Disventure Camp S1 Swap AU - Part 2

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I've got more swaps for everyone to see! One... no, TWO of these swaps MAY REALLY surprise you, though... but without further ado, let's get into it!

Nicholas 'Nick' Milton
[The Sophisticated Bookworm]

(Swaps Labels with Alec)

- Still spoiled rotten by his parents, but he's a lot more game-focused and smarter than in canon due to gaining a bit of an obsession with reading. He still makes his witty remarks from his reaction series self though and tends to be stubborn.

- Nick got kicked out of his mansion after failing to win Season 1, and... unfortunately went down as deep of a spiral as canon Alec did.

- His isolated background made him more antisocial than in canon.

- Has a more softer side to him, especially when paired with the replacement for you-know-who.

- He's a lot more strategic this season, and is willing to play dirtier than his spoiled life ever has been.

- Since he swapped with Alec, he's the one who formed out the Villains' Alliance in All-Stars.

-  Hates it when people call him by his full name, especially after Season 1.

- Tends to be neglectful of his current situations, similarly to how canon Alec neglects his son. This happens a lot more commonly since it isn't limited to family life, though.

- Nick also hates when he gets interrupted from reading a book that he's very invested in.

- He'd prefer not to talk about his whole post-season situation unless if you're REALLY close with him...

- Lost his favorite hat in-between seasons.

Alec Çelik
[The Rich Husband]

(Swaps Labels with Nick)

- Still serious and stoic, but is a lot more stubborn towards others.

- He and his wife, Cheryll's relationship in this timeline is much better than in canon.

- He's also not neglectful towards his son, Daniel.

- His more introverted personality and lack of interaction with others outside of his family does make him a bit gullible. This trait would eventually lead to his downfall.

- Tends to be pretty lazy with challenges, not caring enough to put much effort into them.

- His attitude does cause most of his team to steer a bit away from him. He didn't really care much though. He didn't come in to make friends.

- He felt like an idiot after getting tricked into being eliminated by Lake and Nick.

- He held a bit of a grudge against those two even after Season 1 ended.

- He cares less about what others really think about him.

- Since he didn't make it into All-Stars, he reacted to it instead, of course like (may or may not be canon) Nick. He's currently rooting for whoever replaces Aiden in this universe.

Yul Kim
[The Sassy Boy]

(Swapped Labels AND SEASONS with Grett)

- Similar to his Season 2 self in Season 1, albeit more strategic, without any of the racist/homophobic crap, and actually does show his vulnerable self at times.

- Yul takes a huge heel turn in All-Stars, similarly to Grett in canon. After witnessing how poorly and rude he acted in Season 1, he decided to tone down his personality. He's more patient and kindhearted, but can still act somewhat dubious at times.

- He still dates Grett in this universe, though in this universe, the roles are COMPLETELY reversed. Grett's the abuser while Yul's the victim.

- Did have plastic surgery in-between seasons (well, could help explain why his body looks different between his first canon appearance and All-Stars anyway xD). This is partly why he's insecure of his own body in this universe. The other reason is because of his parents and siblings making fun of how he looks and tending to neglect him.

- Bosses around Tom in this universe, until he stands up against him. They do become besties in All-Stars's merge, where he helps him stand his ground against Grett.

- After breaking with Grett, he became a lot more confident and happy in himself, especially after finding a true friend in Tom.

- Still has his tendencies to be a bit arrogant at times in All-Stars. Not as much as he was in S1 and in both canon seasons, but still.

- Still pushed a familiar old lady down the escalator. He's very apologetic about it by All-Stars though.

- Still feels resentment towards his family even with his attitude change. They barely even knew who he was after he showed them his surgery results!

- Yul usually has nightmares involving his constant mistreatment in the past by others. This only got worse when his relationship with Grett started to plummet.

- Hates it when his hair gets wet. Let's just say that water-based challenges are his least favorite to participate in.

Lake Müller
[The Manipulative Expert]

(Swapped Labels AND SEASONS with Fiore)

- Works with Nick, Jake, and Yul during Season 1 in this universe.

- Resents her parents for their constant strict rules. Knows what they do is wrong, but she couldn't do anything about it.

- Her Fiore-esque facade is basically being an oblivious rich child who doesn't know what's going on most of the time. (It works just as well as canon Fiore's facade.)

- Was close with Nick (in a father-daughter way)... until she got him booted off near the finale. Needless to say, he was pissed.

- Got sent to boarding school after Season 1. As expected, she was a trouble child during those school days.

- She never found that red wig of her's... not that this Lake would care anyway. She likes her hair being blonde.

- She did call out on her parents' bullshit during a confessional of her's and in private with Nick, which is partly why she was sent away to boarding school.

- She sees Jake as a big brother figure sometimes.

- She sometimes speaks German whenever she gets really ticked off.

- Unlike Fiore, she ACTUALLY excels in challenges, like her canon self.

- Her perfectionist ways pretty much made her desperate to win the money, alongside the opportunity to move out of her household.

- She HATES losing. She was able to hide it well due to her facade, but once her true self was revealed... she's easily more aggravated about it.

- She's pretty closed off towards others when it comes to family life, unless if she REALLY trusts you enough to tell you about it. Nick is one example of this.

Heh, bet you weren't expecting two Season 2 contestants to be competing in some of the oldies' places, huh? Hope you all liked that bit of a surprise! I'll be coming back with some more swaps when I'm ready to share 'em soon, so tell me what you all think of these swaps, and I'll see you all later!


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