5 Times MJ surprised Peter and the 1 Time He Surprised Her

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**This 5+1 idea came to me this morning while I was getting ready and I thought I just had to share. It's not super long, they're just little ficlets. Really, this is just a way for me to get my Spideychelle fix for the week. Also, there is an important A/N at the bottom so please read that!! Enjoy!**


MJ watched with curious eyes and Peter moved around the bathroom, nothing but a towel around his waist. She couldn't help it. Under all those silly tee-shirts and baggy sweaters, Peter had been hiding a full set of abs, taut shoulders, and bulging arms. It was mesmerizing.

It wasn't even like she was trying to be creepy. She wasn't trying to spy on him. Ned had said that Peter was just getting ready for the tournament, not that 'getting ready' meant 'in the shower and about to walk around the hotel room half naked and dripping wet'. She was just trying to catch Peter before everyone was downstairs so they could talk about the topics for tonight's competition.

Peter combed through his curls, making an exaggerated face and smoothing one hand over his hair like an old school greaser. He pulled out a little bottle of cream and squeezed a little into his hands before working them through his hair.

That's why it smells like coconut, MJ thought absentmindedly.

"Oooohhh, yeah, baby."

MJ stifled a giggle as Peter put on a show of getting his hair ready. He really was a very endearing person, from the nerdy puns to the bashful way he ducked his head down in class. Even now, now that MJ had gotten an eyeful of Peter's incredible body and watched him act like an idiot with a comb, she was even more enamored with him. She'd never let on, though. This was her little secret. MJ? Having a crush on this dork? No way.

Peter's phone buzzed a little, and he leaned over the counter to check it. He smiled as he swiped the phone open. His eyes scanned a little - it was a text, then - and then picked up the phone and typed rapid-fire. He sent the text, then double tapped the home button, swiped across the screen, and pulled up a different app. Music started playing.

It was a pop-ish song, something MJ had heard over the radio a few times but never really paid attention to. It was the exact sort of song she expected Peter to like. It was up-beat and cheerful and clean because heaven forbid Peter Parker curse.

"-you don't wanna see me-" Peter started singing along, bobbing his head along. "-dancing with somebody!" The teen shook his body against the counter, faking like he was dancing and grinding on someone else. He made little circles with his hips. The cheap, hotel cabinets shook a little.

"Don't show up! Don't come out!" Peter jumped a little, heading towards the toilet. A pile of clothes were stacked on the toilet lid for after the shower.

Peter grabbed his shirt and threw it on, getting a little tangled and stuck in the arms as he did so. He flailed his arms around and wrestled with the shirt, causing the towel to fall. MJ's eyes widened as Peter's tight ass came into view and she couldn't help but gasp.

Peter spun around, his head still caught in the shirt. "Who's there?"

"I'm so sorry!" MJ's eyes trailed up and down his body for a second before she quickly shut her eyes. "I'm sorry!"


Peter finally managed to get the shirt on and quickly covered himself up. His face was bright red. "What are you doing here? Get out!"

The teen slammed the door, leaving MJ standing in the room alone. If he hadn't been so embarrassed, he would have noticed that MJ, for the first time in the entire time they were friends, looked startled herself, her cool, calm, and collected expression broken. A deep blush was painted across her cheeks, her eyes were darting anywhere but the bathroom door, and her heart was racing.

"Peter, I'm sorry!"

"Why  are you even in here?"

The door kind of muffled Peter's voice, but she knew from the way it trembled that he was pretty upset. "I wanted to talk to you before the competition tonight and Ned said I could come up here and wait!"

Peter groaned. "MJ! I- I- I-" Peter sputtered. "I can't believe you saw me!"

"It's not like I haven't seen it all in movies before!" MJ took a pause. "And, if I'm being honest, you have nothing to be embarrassed about! You've got rocking abs, Parker."

Peter groaned again.

"And.. everything else is looking good, too, loser."

The door cracked open and Peter peeked out. "I hate you."

"You love me."


Peter never really got over the whole bathroom incident, but he did let it go for the most part. Every now and then, when he was really poking at MJ's buttons, she would bring it up to put him back in his place, but the two had never told anyone what happened.

They were closer, that was for sure. There's just that little something that makes two people grow closer after one has seen the other nude.

Peter found that out first hand on the next Decathalon trip he took. He was staying with Ned again, but this time, the room was connected to MJ's and Betty's. He was waiting around for Ned to get home (he'd taken Betty out to see the big, silver bean in Millennium Park) and he didn't want to fall asleep before he got home. A year and a half of Spiderman had made Peter extremely paranoid about people close to him being out after dark.

The teen was pouring over some code he and Tony were working on. There was a bug somewhere causing the program to fail and even after checking it about a hundred times each, neither Tony nor Peter could find it.

Peter slumped back in his chair, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes and trying to run through the code in his head. He'd checked all the signs, all the spelling, all the dashes and dots and whatever else he knew could mess up a code easily.

He heard the door knob jiggle, and knowing Ned was due back and minute, he didn't even think twice about it. His Spidersense didn't even go off.

"Hey. How was the bean?"

"What bean?"

Peter spun around to see MJ in the doorway between their rooms, wearing a towel around her head and draped in a bath robe.

"How- How- How'd you get in? What- What do you-"

MJ waved a hand. "The blow dryer in our room isn't working. Can I use the one in here?"

Peter nodded. He watched as she slipped into the bathroom and shut the door behind her, the click of the door latching shaking Peter out of his trance. He had a code to finish!

The teen looked back over the code, his hands hovering over the keyboard as his eyes flitted over the screen. It was slow work - he kept having to go back over certain sections if they were overly complicated - and it was so consuming, Peter quickly forgot about MJ in the bathroom. A few seconds later, he heard the door open again and he looked up.

MJ was wearing pajamas, but it might have been better to call them lounging clothes. Booty shorts made of soft cotton hugged her hips, and an oversized tee-shirt, bearing an MIT logo on the middle, slipped down her right shoulder to expose smooth, dark skin. Half damp curls hung loosely around her face, framing her bright eyes and full lips. Water trickled down her forehead and neck, disappearing into the hem of her shirt. Peter could barely tear his eyes away.

She was beautiful.

"Gonna just stare, or..." MJ raised her eyebrows, her voice just barely teasing. Peter babbled for a moment.

"I- I- I- I- I-"

"Peter, seriously. It's not like you're looking at my boobs."

Peter went red and mute, his eyes blown wide. MJ laughed.

"Calm down. Breathe."

Peter found his voice after a few moments. "I guess we're even now."


"Yeah, I mean... You saw me after my shower, I saw you after yours... You're much prettier than me, though." Peter smiled lopsidedly.

"I return to 'it's not like you're looking at my boobs'. I wouldn't call this even, but okay."

Peter just shrugged. "You do look really good, though. I like your pajamas."

MJ glanced down. "Oh. Well, thank you. You stared quite a bit."

"You just surprised me is all."


MJ was sitting in the cafeteria, an apple in one hand, a book held open in the other.

More and more students showed up, bringing conversation and loud laughter and distractions with them. MJ growled under her breath. How was she supposed to read when everyone and their best friend was making a racket.

"Whatcha reading?" Peter asked as he sat down with Ned.

MJ looked up as she put her book back in her bag. "Hard Choices. The 2014 book by Clinton."

"Bill Clinton?" Ned asked.

"No, the better Clinton," MJ remarked wryly.

The two boys started chatting about Legos, MJ just watching on in mild interest. She wasn't a nerd like the two boys were, but she still liked to hear the excitement in their voices when they talked about things like Star Wars and whatever else.

Ned excused himself to get some water down the hall and Peter dug into his sandwich. MJ looked on with a tight smile.

Ever since the incidents at the hotels, MJ had been... well, she'd been less stone-faced and cold. She'd let herself get carried away with Peter's earnestness. She found herself thinking 'he's so cute' and smiling when he told jokes. She'd been slowly letting her crush get worse and worse.

Peter noticed that MJ was staring. "What's wrong? Did I get some of my tuna salad on my cheek?" He brushed his hand along his cheek.

"No, no," MJ said, here eyes widening as she realized she'd been staring. "You're good. I was just thinking about how cute it is when you get all excited and talk nerd."

Peter blushed. MJ thought he was cute?

"Is this your way of saying I'm cute?"

"You are cute," MJ said with a shrug. "Very cute."

"Very cute," Peter repeated. It was like a wire from his brain to his mouth had been cut. He hated when she did this. She surprised him right out of a good come back.

"Don't look so surprised, loser, you remind me of the night I saw you naked and wet. Now you look hotter."

"I'm no longer cute, I'm now hot?"

"You can be both cute and hot. Dare I say, you can even be sexy. Especially when your tangled in a tee-shirt and falling over your ass." MJ played it off as calm indifference, but she was internally freaking out. It wasn't everyday she talked so openly about her feelings. Peter wasn't so good at hiding it, and he was freaking out on the outside.

Ned chose that moment to return, interrupting Peter's stuttering and flailing. He looked at Peter with something like concern and disgust. "What's wrong?"

Peter just stuttered harder. "She- She- She-"

MJ laughed, surprising Ned. It wasn't every day he heard the usually stoic girl crack and let out a giggle, let alone a full blown laugh. "He's just reliving the surprise when I walked in on him right out of the shower and said he had a good body. Very cute. Very hot."

Ned almost choked on his water.


Peter didn't expect to see his name up on the board for the next trip. He'd missed more practices this month than he did normally (thank you, Mr. Stark and the Avengers for not being able to got their shit together long enough to get through one simple mission without calling Peter away from New York) and he knew he automatically got dropped from the upcoming tournaments if he missed more than 5 practices. So when he looked up and saw that he was on the list, as second pick, no less, he was understandably surprised.

"Hey, loser, see something interesting up there?"

Peter whirled around to see MJ behind him, her face drawn up in a smirk.

"I wasn't expecting to go on this one," he murmured, still thinking about how it was possible his absences were overlooked. "I've missed too much school."

MJ just hummed a little to herself. She knew it was wrong to pull favorites, but...

"Maybe someone put in a good word for you."

Peter spun around to look at her, his eyes wide. He knew it was rare for MJ to show special liking - really, any liking - to someone, but for her to actually get him a spot for the upcoming trip meant that it was more than a liking. She cared enough to do something special for him. "Did you ask Harrington to let me go? As the captain?"

MJ just shrugged. "Maybe I lost the attendance papers somewhere and he couldn't prove how many practices you missed."

Peter let a smile slide over his face, his happiness and relief showing through. "You're the best, MJ. How'd you know I wanted to go on this one?"

"I heard you and Ned talking about it the other day in class. You've wanted to go to Seattle for years, so... yeah. No need to get all sappy about it."

Peter smirked as MJ shifted her weight from one foot to another. "Awww! You care enough to remember that I want to see the space needle!"

"Shut it, Parker, I was just being nice."

"Michelle Jones? Being nice? To someone other than a fictional character?"

MJ barely blushed, pushing Peter's shoulder with an open hand. "Don't test me."

Peter just smiled at her, causing butterflies to erupt in MJ's stomach. Peter started to walk away, hitching his backpack up on his shoulders, and turned back just before he turned the corner. "Thanks again, M, you're the best."


Peter swung through the city, watching the city light up around him as dusk fell. He loved this time of night, when the sky was dark and the trees, buildings, and bridges were black on the horizon. Cool air whipped around his face as he flew through the city but the suit kept the chill away.

He had been patrolling for a few hours, now. It was his usual routine.




A few hours of sleep.

There was a toll to the lifestyle Peter lived, but he knew it was important work. He knew it was what the city needed.

It was starting to get late, though, and he had a big test coming up, so Peter decided it was best to head home. He on the other side of town by now, so he would still be at least 30 minutes out from his cozy bedroom. Better late than never.

He was almost home. Almost back to the building when he heard the sound of a gun cocking. Someone gasping. Skin on skin contact, like a slap.

It only took a moment to be down the side alley and standing between a gun and a young woman.

"Swipper no swipping," Peter said, half in jest, as he lunged at the mugger. He was able to wrestle the gun away, but then he was caught off balance as the mugger pushed him harshly he and fell backward, onto his wrist at an awkward angle. A sickening snap rang out as he undoubtedly broke the bone.

"Ah," he hissed, looking around the alley for something he could use. It wasn't like he'd be able to-

The girl from before, who had been nearly mugged herself, was suddenly on top of the mugger, beating him with tight fists and pulling him down as she kneed him ruthlessly. A messy bun was quickly uncoiling on top of her head, releasing a mess of curls around her face. Peter realized with a shock that it was MJ.

"And don't come back her, motherfucker!" She yelled as the mugger ran off, hobbling slightly, and ducked down the street.

Peter was too shocked to even think, he just stared at the girl in front of him with awe.

"Hey, your wrist looks pretty bad," MJ said, stooping low. "Thanks for coming to my aid, but you should know that women can handle themselves."

"I know they can. I just think if someone's going to get shot, it should be the super-powered spider, not a badass woman."

MJ tutted, but she let it go. Her hand slipped under Peter's good arm and hauled him up, supporting his weight as the boy found his feet. They started to move down the street together, heading for MJ's house. It was a route Peter was very familiar with now, but he couldn't let her know that.

"You were really good back there," Peter said finally. "I was really surprised to see you go after him like that."

MJ hummed. They turned down a little side street and MJ's porch came into view.

"Will you be okay with that wrist to get home, Parker?" MJ smirked a little as she got out her keys.

Peter spluttered. "How- I mean, wha- how- how- what do you- How-"

"Dont' strain yourself," MJ warned.

"How did you know it was me?" Peter finally got out.

A shrug. "You see someone naked once and you start to recognize their body." Peter's mouth fell open. "Spandex frames the ass pretty good," she added as she slipped through her front door, leaving Peter standing in the middle of the alley in stunned silence.


Peter was determined. His back was straight and his arms swung at him sides stiffly. He had a mission and he'd be damned if he went home without getting it done.

His hair was slicked back - an uncharacteristic choice for today, but he thought it looked nice. He had left one curl out of the gel, though, and it bobbed against his forehead. The rhythmic weight of it bouncing on his skin was distracting as Peter walked, making him time his footfalls to the same rhythm.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Ned asked as Peter came around the corner and made his way to the lockers.

Peter looked down at his ripped jeans and flannel. "I think it looks good. Very badass."

Ned doubled over at the waist, holding his stomach as he laughed. "You look like a 2013 alt-rock band reject."

"That's so specific." Peter opened his locker and pulled out some books.

"But seriously," Ned said after he calmed down a little. A few giggles slipped through his words. "What is up with you today? You look ridiculous."

Peter blushed a little. "You're really not helping me, man. I need confidence!"

You could practically see the gears turning in Ned's mind as he worked through what it could be making Peter act so strangely. They didn't have any tests or presentations in class. Nothing exciting happening at SHIELD or the Tower today. No Decathalon-

"Are you finally manning up and asking MJ out?"

Peter jumped and put his hand over Ned's mouth. "Shhhh!"

MJ came around the corner just then and Peter dropped his hand. He took a shaking breath.

"MJ! Good morning!"

"Good morning, losers," MJ replied, unloading her books into her locker. She took out a few textbooks and a thick notebook. "How is everyone doing this fine Friday?"

Ned mumbled something about getting to the chemistry lab early to do catch up on some work, and he ran off. Peter smiled at MJ with tight lips. He was nervous.

"Alright," MJ said, watching Ned disappear down the hall and turning back to Peter. "How are you doing this fine Friday, then? And what are you wearing?"

Peter nodded a little. He opened his mouth to say he was doing well and 'how are you?' and 'I'm trying something new', but instead-

"Would you go out with me this weekend?"

MJ couldn't hide her surprise, nor her growing smile or sparkling eyes. "Where- Where were you thinking we'd go?"

Peter shrugged, feigning nonchalance. It was easier to keep going when he was already on a roll. "I was thinking coffee, and we could walk across the park to that little reading spot you like by the waterfront and you could tell me something."

"What do you want to know?"

"I wanna know about this." Peter pulled a book out of his bag. I twas the newest Hillary Clinton book, but this one was special. After pulling quite a few strings with Pepper and Natasha, Peter had gotten the copy signed specially for MJ. More than that, it was a very personal inscription.


I hear you're a feminist, and I've looked into some of your work. You're going to make the world a much better place, and you'll have men at your feet through the whole way.


P.S. Start with this man at your feet now. He went through hell to get this book for you.

MJ smiled up at Peter, her eyes glistening with tears of joy.

"I take that you like it, then?" Peter asked.

MJ lunged forward and kissed him in response.

**A/N: I'm going to publish a new one-shot book for all my other fandoms later this month and I wanted y'all to tell me what fandoms you wanna see most. I've got some Disney, a bit of Harry Potter, some Star Wars... the main essentials. I have some more obscure ones, too (Welcome to Night Vale, Miraculous Ladybug, Castlevania, etc.) I am a pretty prolific reader and watcher, but I have some serious gaps (Sorry, I never read or saw any Percy Jackson stuff, please don't kill me). So just comment what fandoms you most want to see and I'll make a note if they are something I can actually write about. Thank you!!**

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