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**I was actually so excited to write this one, guys, it was actually so much fun. I have a 5+1 coming up that I thought up this morning and I'm pretty proud of it, so keep an eye out for that int he next few days. Now onto the story! Enjoy!**

It was a quiet afternoon, a rare treat at the Avengers Tower, and the team was lazily sprawled out over the living room couches. Bucky, Rhodey, and Bruce were happily reading in their respective chairs, each one completely absorbed in their books. Sam and Clint were playing video games, Wanda watching with casual interest. Natasha was taking apart her guns, handing the parts over to Tony to clean them, and then reassembling them as the parts were returned. Steve was doodling.

And Peter, darling, Gen Z Peter, was surfing the internet. MJ had sent him a couple Vine compilations the night before and he was just getting around to looking at them now. He huffed at a few of the more amusing ones before his favorite Vine of all time came on and he let out a giggle.

"Whatcha watching, Pete?" Steve asked.



Sometimes Peter forgot that Steve was literally from the turn of the century. Sometimes he forgot that Vines were pretty unknown to almost everyone Tony's age or older. Sometimes he forgot that his jokes required extensive explanation and knowledge of the community of memes.

"Vines," Peter repeated. "They're just these little 6 second videos that are really funny."

Steve nodded, ready to let it go, but the rest of the team was now acutely interested in what Peter found so funny.

"What makes them so funny?" Clint asked. Peter just shrugged.

"All of it. Some of them are funny because they don't make a lot of sense, and others are funny because it's a funny situation." Clint furrowed his brow, so Peter kept going. "Okay so like there's this one where this guy gets in a car with balloons and the guy driving goes 'those aren't helium balloons, are dey?' and then the car starts floating away and the guys in the car all start freaking out."

Clint chuckled a little, but no one else thought it was very funny. Peter frowned. He wasn't doing Vines justice.

"Here, let me just show you." The teen switched the TV over from the game to his phone and brought up a compilation video on YouTube. He had to be careful which one he picked, though, because he knew that Steve would hate the particularly cursey ones.

The team watched with little interest. Very few of the Vines were funny to them, save the few more self-deprecating ones that made Steve and Bucky both bust up laughing.

"-On all levels except physical, I am a wolf," Peter loved this Vine, so he said the words at the same time. "Yip!"

"Why is that funny?" Steve asked as both Natasha and Tony started chuckling lightly.

Peter shrugged. "It just is. Furries are just a funny thing to think about, I guess."

"Furries? What's a furry?"

Natasha and Tony laughed harder. Bruce broke a little and let out a giggle.

"Seriously, guys!" Steve was getting pretty upset at that point. He hated being out of the loop. "What is a furry?"

Peter tried not to laugh himself, but...

"It's like a person, but they think they're an animal," Peter said through laughs. "Like, not actually a person who thinks- ugh, okay. So like. It's a person who is interested in human-like animals who like, walk on two legs and stuff."

"I don't understand."

Peter threw back his head. "It's like a person and then they'd dress up like an animal? Like some people fursonas are wolves or cats or whatever and they would wear like cat ears and a tail or even a whole suit."

"Did you just make up a word?"

Peter looked over at Tony. "What?"

"Did you just make up a word, that word. What's a 'fursona'?" Tony repeated the question.

"Oh, that's like the animal character a furry makes for themselves. Like, okay, example. Let's say this guy in the Vine was names Chris, but his furry persona, or fursona, is a wolf named something crazy like... Apple Tart."

Tony laughed harder, but Steve just didn't get it.

"I don't understand! Why do they like animals like that? What do you even do when you're dressed up as an animal?"

"Go to conventions or out to school or whatever. There was a kid at Midtown that wore a tail most days, so we all just sort of ignored it."

"Some of them get it on as animals," Bucky chimed in. This drew pretty much everyone's stares and gaping mouths and confused faces.

Clint narrowed his eyes at Natasha. "Is this your doing?"

Natasha smirked a little. "He's called the White Wolf for a reason, Barton. Grow up."

Peter shook his head in disgust. "Ew!"

"I still don't get it!" Steve said angrily. Tony decided it was time to step in.

"Listen, take Peter here. Peter is a boy, who does human things, right? Well, Spiderman is his fursona. He's got a different name when he's being Spiderman, and he is like a spider, but with human traits. See? Peter is technically a furry, and Spiderman is his fursona."

"No!" Peter yelled, jumping up. "No, no, no! No, I am not a furry! No!"

Everyone laughed hysterically, watching as Peter jumped around the room to defend himself. Finally everyone started to settle down again and Peter pouted into the couch. "I'm not a furry."

"I don't get it," Steve muttered, going back to his drawing as everyone around him howled with laughter again.

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