Chapter 22 McQueen and heroes are Found/Goodbye

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(Everyone then looks into the distance to see lots of headlights approaching.)

Sally Carrera: (gasps) Customers?

Sora: Wait. For real this time?

Flo: Customers, everybody! And a lot of 'em! You know what to do. Just like we rehearsed!

(Suddenly, a blue light shines on McQueen.)

Townsfolk: (all gasp)

MetalBeard: What the...?

Mater: It's the ghostlight!

Knuckles: No, Mater, it's not some ghostlight. It's...

Kathy Copter: (shown to be shining the light) We have found McQueen and Super Taskforce Squad. We have found McQueen and Squad!

(It is then shown that the people who have arrived are actually the press, coming towards McQueen and surrounding him, flashing their cameras.)

Photographer 1: McQueen! Guys!

Photographer 2: McQueen, guys, over here!

Photographer 3: Guys!

Sonic: What's going on?

Mojo Jojo: Why is the press here?

Starscream: How did they know where we're?

Lightning McQueen: Uh, wait, excuse me.

Matti: Is it true you've been in rehab?

Andrea: Did you have a nervous breakdown, McQueen?

Lightning McQueen: I'm sorry, what?

Photographer 4: McQueen's wearing whitewalls!

Photographer 5: Are your tire trims balding?

Photographer 6: (to Jetfire) Did you accidentally use your spacebridge to teleport here?

Jetfire: What?! No! I didn't use anything!

Sally Carrera: Stickers! McQueen!

Photographer 7: (to Mater) Was Lightning McQueen your prisoner?

Mater: Shoot, no! We're best buds! I ain't bragging or nothing but I was in charge of hunting him down if he tried to escape.

Lightning McQueen: Sally!

Kori Turbowitz: McQueen, will you still race for the Piston Cup? (to Squad) And are you going to help McQueen?

Sally Carrera: Stickers?

Wyldstyle: Lightning?

Lightning McQueen: Sally! Sally!

Photographer 8: Come on, McQueen, guys, give us some bolt!

(Suddenly, a horn honks, and the press clear the way for Mack.)

Mack: You're here! Thank the manufacturer! You're all alive!

Lightning McQueen: Mack?

Super Taskforce Squad: Mack?

Mack: (turning around) You're here! I can't believe it!

(Sally then watches as she notices the picture on the side of Mack's trailer.)

Mack: (chuckles to McQueen and Squad) You're a sight for sore headlights! I'm so sorry I lost you, guys. I'll make it up to you!

Lightning McQueen: Mack, I, I can't believe you're here.

Deadpool: Us too.

Harv: Is that the world's fastest racing machine and the most known heroes?

Lightning McQueen: Is that Harv?

Mack: Yeah. And he's in the back. (splits from his trailer, and McQueen and Squad turn around to the trailer door)

Photographer 9: Show us the bolt!

Mack: (drives towards the press) Get back, you oil and water-thirsty parasites!

Photographer 10: Where's the old McQueen? And where's the Squad?

Mack: Actually, this is my good side here. (drives to a spot between McQueen and the press)

Photographer 11: Show us the bolt!

Lightning McQueen: Harv! Harv!

Photographer 12: Give us the bolt!

(The trailer door then opens, showing no one in the trailer.)

Lightning McQueen: Harv?

Sonic: Harv?

Photographer 13: Come on!

Harv: (on the phone, as it pops out) Guys, I'm over here!

Lightning McQueen: How you doing, buddy?

Timon: Hey, Harv!

Pumbaa: How you doing?

Harv: My star client and super heroes disappear off the face of the earth! How do you think I'm doing?

Lightning McQueen: Harv, we can explain.

Harv: I'm doing great! You're everywhere, guys! Radio, TV, the papers! You can't buy this kind of publicity! What do you need me for? That's just a figure of speech, by the way. You signed a contract. Where are you? I can't even find you on my GPS.

Lightning McQueen: We're in this little town called Radiator Springs. You know Route 66? It's still here!

Harv: Yeah, that's great, guys. Playtime is over, pals. While the world's been trying to find you, Dinoco has had no one to woo. Who are they gonna woo?

Lightning McQueen and Squad: Chick!

Harv: Bingo. In fact, check out what's on the plasma right now.

(The TV in McQueen's trailer then shows some photographers with Chick, who now has a thundercloud, lightning bolt and "C" between his tire and front, and is seen with Mia and Tia, who have green paint and "C" merchandise.)

Photographer: (on TV) Show us the thunder!

Chick Hicks: (on TV) You want thunder? You want thunder?! (reflects sunlight on the "C" insignia) Ka-chicka, ka-chicka!

Lightning McQueen: Hey, that's my bit!

Harv: You've gotta get to Cali, pronto! Just get out of Radiation Stinks now, or Dinoco is history, you hear me?

Lightning McQueen: (noticing Sally beside the trailer) Just give us a second here, Harv. (drives to Sally)

Harv: No! No, wait. Where are you goin'? Get in the trailer, baby. Kid! You wa... You want a bigger trailer?

Lightning McQueen: Sally, I... I want you to... Look, I wish... (sighs)

Sally Carrera: Thank you. Thanks for everything.

Lightning McQueen: (groans, then chuckles) It was just a road.

Sally Carrera: No. It was much more than that.

(The screen shows McQueen with tears in his eyes.)

Mack: (comes to McQueen) Hey, kid! We gotta go. Harv's going crazy! He's gonna have me fired if I don't get you in the truck right now!

Lightning McQueen: Mack, just... hold it for...

Sally Carrera: You should go.

Lightning McQueen: I know, but...

Sally Carrera: Good luck in California. I hope you find what you're looking for. (drives away)

Photographer 1: McQueen, Squad, come on!

Lightning McQueen: (tries to follow Sally) Sally... Sally! (gets surrounded by the press)

Bert: Show us the bolt, McQueen! The bolt!

Photographer 2: Hey, Lightning, show us the bolt!

(The press make indistinct talk as McQueen and Squad is forced into the trailer, with Mack getting hooked up.)

Harv: Come on, guys. Get in the trailer.

Photographer 3: Where're the old McQueen and heroes?!

Harv: That's it. That's right, guys. Let's go! You're a big shining stars. You're a superstars. You don't belong there, anyway.

(As Harv is talking, McQueen and heroes take one last look at the town before the trailer door starts to close.)

Lightning McQueen: Whoa... Wait... Whoa, whoa, wait, wait!

(The door closes, and Mack starts his engine as he gets going.)

Hooman: (as other photographers are with Luigi, Guido and Red) Hey, guys! McQueen and Squad are leaving in the truck!

(The press then leave, following Mack and talking indistinctly. Kori then notices Doc near Ramone's House of Body Art, and comes to him.)

Kori Turbowitz: Hey, are you Doc Hudson?

Doc Hudson: Yeah.

Kori Turbowitz: Thanks for the call. (drives away)

(The screen then zooms out to show Sally.)

Sally Carrera: You called them?

Doc Hudson: It's best for everyone, Sally.

Sally Carrera: Best for everyone or best for you, Hudson Hornet? 

Doc(turn to face Sally) Now, Sally...

Mater: Is it true, Doc? Were you really a fancy racecar like Lightnin'?

(All the cars start approaching.)

Ramone: Do you really have trophies in your garage?

Flo: Can you really go faster than 20 miles an hour?

Sheriff: Tell us, Doc. Who are you... really?

Sally: Doc, is that true?

Daffy(voice in Doc's head): So, tell us, Hudson Hornet. What will you do when they put it together and they realize that's really you on that picture?

Doc:(sighs) It's true. I was a racecar. A long time ago.

Townsfolk: (gasp)

Doc: Before I came here, I raced in Piston Cup circuit, just like him.

Crowd:(cheering and honking)


Deadpool:(stops time) Hmm, another new retrospection, how interesting.

Serious Voice: You realize that you're disturbing the important part of the movie, right?

Deadpool: Oh, sorry. (resumes time and runs off)

Doc(voiceover): It felt good. Being able to push myself as far as I could.

Doc(voiceover): With three wins behind me I felt that nothing could go wrong, that I couldn't possibly lose. Smokey, my crew chief, thought so too.

Mater(voiceover): What happened?

Doc(voiceover): Something went wrong, just as I was on the last lap.

Announcer(flashback): Oh, no! He's in trouble! Hudson Hornet has lost control! Hudson Hornet has lost control!

Doc(voiceover): They rushed to save me, took me off the track and brought me to a nearby hospital.

Doc(voiceover): I spent several weeks there as they put me back together again.

Doc(voiceover): I expected a big welcome  when I got back. But that's not what I got.

Studebaker(flashback): Hudson. Didn't expect to see you today.

Hudson(flashback) Well, you should've. After all, I wasn't going to miss this.

Studebaker(flashback):(sighs and stares at Doc.)

Hudson: What?

Studebaker: It pains me to say this, Hudson, but I'm afraid you won't be racing for us today.

Hudson:(shocked) WHAT?! But why? How? You can't...

Studebaker: I'm sorry, Hudson, but your crash doesn't exactly make for good publicity. So I've decided to give your number to someone else. (gestures to bright red 1955 Nash Rambler with a yellow 51 on it's side)

Hudson(angered): You can't do this to me! I've raced for you for the past four years!

Studebaker: And you crashed before. I'm sorry, but you're done. History. Yesterday's news.

(Hudson angrily drives away with Smokey following him.)

Smokey(flashback): Hud, where are you going?

Hudson: What's it look like? I'm done with racing.

Smokey(flashback): You can't give up. You can still race! We'll find you a new sponsor, a new team! And then you can go back and get your fourth win!

Hudson(flashback): I can't go back. Nobody's gonna want a broken-down old car like me. Not when they can have those rookies. And not if... if... (sheds tear) I'm sorry, Smokey. Goodbye. (drives away)

Smokey: Hud...

Sarge: So why'd you choose to come all the way out here?

(Time then returns to present.)

Doc: After I left racing, I decided to go into the medical practise, leading to how I became (gestures to himself) this. And I came out, so I could get away from that life.

Sally(angrily): So that's why you sent Lightning away? Because he reminded you of that life?

Doc:(looks down)

Sally: How could you do this, Doc? Lightning was our chance to... to fix the town, put it back on the map! And you just threw that chance away just to get away from those memories?!

Sheriff: I'd never have expected that from you. You always seemed to care for us. So how could you do something so selfish, Doc?

Guido: (speaks italian)

Luigi: Si, that's just-a terrible!

Lizzie: What? What were we talking about again?

Doc: (sighs) You're right. You're all right. All this time, I thought I was acting in your best interests. But now I see that I was just looking out for myself the whole time.

(Doc then drives on a road where we can see the lights from distance. After a minute, he looks up.)

Doc: Guido, Luigi. Pack the tires.

Luigi: Si! (him and Guido drive to the store as fast as they can)

Doc: Flo, get the gas cans filled up right away.

Flo: On it, Doc. (drives onto her station)

Doc: You too, Fillmore.

Fillmore: Sure, man. (drives off)

Doc: Ramone, get your paints and airbrushes ready.

Ramone: You got it! (drives off)

Doc: And Mater, make sure you've got your tow cable ready.

Mater: I've always got my tow cable. But what's goin' on, Doc?

Sally: Yeah, why all the rush?

Doc: (smirking) I think it's time for us to take a roadtrip to California. 

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