Code Switching

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**Request for Clara1625 where Peter is on a field trip and has to step up and save the day, even without his suit. This one was a lot of fun and I really liked writing more of his classmates. I hope this is what you were looking for! The term "code switching" is a real thing that is literally in reference to people who act differently in different parts of their life. Enjoy**

Peter Parker was an exceptional young man. He was top of his class, with some of the most promising test scores and extra-curricular activities you could hope for. He was brilliant - Tony had timed him once and Peter could code a computer, create new web-fluid, and take apart and put a car back together in under 3 hours now. Not to mention, he was kind and thoughtful, making sure that his family was taken care of and supported.

Peter Parker was all of those things, but none of those things all at once. Peter was a good student at school, but that description ended at Midtown's doors. Peter was brilliant, but that description ended at Tony's lab. Peter was thoughtful and kind, but that description ended at May's front door. And Spiderman... Peter was a literal superhero, but that ended once he peeled his mask off.

So when Peter's class scheduled a field trip to Stark Towers, Peter didn't know what the hell he was supposed to do.

Did he get timid and shy, like he was at school?

Did he bounce into the lobby like usual, waving at every employee he sees?

And, God forbid his class runs into an Avenger, Pepper, or Tony, did Peter give them big hugs and joke with them and tease?

In the end, he decided to be a quiet as possible, and to draw as little attention to himself as he could.

It was actually working out pretty well for Peter. He'd gotten lucky to begin with - the employee leading the tour was newer and didn't even know Peter. The crowd of teens wasn't a very inviting sight, so other employees were giving the tour a pretty wide berth, and Peter got pretty good at ducking behind Ned when he spotted a particularly friendly employee heading their way.

The one thing Peter didn't plan on was aliens. As freaking usual.

Peter felt the familiar tingle at the back of his skull, almost like the hairs on his neck were standing up, but deeper. Peter pushed Ned down to the ground before the windows along the hall they were in shattered, a piercing noise coming from all around them.

"Oh, my God!"

"Is everyone okay?"

"Call the 9-1-1!"

Peter's class was in panic, everyone screaming for someone to do something. Peter's ears were ringing, but he wasn't down for long. He pulled Ned up and looked up and down the hall - there was an office room at the end of the hall where he could put his class. No windows, low exposure.

"Down here," Peter called, ushering people towards the office. It barely fit everyone, but Peter just needed to keep them out of the way for a while. His teacher protested a little as Peter made sure everyone was in the room, but Peter flashed his employee ID and gave the teacher a reassuring smile. "I intern on weekends, I know what I'm doing."

Once Peter was satisfied that they were all in the the room, Peter threw Ned a look. "You keep them in this room, no matter what." Ned nodded, then watched as Peter stepped back into the hall. The door didn't latch behind him, giving the class an unobstructed view as Peter ran at the wall and-

"Is he climbing the walls?" Abe, one of Peter and Ned's classmates, was awestruck, staring as Peter scurried away. There was a tense moment of silence, then Ned's blood ran cold as he spotted a familiar blue and purple glow.

"Goddamn it," Ned whispered harshly. "I hate these guys."

"What guys?"

Ned seemed to remember he was in a very small office room surrounded by his classmates suddenly and he jumped a little. "These guys. They sell alien tech, Peter and I have fought them a few times now."

Abe made a strangled sound. "Peter is Spiderman?"

"Peter is Spiderman."

Just then, Peter shot across the hall, his fists tight over webs he was using to swing at some of the assailants. Peter was expertly dodging hits and alien blasts, while dealing out his own blows. Ned was watching his classmates carefully, making a mental note on who was taking video and pictures so Tony and Pepper could handle NDA's later. Peter was so witty and strong, punching bad guys in the face one second and making puns the next.

"I know they say 'shoot your shot' but this is ridiculous," Peter said, dodging a blast from one of the guns. Ned scoffed a little.

"I'll give it a 6/10," Ned muttered under his breath.

Peter made short work of the men, taking them down just as quickly as they were coming at him. The class was staring with slack-jaws, each one trying to understand how Peter Parker, the skinny, nerdy, loser from school, was suddenly a strong, super-powered, badass.

"This is incredible," Cindy said, and Betty hummed a little.

"I had no idea," Flash whispered. "I didn't- he never-"

The fight was over soon enough. Peter had webbed every one of them down, save the two he'd knocked out with punches. Peter stuck his head back into the room with a smile. "You guys can come out now."

The class was just starting to file out when Tony Stark himself came flying down the hall. The billionaire grabbed Peter's face in his hands and checked him for injured carefully. Once Tony was satisfied that Peter was okay, he pressed a kiss to his curls and visibly relaxed.

"Thank God. FRIDAY told me you were here."

"I'm fine, we're all fine," Peter assured, sweeping his hand behind him to gesture at his still-stunned class. "We're going to need some NDA's though."

Tony just laughed lightly and kissed Peter's head again. "I'm just glad you're okay, kid."

As Tony pulled Peter back into a hug, Peter found Ned's face over the older man's shoulder. "Well. This went about as good as it could have."

Ned just laughed. "I told you flying under the radar wouldn't work."

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