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**I know, I know, I said I was on hiatus. I am. I had a spare few moments this morning to finish this chapter 'cause I only had about 100 words left on it. I know I'll have some time next week to write, but I probably won't publish again until August, when I'm back home. Probably. We'll see what happens.**

It was a typically Sunday afternoon at the Tower. Tony and Pepper, who were both taking the day off from meetings and work, were sprawled out on the couch, Peter sitting between them with his feet in Pepper's lap and his head on Tony's lap. The rest of the team was scattered int he Tower, some were training downstairs and some were out running errands.

To any outsider, it would seem absolutely domestic and beneath the Avengers. To them, though, it was the absolute best.

Peter sighed in contentment, wiggling his feet in Pepper's lap.

"You comfy?" Pepper pulled the blanket sitting over her lap and Peter's legs up a little, tucking it under his knees.

"Very." The teen wiggled down into the couch, making a show of settling into the cushions.

"We should really be getting some dinner soon," Tony said, a tell-tell lilt in his voice giving away the fact that he was hungry.

Pepper and Peter shared a look. "How about Italian food?" They both knew it was the billionaire's favorite. Even better, he hated any Italian food that wasn't like his, so he would usually cook.

"Some nice lasagna, maybe," Peter said, raising an eyebrow.

"Ohh," Pepper continued, dragging out her syllable and making a face of bliss. "With sweet tomato sauce and cheese? Dripping with yummy, yummy flavor?"

Tony furrowed his brow and shot his fiance and son a look. "You two just want me to cook, don't you?"

"What? No, of course not!"

Tony rolled his eyes and patted Peter on the chest with an open palm, a silent way of saying 'let me up'. Peter tilted his head up, not ready to commit to sitting all the way up yet, and let Tony slither from underneath him. Pepper smiled at her fiance, which caused him to groan and stoop low to kiss her.

"You two are so cute, it'll be the death of me."

The teen and his mom settled back into the couch, turning their heads to the TV lazily. They both hated watching the news, they said it made them too depressed about the world, but they both loved goofy reality TV, like the shows on TLC and such. Currently, they were engrossed in a shop about couples who meet and get married in 90 days.

"I couldn't do it," Pepper sighed. "It took me years to say yes to Tony. These people are just saying yes to the first person they see and go 'oh, look at that'."

Peter snorted. "Some of them seem kinda happy, I guess, but I still think it's delusional."

Pepper laughed, throwing her head back a little.

"Whaat's so funny?" The elevator dinged, and out came Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Sam, and Bucky, who were all carrying grocery bags.

"Nothing, just some show we're watching. Where's everyone else?" Peter sat up a bit, making some extra room for the rest of the team on the couch.

"No idea, my guess is downstairs or they left and didn't tell us," Bruce said, sliding a few bags onto the counter and starting to unload the food. "Doth my eyes deceive? Tony is cooking?"

The team laughed, and Tony lit up in a blush. "Shut it, science man, I'm making lasagna for everyone and if you don't like it, you can just not have any."

Bruce thew his hands up in mock surrender. "Okay, okay, jeez. I want the lasagna."

"Then what are the magic words?"

Bruce sighed, "Tony is the master of all Italian food, we are grateful for his wisdom and generosity when it comes to cooking."

Tony nodded along, sending Bruce a cocky smirk when he was finished. Nat snickered under her breath, and Bruce sent her a glare.

"Who wants to help with the actual layering of the pasta?" Tony looked around, startling when his son let out a yelp and threw his hand in the air.

"I do," the teen gasped. "I do, I do, I do!!"

Everyone chuckled at the boy's excitement, watching as he jumped up from the couch and dashed towards the kitchen. "Its not ready yet," Tony said, causing Peter's shoulders to droop and his smile to fade a little.

"How longgggg?" Peter whined, drawing out his words and stamping his feet a little.

"Dude, I just started cooking. Give me a second to make up some sauce, boil the pasta, mix up the cheese."

"I can do the cheese," Peter said, his smile returning just as bright and big as it had been a second ago.

Tony sighed, but nodded. If anyone else was going to help him int he kitchen, it was Peter. He was the only one who knew Tony's secret ingredients.

Peter raced around the counter and threw open the fridge. The door was heavier than the teen had been expected and he was yanked to the side. Despite being a superhero, the teen still had moments when his super-strength took a bit to kick in, and he was caught off guard.

Slipping on his socks on the hardwood, Peter went sprawling across the kitchen, tripping on the open dishwasher and tumbling to the ground with a crash.

In a second, his father had abandoned his cooking and the rest of the family came rushing over to see if the teen was alright. Peter's soft crying and yells of pain made everyone wince as they tried to figure out what had happened.

Peter's ankle was bent at an odd angle, having caught the actual dishwasher race, and looked to be badly sprained, if not broken. His nose was bleeding, definitely broken from slamming into the cabinets by the washer. The dished themselves had been overturned, and a broken plate was cutting into Peter's hand, while a fork and knife were lodged into his leg.

Tony scooped him up easily, letting the boy nestle into his chest and cry, not caring about the blood stains. "Okay, okay, up we go. Uncle Bruce is going to take a look, okay?"

Peter wailed in response.


Peter came to slowly, blinking in the bright lights of his room. He felt around his leg, smooth skin interrupted by rough gauze in a couple places, and when he stretched, he felt a tight ACE bandage around his ankle.


As soon as Tony and Pepper heard those words, they were at his bedside. Pepper perched gently on the bed, carding her fingers through Peter's hair. Tony patted his son on the arm.

"You're clumsy, you know that?"

Peter nodded, a shy smile working its way to his lips. "Is the lasagna done yet?"

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