The Final Battle

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The mysterious entity that was controlling the hands felt the presence of the heroes.

???: "They're here."

Having a feeling of arrogance and overconfidence, the entity pulled out the trophilized forms of Mr. Game & Watch, R.O.B., Villager, Wii Fit Trainer, Little Mac, and Duck Hunt Duo. He transported them back to the Heroes.

???: "But if they do hope to defeat me, I will commit the ancient sacrificial prophecy."

Master Hand: "Which is?"

???: "I'll sacrifice my soul to you. My soul shall live on you. You'll be my host body."

Crazy Hand: "Even I am crazy, but that's just crazy talk."

Master Hand: "I refuse."

???: "You don't have a choice."

The entity zapper both of them and then committed the transaction.

Meanwhile, at the gates of Final Destination, the trophies appeared behind the heroes and they were extremely happy to bring back their fallen allies. During the mini celebration, King Dedede pulled Mario aside.

King Dedede: "Mario, listen. Let me give you this."

Mario: "What is it?"

King Dedede: "It's a Dedede Brooch. This item can revive you from your trophy form if everyone in the world was a trophy. It's a last-ditch attempt to destroy the true enemy after some time has passed. I previously used them on your and Ness during our fight against Tabuu."

Mario: "So the enemy would least expect an epic comeback."

King Dedede: "Exactly."

Mario: "Thank you so much."

King Dedede walked away. Finally, everyone was set and entered the gates through the portal.

The Heroes reached Final Destination.

Goku: "Whoa! Are we in space? Because I can see the Planet Earth and the Sun to the sides."

Astro Boy: "Yeah. It's so beautiful here."

Blaze: "It is. But we must focus on stopping our enemy."

Mario: "Hey, we're here. Master Hand! Crazy Hand!"

Master Hand came from the darkness on the right side of the stage, laughing maniacally. Then, Crazy Hand came from the darkness at the left, laughing maniacally. The hands fist-pumped each other and then prepared to fight.

Mario: "Charge!!!!"

Half of the fighters went after Master Hand and the others went after Crazy Hand. Together, they had a total amount of 580 HP. Master Hand performed a combo of Jetstream, Flying Punch, Big Swipe, Fireball Blitz, and Icy Wind. Crazy Hand performed a combo of Shadowball Bash, Pink Pillar, Drill, and Squeeze.

Lucy: "Is it me or hasn't the hands gotten stronger?"

Link: "Yeah. When together, they're an unstoppable team."

Shulk: "I'm... having another vision. The true fight is yet to come."

Zelda: "Wait, something's different. I feel the power the hands possess. Their power levels are rising erratically."

Naruto: "We need a force so hard that it breaks their super armor."

Robin: "How about a Shock?"

Blaze/Corrin: "Dragon Powers?"

Olimar: "Pikmin?"

Pit: "Centurions?"

Marth: "The divine, Falchion?"

Lucario: "Aura?"

Lucas: "PSI?"

Mewtwo: "Psychic Abilities?"

Goku: "Ki Attacks?"

Akame: "My sword, Murasame?"

Ness: "Wait, I have a idea."

Wario: (under his breath) "Like always."

Spider-Man, in arrogance, webbed Wario's mouth shut.

Ness: "Thanks Spidey. Ganondorf, your down aerial is so strong that it can potentially cause Star KO'd. Right?"

Ganondorf: "Yes, but it won't work. This force alone won't break this seal. I'm going a need of help from all of you."

Ike: "Brute strength is superior..."

Ryu: (tapping Ike on his shoulder) "...but teamwork is more superior."

With that, both Hands started performing combination moves. The fighters had to double jump over their Dual Sweep. The Hands then performed their Juggling Act and the fighters either spotdodged, airdodge, or shield off each incoming orb. The Hands were fed with the fighters' so called "foolishness" so they started to activate their Cross Punch. Crazy Hand was aiming to punch Master Hand's palms, so when the fighters' saw him speed pass, the jumped and attack-landed on both of them with their down aerials in sync.

Luffy: "We took down the force field."

Ichigo: "More than that, it seems like their health is gone."

Lloyd: "Yeah, look."

Their health was now at 290 HP. Mr. Game & Watch simply walled up to Crazy Hand performed Judge 1 and there was a huge explosion the burned Crazy Hand to ashes.

Twilight Sparkle: "Is it over?"

Spider-Man: "No, it's not over yet."

Master Hand went crazy and turned into a black swarming monster, known as Master Core.

Sonic: "Guess this ain't gonna be that easy."

Rainbow Dash: "You say it, Sonikku."

To be continued...

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