Chapter 1: Trouble At Central City

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"21 Years After The Heroes Defeated Red Death & The Rogues And Solved The Mystery, Everything Had Changed Central City. While The League Are Still Here Fighting Crime. But What They Didn't Realise Is That Something Would Cause A Dimensional Occurrence."
"2 Months Passed Since Kaid Returned To Central City. He Came To See The Bad Guys. After Everything They Did To Help The Superhero Titans."

The Bad Guys: Kaid!

Moe: Hey. You Came.

Kaid: Heh. Hey Guys.

Pepe: What Took You, Man?

Tara: You Know We Haven't Even Heard You In A Long Time.

Lou: Yeah, It's Crazy.

Hubert: So. Where Exactly Have You Been?

Kaid: Hmph. Well. You Should Hear That From The News.

Moe: Yeah. Fair Point.

"Moe Then Turns Around And Turns On The Tv, Which Broadcasts The New About Him."

April: We Are Live At Metropolis City. Where Superboy Returned And Defeated The Cyborg Criminal, Metallo. And There He Is, Right Now.

"Kaid Lands Safely On The Ground. He Then Turns Around And Sees April O'Neil And Her Partner."

April: Superboy! Superboy! Hey. We Have Some Important Quiestions.

Kaid: Oh, Hey. Just Go Ahead. I'm Listening.

April: So. What Would Happen If Marmalade Breaks Out Again? What If He's Going To Do It Again?

Kaid: Actually. He Won't, He's In A Much More Secured Cell. He Won't Break Out And Pull Off A Heist Again.

April: It Just So Happens That Marmalade Is Never Going To Break Out Of Stryker's Island Ever Again.
"The Bad Guys Then Get Overjoyed Hearing The News."

Moe: Hah. Now That's What I'm Talking About.
April: So. Here's One Question.

Kaid: Go Ahead.

April: Will You Actually Stay With The Bad Guys To Help Them Fight For Justice?

Kaid: Well.........I Wish I Could, But......I Already Have A Home......It's At Central City.
"The Bad Guys Then Get Shocked Hearing The News."

The Bad Guys: HUH?!

Moe: WHAT?!
Kaid: It's A New Hall Where Hang Out With Other Heroes.
Pepe: Are You Kidding Me, Chico?!
Kaid: Flash.
Tara: That Can't Be True.
Kaid: Green Arrow.
Hubert: The Only Thing I SelfLoad Right Now Is This.
Kaid: Black Canary, And Even My Dad, Black Wolf.
Lou: That's Just Crazy!
Kaid: As Much As I Love Helping The Bad Guys Fight Crime And Save People And Stuff But......I Can't Wait To Come Home And Spend Some Time With My Family.
"Moe Then Turns Off The TV After Hearing The News, They Turn Around To See Kaid."

Kaid: I Think That Went Well.

Moe: Kaid! Come On!

Pepe: You Gotta At Least Stay!

Lou: We Need You, Man!

Tara: Your All We Have Left!

Kaid: Thanks But...No Thanks.

"As Kaid Is About To Leave, Pepe Rushes And Gets In His Way."

Pepe: Please!

"Kaid Then Walks Passed Pepe, However. Lou & Tara Confront Him."

Lou & Tara: You Gotta Stay!

Kaid: Yeah. I Know You Want Me To Stay And Help You, But I Need To Get Back To My Family. And Don't Forget. I'm Not My Dad.

Hubert: Yeah, I Think I Already Heard That.

Tara, Lou & Pepe: Please!

Kaid: Really, I Gotta Go.

The Bad Guys: But Kaid!

Lou: I Just Distracted Fiddler So That Rose Can Strike Her Down!

Tara: I Never Hacked That System, I Just Used That To Help Jane And Malory Knock Out Rainbow Raider.

Pepe: I Helped Too.

Moe: I Helped Turner & Rowan Stop Trickster, And Even Foiled His Plan!

Kaid: What Did We Talk About?

"Moe Then Lets Out A Sigh."

Moe: Stopping Trickster's Plan of Pulling of The Heist...Look, Kaid. We Did Everything You Want.

Kaid: Wow. That's Great, Cool, Keep It Up.........Bye.

"Kaid Then Runs Off At High Speed, Which He Returns To Central City."

Hubert: Yep. For A Kryptonian Like That Wolf. He Moves Fast.
"At Central City, Kaid Returns Home. However, He Sees Scarlet, He Then Lands Safely And Walks Toward Her. Which She Spots Him And Runs At Him And Hugs Him."

Scarlet: Kaid!

Kaid: One of The Chances, Right?

Scarlet: So. How Did Everything Go?

"Kaid Then Lets Out A Sigh."

Kaid: It's A Long Story. And That Will Come Another Time. Anyway. I Better Go See How My Dad And The Other Heroes Are Holding Up.

Scarlet: See You Back At Home?

Kaid: Wouldn't Wanna Miss It.

"Kaid Then Flies Off To S.T.A.R. Labs. Which He Is Now Going To See His Father, Flasheart Lupin."
"At The New Hall of Justice, Flasheart & Laurel Were Suiting Up Before Getting Ready For A Mission."

Barry: Hey, Flasheart. You Think Kaid Will Be Here.

Laurel: Don't Worry, He'll Be Here.

Flasheart: Exactly, And If He's Already Here, I Think You'll Just Keep An Eye On Him & Freddy While We're On A Mission.

Freddy: Dad!

"Flasheart Then Glares At Freddy."

Flasheart: Freddy? Remember What We Talked About?

"Freddy Lets Out A Sigh, Then He Heads To His Room."

Oliver: Flasheart, You Do Know That You Should Let Freddy Help.

Flasheart: No! I'm Not Doing That! Didn't Freddy Go Up Against That Rogue Last Time?

"As The 2 Converse About Letting Freddy Help Flasheart Fight Crime. Kaid Lands, He Then Walks Behind Him."

Kaid: Hey, Dad.

"Flasheart Then Gets Jumpscared And Panics For A Second, When He Turns Around, He Is Relieved To See Kaid."

Flasheart: Oh. Hey, Son.

Laurel: Kaid!

"Laurel Then Hugs Kaid, Which She Is Happy To See Him."

Oliver: Heh. You've Grown A Lot. Haven't You?

Kaid: Yeah. It's A Long Story.

Barry: So. Your Father And I Had A Little Talk, And He And Laurel Decided That I Can Keep An Eye On You And Freddy.

"Cisco Walks Toward Kaid, Which He Plans On Making A Better Suit For Him."

Cisco: Yeah. If I Can Just Make A Better Suit For You, Huh?

The Heroes: Cisco!

Cisco: What?

"With Kaid's Superhearing, He Hears The Wilderwolf Attacking The Superhero Titans At Uptown Central City."

Kaid: Sorry, Guys. That Can Wait.

Cisco Whispering To Himself: *CURSES!*

Oliver: Drat.

Laurel: Seriously?

Barry: Dang It.

Kaid: You Too, Dad.

Flasheart: Oh Darn It!

Kaid: Come On, Freddy.

Freddy: Yes!

"Freddy Then Suits Up, Before Kaid & His Big Brother Could Head To Uptown Central City, He Looks At The Heroes One More Time."

Kaid: But It's Okey. We Can Just Come Back Here, I Promise. See Ya.

"Kaid & Freddy Then Head Off To Uptown Central City, About To Head To The Superhero Titans To Help Them Stop The Wilderwolf."
"At Uptown Central City. The Superhero Titans Were Fighting Off The Wilderwolf At The Moment."

Turner: That Guy Doesn't Know When To Quit.

Rowan: Heh. You Can Say That Again.

Batty: We Gotta Stop That Wilderwolf!

Ivan: Umm, How?

Kitty: With Everything We Have! If You Already Know, Ivan!

Jane: Let's Show Him What Happens If He Mess With The Superhero Titans!

Aggie: Agree.

The Heroes: Right!

"Before The Wilderwolf Could Attack The Titans, He Was Suddenly Hit By A Green Energy Blast, When The Titans Turn Around To See The 2 Heroes, It's Kaid & Freddy, Who Had Got Here In Time."

The Heroes: Kaid!

The Titans: Freddy!

Freddy: Took You Along Enough.

Kaid: Glad We Got Here In Time.

"Kaid & Freddy Then Turn Around And See The Wilderwolf. Which He Growls At Him. The Heroes Then Get Ready To Battle The Wilderwolf."

Rowan: Alright, Superhero Titans. Time To Hero Up!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"The Heroes Then Hero Up And Work Together And Strike The Wilderwolf With Everything They Have. Rose & Ivan Then Use Their Combined Water Power To Create A Fist And Uppercut The Wilderwolf, Malory & Omar Create A Constructed Hammer And Hits Him With It, However. The Wilderwolf Tries To Use Use His Power."

Rowan & Kitty: Paws Off! Bloodwolf!

"Rowan & Kitty Then Strikes The Wilderwolf With The Swift Speed Beatdown Trick, Which They Learned From The Positive Speed Force. However, The Wilderwolf Gets Even More Angry And Fires His HeatBlast, However. Jane And Aggie Blocked It With Their Bracers."

Jane & Aggie: You Made Us Sick!

"Jane & Aggie Then Strike The Wilderwolf And Started Beating Him Down, They Then Knock Him To The Ground, The Wilderwolf Then Gets Up And Tries To Fire His HeatBlast, But He Got Intercepted By Turner & Batty."

Turner & Batty: Stay Down!

"Turner & Batty Then Strike The Wilderwolf From Every Direction. Which They Disrupted Him From Firing His HeatBlast. However, The Other Villains Watch The Wilderwolf Get Beaten Up, And Get Scared Seeing It. It's Dedede & The Rogues. Who Where Planning On Getting The Wilderwolf To Destroy The Superhero Titans."

Dedede: Oh! That Wilderwolf Is In A Heap of Trouble!


The Rogues: IDIOT!

Kaid & Freddy: Hey! Wilderwolf!

"The Wilderwolf Then Looks Up In The Sky, However. Kaid & Freddy Charge At Him."

Kaid & Freddy: Heads Up!

"With Kaid & Freddy's Combined Power, They Form Their Attack Into A New Move Called "The Howling Wolf Bite". Which They Came Up With Since He Was A Pup. Dedede & The Rogues Get Terrified Seeing That Move."


The Rogues: RUN!

"Dedede & The Rogues Tried To Make A Run For It But Unfortunately For Them. Kaid & Freddy Then Strike The Wilderwolf With A Final Blow. Sending Him Flying At The Villains. Which They Get It By Him. Dedede & The Rogues Then Went Flying Along With The Wilderwolf. Hitting The Concrete Walls. Then They Hit A Hard Wall. The Wilderwolf Then Falls Off The Wall. When He Tried To Recover. He Falls To The Ground Unconscious."

Owen: Beaten By The Superhero Titans?!.........That's Not Fair!

"Owen Slides Off The Wall."

Dedede: Ow......I Don't Think I Can Get Up From That.

"Dedede Slides Off The Wall Too."

Andrea & Michelle: Ow......

"Andrea & Michelle Then Slide Off The Wall Aswell. Which The Rogues Are Defeated And Their Plans Have Been Foiled."

Kaid: Hmph. That'll Teach The Rogues And That Wilderwolf Not To Mess With The Justice League & The Superhero Titans. Come On, Freddy. We Should Head Back To Dad And The Others.

Freddy: Right.

Turner: We'll Keep An Eye On The Rogues Until The Cops Arrive.

Batty: Yeah. I'm Cool With It.

"Kaid & Freddy Then Smile In An Agreement That The Superhero Titans Will Let The Police Take Dedede & The Rogues & The Wilderwolf To Ryker's Island, They Then Head Off To The Hall of Justice To See Flasheart And The League."
"As Kaid & Freddy Are On Their Way To Hall. He Turns To See Him."

Kaid: Hey, Freddy.

Freddy: Yeah?

Kaid: Isn't That True On What Dad Said? I Mean, About Barry Looking After Us While He, Ollie And Laurel Are On A Mission?

Freddy: Yeah, I'm Sure We Can Handle That. I Mean. What Could Possibly Go Wrong With—- BREACH!

Kaid: What?

"Kaid Then Turns To See A Dimensional Breach Open."

Kaid & Freddy: NOT GOOD!

"The 2 Then Accidentally Enter The Breach, Which Transports Them To A Different Earth, However. What The Siblings Did Not Realise Is That They Might Encounter Someone That Kaid Is Related To."

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