move. Spider-Man landed in front of Shocker and uppercuts him, as Shocker went to down level and touch the ground. Shocker's Gauntlets was recovered and fires another shock blast. Once again, Spider-Man avoids it and fires his other webbing, this time, he holds his webbing on Shocker's chest and spins him around as he throws him at the wall. Shocker wad now dizzy and tries to get up, but Spider-Man grabs his Gauntlets and breaks them.

Spider-Man: "Looks like your battle days are over, Shocker. This world is going to be in peace as long you and this, boss of yours, is away for good."

Spider-Man webs up Shocker in the air as he called the police to take him back to prison and he took off to other location.

(A/N: This chapter features a reference of the video game called: Spider-Man The Movie Game. Hope you'll enjoy it. Tuned in next time for another chapter of Super a Smash Bros. 4)

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