Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy

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**I have a request coming later tonight, but my family put this on earlier and I seriously had a physical reaction to Bucky and Steve knowing this song from the war, please indulge in a short drabble.**

"What's happening here?"

Tony put his briefcase down on the side table and came around the corner of the kitchen. Peter was standing with Natasha, Clint, Thor, and Bruce. Behind him, there was a sheet hung across the living room.

"I'm putting on a show!" Peter said happily. "We've been practicing!"

Tony looked over to Natasha. "What is this?"

Natasha just shrugged. "Something about a talent show at Peter's school. He didn't get to preform because of an Avenger's thing, so Bucky said he'd help him put it on here."

"And I got roped into it because I'm too dumb to keep my mouth shut." That was definitely Steve's voice from behind the sheet. Tony suppressed a laugh, instead loosening his tie and settling into the couch.

"Alright, kid, let's get this going."

Peter's face split into an even bigger grin and disappeared behind the sheet. "Tasha, Clint! Do you have the flashlights?"

Natasha waved a flashlight, Clint waving one of his own. "We've got it. Spotlights are ready whenever you are."


Tony noticed Sam by the edge of the sheets, holding a cord. Clearly Peter had rigged it up to drop when Sam pulled it, and Tony couldn't help but get a little more excited.

"Ready when you are, kid," Sam said.

"Okay, go!"

Sam pulled the cord and the sheet fell, revealing-

The whole team snickered. Buck and Peter were both wearing a red, white, and blue uniform of short shorts, a polo shirt, and a hat with pride, while Steve was clearly uncomfortably following behind them. Natasha and Clint were holding up the flashlights, which flashed off the sequins on the uniforms. 

"There was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way," Peter started. Bucky and Steve joined in on the next line, Bucky with gusto and Steve with reluctance and a red face to match the red short-shorts.

"-And now the company jumps when he plays reveille! He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B!"

Peter, Bucky, and Steve were all doing a rehearsed dance, clearly some more enthusiastically than others. Tony was schooling his face into a proud and encouraging smile for Peter, but inside, he was dying from laughter. Clearly Steve and Bucky knew this song from their time in the army and probably remembered the USO preforming it, while Peter had learned it from someone on the internet or from an old show.

Peter did a jump to the side and stuck his butt out, wiggling it a little. Bucky jumped in line behind him, doing the same butt-shimmy with the same enthusiasm. Steve jumped in line in front of Peter, shaking his rear with... less than happy freedom.

"A a a and the company jumps when he plays reveille! He's the boogie woogie bugle boy of Company B!" Peter finished off the song, Steve and Bucky letting him have the last note. Tony was up and out of his seat in an instance, clapping wildly and hollering. The others followed suit.

Peter did a happy little bow, Bucky gave a wave, and Steve stalked back to the chairs behind the sheet, where he had stashed a hoodie. He pulled it on unhappily, hiding the flashy uniform from sight.

"Peter, that was amazing, kiddo," Tony said. "I really mean it. You're a natural performer!"

"Really, Mr. Stark?" Peter asked, all wide eyes and smiles. "You mean it?"

"Absolutely," Tony said. "In fact, if we put this online, I bet it would go viral, you were so amazing."

Peter blushed. "You're just being nice."

"Noooo," Natasha said slowly, turning to face Tony and Peter with a mischievous grin. "Tony is right. This was a really amazing. We should do it again and record it for the world to see."

Peter lit up. "Okay! Yeah, let's do it! If you really think it was that good!"

"It was amazing," Tony assured the teen. "Set everything up again and I'll get the camera."

Peter rushed to get the sheet back up as Tony took off to get his camera. Natasha resettled herself on the couch with her flashlight, sending Steve a smirk as she caught his eye. "Hey, Steve?"


"Take off that sweatshirt and come do it again."

Steve made no attempt to hide his eye roll, and Bucky landed a sharp elbow into his ribs. "You better come sing and dance for Peter, Stevie, or I'll break your face in."

Steve grumbled about it, but pulled off his sweatshirt and followed Bucky back to the makeshift stage with Peter. Just as they were about to start again, Bucky leaned over.

"Now smile, or I'll tell the team about my old films of you preforming with the USO girls in their skirts."

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