His Job

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**An idea I got from my rock playlist (Tony would be proud) and I was like "I need to write this. Right now." It was the most urgent thing. I have requests and some other drafts I'm working on, but I also had a veterinary emergency with my cat last night so I'm a little swamped. Anyways, enjoy!!**

Tony watched as Peter skulked around the Penthouse, putting his bag down, unloading some textbooks, and getting a snack from the kitchen. They were supposed to be getting down to the lab this afternoon, but with Peter the way he was, Tony was starting to worry.

"Okay," Peter said sadly as he pulled a juice box from the fridge and abandoned his books on the table. "I'm ready to go down to the lab now."

Tony padded over the kitchen himself and leaned against the pantry. The billionaire took a breath and raised an eyebrow. "You don't look ready for lab time. You look kinda sad, actually."

The teen didn't say anything, but his juice box squeaked as he sucked on the straw. "M' fine." After a moment, he added "just tired."

"You can tell me," Tony said, coming around the kitchen island to put a secure hand on Peter's shoulder. "I'm always here for you, Pete. No matter what it is."

Peter took a heavy breath. He was always sighing and huffing when he was upset by something. It was one of those days, then.

"Gonna tell me what's wrong, or just huff about it?"

Peter huffed and headed to the lab.

The duo had been working for a few hours on the newest Stark Industries tech push - a fancy line of synced out school tech including a phone model, a laptop, a tablet, and a new pen that can both take notes on paper, and convert those notes to a document on the laptop as you take notes - when Peter finally spoke up.

"There's a PTA thing happening at school."


"Parent-Teacher Association. They do, like, fundraising and stuff for the school."

"Oh," Tony said. He didn't even know that was a thing. "What's happening with them?"

"They planned this big fundraiser for the school," Peter said, punctuating his sentence with a sigh. "They made it this talent show thing, but its only for families. Like, it's supposed to be parents and teachers and siblings, so the students can go and watch? I know it sounds so weird, but I just get kinda down about those kind of things 'cause May can't really just request time off to dance around some stupid stage, ya know? And... well, and I don't have a ton of family besides her and you guys, but I don't like- I mean- I don't want to both you guys and stuff, but you're as close to family as I have now."

Tony nodded understandingly. He'd had a similar feeling when he was younger - Howard and Maria couldn't do much for him, but Jarvis was always there. He hated to admit it, but Jarvis was more of a father to Tony than Howard ever was.

"When is this thing? What do you have to do to get in the show?"

Peter eyed him cautiously. "It's next week, Saturday. You just have to email to PTO chair and tell her who you are and what your going to be doing for the show. Oh, and who your student it." After a moment, Peter quickly added a hasty "But you don't need to do it, Mr. Stark, I know you are super busy. Seriously. Don't worry about it!"

Tony just hummed.

"I'm serious, don't do anything to embarrass me. Please."


Peter hadn't heard from Mr. Stark in a few days, which was concerning enough without a talent show at the school coming up.

Ned and he were settled onto the gym floor, their backs against a table where MJ had her nose in a book. Ned's sister was doing some piano piece for the show and they were all there to support her. Just as one family went off stage (they'd done some thing with a dog), the lights went down. It was extremely dark in the gym, and everyone was tittering as they guessed what was happening. 

The lights came on, but they were pink and blue and green and flashing this time. And Peter saw his worst possible nightmare.

Tony, Bucky, Clint, and Rhodey were dressed as the members of KISS, complete with leather suits and face paint.

"Dude," Ned said, his jaw dropping open.

Peter sighed. "I'm going to kill him," he said.

The baseline for I Was Made For Loving You came on and Peter practically melted into the ground. Phones were out and recording all over the gym, students were hollering and whooping as Tony began to dance around and the music picked up.

"Please, kill me before they get down here," Peter groaned.

As if on cue, Tony hopped off the low stage and headed for Peter and his friends. Even MJ was breaking at the sight of Tony in full face paint, his tongue hanging out as he sang the old rock classic as he embarrassed Peter with a personal dance.

"Mr. Stark!" Peter hissed, his face heating up.

"Can't stop, bambino, this is my job as your family."

The billionaire made his way back up to the stage and finished the song with a flourish, all of the guys jumping around and making noise and getting all the students to scream and cheer. Peter hid his face in his hands.

After the show, Peter raced outside to find Mr. Stark and the others. He was anxious to chew them out, and to tease them. He spotted them in the main hall of the school.

"There's going to a hundred videos of that routine on the internet tomorrow."

Tony looked over. "Pete!"

The guys all crowded around Peter to ruffle his hair, give him tight hugs, and ask how the show was.

"Surprising," Peter said with a laugh, all his thought up reprimands floating out of his head as he stared around at 4 of the most busy, badass people he knew, who had dropped everything and donned black eyeliner to support him. "But really nice."

Clint let out a whoop and then headed to the car, calling shotgun. Bucky raced after him. Rhodey rolled his eyes and followed them to break up their fight over the front seat.

"You wanna go for ice cream?" Tony asked, draping an arm around Peter's shoulders.

"Sure," Peter chirped. "And Tony? Thank you."

"Of course," Tony said with a wave. "Its what you do as a family."

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