A/N: Third Binge Book

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I'm seriously so sorry I keep updating with A/N chapters. The third Christmas Binge Book is up on the Binge Book reading list. It's Supernatural, which is a little different, but I swear its fluffy and cute as hell. Enjoy it, y'all.

Casual reminder that the last book will come out on the 20th, and after that, I am on hiatus until January 5th. I know I have some requests waiting for me, and I swear I will get to them after the 5th, but I seriously need a little time to relax guys. My hands are killing me from all the papers I had due and these books, and I just wanna sleep for like... 3 days straight. But I swear, come Jan. 5th, I will be back to a regular updating schedule.

~Bumble <3

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