Lean On Me

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**Every time I write a new chapter I panic that I've used the same title before, it's a real problem. Anyways, I've gotten so many requests to do a sibling fic for Tony and Peter, so here it is. I have 3 or 4 other ideas coming soon, but I have a paper this week and I think I gave myself a concussion today when I shut the front door on my temple, so it'll be a while before things come out. The Halloween chapters have already been written, so those will come out on time. In the meantime, enjoy this short drabble of big brother Tony comforting Peter!!**

"Hello?" Tony waited for he other side of the call to pick up. When he didn't hear anything on the other end, he pulled the phone away from his ear to check if the call was still connected. "Hello?"

There was a dry sob on the other side of the phone. "T- Tony?"


"Tony, I tried. I try- tried to help, but- but - but I didn't and now- now I have to-" Peter gasped, his words getting caught in his throat.

"Hey, Pete, you have to slow down. Take some deep breaths for me, okay? I need you to do what I say." Tony ran a hand through his hair as he turned away from his work and leaned against the lab bench. "In... Out... A breath in... hold it. Now blow it out."

Peter followed Tony's instructions until his breathing was more regular - more stable. When he was finally calmed down, he hiccupped a few times and coughed, then whispered "thank you."

"No problem," Tony said, waving his hand even though Peter couldn't see it. "Can you tell me what's going on?"

Peter was quiet for a moment, then he cleared his throat again. "Sorry. I was just really overwhelmed with classes. I shouldn't have called."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Peter, you and I both know that's not true. Tell me what's going on so I can help."

Peter shook his head violently. "No, nothing is wrong. I'm fine, Tones, I'm fine. Sorry for calling. Sorry."

The call disconnected, but Tony tried to call Peter's name a few times before he pulled the phone away from his ear and tossed it onto the lab bench. Tony set his hands on the table, griping the edge hard.

"Damn," he whispered as he pushed his hands off the table and began to pull at his hair.

The sound of someone else entering the lab made Tony look up. It was Rhodey, still wearing his messenger bag and lab goggles. "What's going on?"

"Hey, sour patch," Tony said, but his voice sounded defeated. It was nothing like his normal cheerful self. "I just got off the phone with Peter, and he sounded-" Tony put a hand over his face as if he was wiping away his stress. "He sounded like he'd just gotten a whole ass-kicking from Howard, but we both know that's impossible."

Rhodey frowned. "He's what, 14 now? It might just be angst, Tones."

"Peter isn't angsty. He's never been angsty."

Rhodey hummed a little, then shrugged. "I'll do it."

"Do what?"

"Cover for you in Professor Johnson's lecture tomorrow so you can go home and check in on Peter and Jarvis."


Jarvis answered the door almost immediately after Tony knocked. "Master Stark, it is good to see you."

"Hey, J, where's Peter?"

"Upstairs in his room, but I must warn you." Jarvis paused, his eyes flicking side to side almost like he was looking for words. "He is... unwell."

"He called me yesterday, I knew he was kind of doing poorly," Tony said, stepping into the house and slipping off his shoes. "What happened?"

"I have no idea," Jarvis said simply, taking Tony's backpack and heading toward the stairwell. "I have a mug of hot chocolate in the kitchen for him, if you could take that up."

Tony headed to the kitchen to grab the the hot chocolate and grabbed some chips and a thing of popcorn while he was there. If there was one guaranteed fix for a bad mood, it was junk food and a kick-ass big brother. Tony headed upstairs to Peter's room, knocking a few times before pushing the door open. He barely dodged the pillow that flew straight at his face.

"Jarvis, I said I didn't want to talk about it!" Peter went to grab another pillow, but when he caught a glimpse of Tony's face, he practically deflated. "Tony. Don't you have classes?"

"I did. Rhodey is covering for me." Tony held up the popcorn. "Snacks?"

Peter tentatively took the chips and popcorn before catching a whiff of hot chocolate. "Hot chocolate?"

Tony laughed a little as Peter reached for the mug happily. The younger boy seemed happy enough, but there was something in the very back of his eyes - something sad or maybe angry. Tony watched as Peter took a long sip of cocoa, then stuffed popcorn in his mouth.

"So, are we going to talk now?"

Peter looked up at Tony with a feigned look of innocence.

"We promised to be open with one another," Tony said with a sigh. "We said we would always talk to one another. Come on, Peter, you can trust me. No matter what happened, no matter what I think, I will always help you out. You and me - we're all we got now. It's just us and Jarvis now."

Peter nodded, his eyes glued to his drink. He didn't dare look at up Tony, for fear he'd start crying if he met his brother's eyes. "I have to tell you something, but it's a very long story, and I don't want you to interrupt. When I called you last night, I had... I had just watched someone bleed out and die, okay?"

There was a sharp intake of breath as Tony had to dig his nails into his palms to not reach out and grab Peter for a hug. He knew Peter hated physical contact when he was upset. As if Peter knew what Tony wanted, he leaned into Tony's arms, letting his big brother pull him close. "What happened?"

"I wasn't quick enough. I got in the middle of a robbery and the guy pulled a gun. I got a little cocky. He shot the guy before I could get him down."

Tony let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding. "I'm so sorry you had to see that, Pete. I know from my own experience that seeing a gun in a TV show or laying out somewhere isn't the same as seeing it being used. That must have been so scary."

Peter shrugged in Tony's arms. "I've seen people get shot before, Tones. I've seen people get shot and stabbed and-" Peter huffed. "I've just never seen them die."

"Wait, what?" Tony pushed Peter away to look him in the eyes. "You've seen people get shot before? When?"

"And that's where the really long story comes in," Peter said, his eyes turning back down to his lap. "I- uh, I got bit. I got bit by a spider and it changed me."

Peter looked back up at Tony, but his brother's face was drawn up in confusion. Peter faltered, unsure of what to say or how to make this easier. Taking a deep breath, he finally gave in and walked over to the wall before he... he...

"You're walking upside down," Tony breathed, watching Peter scurry over the wall and up onto the ceiling. "You're- you're- you're-"

"I'm Spiderman, Tony."

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