Career Day pt. 2

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**A/N: As per requested, a part 2 to the Career Day chapter I wrote last. Starts up right where the other one left off :)**

"Yes?" Tony pointed to a student in the front row. Peter had him in his English class, maybe?

"Name and grade, then the question." Tony kept going, waving his hand in a manner that Peter recognized as him becoming irritated with the whole situation.

How long has it been since he last slept? Peter thought, tuning out the question.

His mind wandered, and suddenly he was pulled away from his thoughts by someone snapping in his face.


"Oh," Peter said, shaking his head quickly to shake the last of his thoughts away. "Sorry, what?"

"He's like this all the time," Tony chuckled, directing his words to the crowd. "He gets thinking about some project and he'll go silent for a while. Whatcha thinking about?"

Peter shrugged, some of the sass he reserved for Tony coming out. "Just how I can improve the new Stark phones we're rolling out next week. We both know I'm the better designer than you."

The school was shocked for a moment. Peter Parker just sassed Tony Stark. Moreover, Peter was sassing anyone at all. Normally, Peter was quiet and reserved at school.

Tony just rolled his eyes, like he was accustomed to it. "The question seems like something you'd be able to answer."

"Sorry, what was it?"

"What is the Tower like and how does it feel to work there." Tony pulled out his phone for a moment, checking a text from Pepper. "Sorry," the billionaire whispered to the teen next to him. "Something came up and I need to give a quote."

Peter nodded and waved him off. Everyone watched as the famous man headed back stage for a second. Peter seemed to sit up straighter, getting himself into the mindset he used for work. Tony was always running off, and Pepper and Peter were rather accustomed to covering for him, so Peter already knew how to handle something like this.

"Right. The Tower is very beautiful, we try to use as much natural lighting and renewable materials as possible. Tony keeps the lobbies nice and clean, or, rather, Pepper does. Tony and I spend most of our time in the labs, of course. Anyways, working at the Tower. Working there was very overwhelming at first, but now it seems as normal as anything. I usually get there after school on Tuesdays and Fridays, and I leave on Tuesday by 9. If I'm lucky. Fridays I stay the night, and only go home after school on Monday. Tony is pretty demanding, so its-"

"What do you do, though?" Again, the same boy from before asked.

Peter frowned slightly. He hated being interrupted. "We work on new projects, before we send them down to lower labs for refinement. We do preliminary work , initial codding, design, any sort of 'start' to a project. Once we like what we've started with, we send it down to the lower labs, where our interns and other scientists refine it, work out all the kinks we haven't yet, and then send it back up to us for final approval. The only projects we do in their entirety, from start to finish, are the ones we do for the Avengers."

There was a ripple of chatter from the students in the auditorium. Peter Parker does private work for the Avengers? Tony chose that moment to reappear.

"Is Pete going on about the Avengers? He'll never admit it, but I swear he's Natasha's favorite. She only lets Peter do her Widow Bites, I'm not allowed to touch 'em."

Again, another wave of chatter washed over the room. Peter blushed a little, but the red in his cheeks faded quickly when he saw Flash at the back of the room. The bully was nearly shaking in rage. Peter paled so quickly, Tony jumped to put his hand on the boy's shoulder. The billionaire stooped low, pulling Peter's chin up so he could look into his eyes. There was a moment of silent connection, then Tony stifled a yawn and Peter smirked.

"We're going to let some other parents present now, everyone," Tony said, and the two hurried off stage.

"You're tired," Peter started, hoping to avoid the inevitable conversation about what made Peter pale so quickly. "How long have you been up?"

"Not too long," Tony said with a shrug. "I've been up for much longer. Only 36 hours this time."

Peter sighed. "Time for bed, then!"

"Its the middle of Career day." Tony deadpanned at Peter. "We'll go after, okay? Movies and a nap, yeah? You can spend the night."

Peter nodded, and Tony ruffled his hair affectionately. "I'm going to the restroom while the other parents present, I'll be back in a second."

Peter directed him to the bathrooms, then slide down the wall and took a seat.

Flash. There was only one thought on the brunet's mind. His bully. If there was one thing to spoil a good day, it was Flash.

As if he was being summoned, the boy himself, Flash Thompson, came around the corner. "Hey, Puny Parker! Where's the big, bad Tony Stark now, huh?"

Peter didn't say anything, just nestled his head further into his knees.

"Decided to head out early, then? Who'd want to stay here for you, anyways? What were you, a charity case? I don't believe for a second that you're his personal intern. You're just some kid he found and felt sorry for. Worthless Parker, the orphan. If your aunt could get away from you like that uncle of yours did, I'm sure she'd kill herself just as quickly." Flash aimed a kick to Peter's ribs, causing the smaller boy to topple to the side with a gasp of pain.

Before Flash could say anything else, he was pushed up against the wall. There, in all his superhero glory, was Tony Stark, holding the teen up by his collar.

"What the hell did you just say to my kid? What the hell do you think you're doing?" Tony jerked the teen in his hands, making Flash gasp.

"Your- your kid?" Those were the only words Flash was able to gasp out, and Tony shook him again.

"Yeah, my kid. My Peter. Now answer me, you son of a-" Tony cut himself off. A light tap made him turn, where Peter was next to him. The brunet clutched his side, hunching to the side.

"Tony, don't."

That was all it took for Tony to drop Flash, who ran as fast as he could down the hall.

Tony pulled Peter into his arms for a hug, the two of them finding themselves on the ground. "Peter, what was that?"

Peter sighed and waited a minute before speaking. "His name is Flash. He's been a jerk to everyone forever, but he tried to push Ned down in 8th grade and I stopped him. Ever since then, he likes to push me around. Its really no big deal."

Tony shook his head softly. "Peter, it is  big deal. You can't let him do that to you, this is absolutely unacceptable. None of what he said to you is true, Underoos. You are the most important thing in my life, okay? I'll come to every Career day, every science fair, and every Dicathalon meeting. You're my kid. You're May's kid. We love you, Pete. You gotta stand up for yourself."

"I don't want to accidentally hurt him," Peter admitted shyly. "Besides, I doubt he'll bully me again, not after my dad got to him."

The two laughed together, then Tony led Peter to the office. There, they signed out and reported Flash, and then made their way out to where Tony had parked.

"Hop in," Tony said, unlocking the car. Peter jumped in excitedly.

"So," Tony smirked as he got into the driver's side. "Dad?"

Peter blushed. "I'm sorry, I just meant-"

"Kid, its okay," Tony laughed. "It was nice to hear you feel the same way about me as I do about you."

And with that, the two headed off to the Tower, excited to spend the afternoon together, as father and son. Maybe parent events at school weren't so bad after all.

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