Just A Little Loopy

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**Request for asandefur05 where Peter needs his wisdom teeth out and Bucky and Steve (bless them) are the ones who pick him up. This was so much fun, y'all. As a side note, I used to have braces as a kid because I had an overlap on my bottom teeth, but when I got them off, the overlap came back. They wanted to give me more orthodontics to fix it now that I'm older, but then they realized that with my overlap, I have just enough room for my wisdom teeth, so I don't need to have them out!!! Anyways, back to the story. Enjoy!**

The receptionist at the desk kept looking up at Steve and Bucky over her computer. Whenever they caught her looking, however, she'd jump back into her work and pretend it never happened, a light blush just visible over the top of the computer as it receded into her hair.

"I think she's looking again," Steve said from behind his magazine.

Bucky snorted. "She's just wondering what the hell we're doing at a pediatric dentist."

"I'm wondering why we're at a pediatric dentist!"

Steve shifted in his small, red and white seat. A stuffed money, which was perched on the fake tree next to him, fell onto his shoulder and he jumped. Bucky laughed.

"May said this is where Peter goes for his dentist, alright? She couldn't pick him up, she had to work." Bucky settled into his chair and picked up a magazine from the little table next to him. It was one of those kid's magazines full of activities and coloring pages. "Help me find all the hidden shapes," Bucky said to Steve, leaning over to share the magazine. "I think that's the carrot over there."

The man scoured the page, but Steve just pursed his lips and watched the clock. They'd been sitting here for over an hour now.

"Uh- Parker? Is May here?"

Steve and Bucky looked up at a nurse who had come out from the back. "May had to work, we're here for Peter," Bucky said, standing up.

"Oh- oh, uh..." The nurse trailed off, her voice catching a little as her eyes trailed down Bucky's face, to his shoulders, to his arms, to Steve's eyes, to his shoulders and his chest and-

"Oh, let me- let me show you back. To the bed- the recovery room." The nurse was bright with a blush as she turned around and let Steve and Bucky, both sporting smirks, back to where Peter was recovering.

"Ssss-eive?" Peter's head lolled to the side when he saw Steve come into view. "I dinn' no youuuu-" The teen's eyes unfocused for a moment as he stared down at the bib tied around his neck. He picked at it with unsteady hands.

"You okay there, champ?" Bucky asked, putting a hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Oh!" Peter looked up. "Hi, misser sol-der man. I dinn no you were pi-pa-paik-picking me up. Where May? May, May, May, May..."

The teen continued to chant May's name as he wiggled around the little dentist chair. There was a PillowPet nestled behind the teen's head that kept getting squished when he moved his head around.

"He's going to be pretty loopy for a little while," the nurse said to Steve. She handed him a little paper bag with cotton gauze and saline solution to wash out Peter's mouth. "He's going to need this gauze changed every three hours and flushed out twice a day, plus after every meal. No straws, no sharp things - like chips or particularly crunchy cereal - and there's pain meds at the bottom. The instructions are on the label."

Steve nodded along and took the bag.


"Seive!! Seive!! Guess wha-?"

"What's up, kid?"

"I'm- I'm- I'm-" Peter babbled for a moment, a spot of drool dribbling down his chin. "I'm- I'm Spi-erman! Spi-erman! I can go do... do the webs! Webs!"

Bucky and Steve both shared an uneasy look, then looked over at the nurse. Steve opened his mouth to give a good lie, but the nurse held up a hand.

"They're like this all the time. It's the meds we give them before the surgery. As soon as he was on the gas, he was talking about being Spiderman and how Tony Stark was his dad. I mean, now that you two are here, I suppose Tony Stark could be his dad."

Steve and Bucky both burst out laughing. "No, no, he's just Tony's intern."

"No! No!" Peter waved his hands. "No! Tony... Tony's my- my- my dad!"

Steve smiled to himself and Bucky got out his phone to take a video.

"What was that?" Bucky prompted. Peter whipped his head around and looked up at the man.

"Tony? Tony's my... my dad!"

Bucky chuckled as he pocketed his phone. "Nice, kid, that'll make his whole week."

Steve and the nurse were still walking about the schedule Peter was going to be on for the next few days and good foods for him to eat. Bucky tried to help Peter up and out of the chair, but he couldn't stand on his own. After a few tries at getting Peter to hold himself up, Bucky gave up and just picked Peter up and threw him over his shoulder.

"Is this okay or will all the blood fall out of the holes in his mouth?"

The nurse nodded, but Peter cut off whatever she was going to say.

"Holes? Holes??? In ma mouf?"

Peter's face was drawn up in a terrified scowl. "Where? Where are da holes in ma mouf? I don wan any-"

A little roll of gauze fell out of Peter's cheek and he let out a scream. "My mouf is falling out! My mouf! Get it back, Bubby, get it! I- I- I- I need my webs! Web my mouf back!"

"Sure," Bucky said, carrying Peter out of the room and into the hall. They began to make their way out to the lobby, Steve following behind with the nurse.

"Look at dat mon-ey!" Peter said when they got to the lobby. He pointed at the stuffed monkey in the fake tree that had just scare Steve just a few minutes ago. "Look! He looks like Sieve!"

Bucky shot the toy a look. "Sure, it looks just like him."

"Really?" Steve asked, shooting Bucky a look.

Bucky shrugged the shoulder Peter wasn't leaned over. "It's got the same jaw line."

Peter's head snapped up. "Wait! Wait!"

Bucky and Steve both froze, suddenly worried Peter might have forgotten a wallet or something in the back room. "What?"

Peter tried to whisper, but he still talked quite loudly. "Plea- don tell Tony he's my dad. He doesn' no."

"Of course," Steve said, pulling a serious face.

"Our lips are sealed." Bucky shot Steve a little wink and the two shared a half-hidden laugh between themselves. Their videos were already on their way to Tony, and no doubt, being saved to FRIDAY under the file "Underoos".

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