Love and War Pt. 2

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**Request for HPDisneylover where we meet up with Steve, Bucky, and Peter in the modern era. Peter is interning for Stark and doesn't know the other two are alive, and the other two don't know Peter was in the freezer like Bucky. This accidentally turned more irondad-ish at the end... As a side note, I have found so many requests in my comments! I'm having a blast writing them and listening to Christmas music. It's not too early for that, right? Enjoy!!**

Peter followed Stark like he was the world. Maybe he was at this point. Peter was barely 17, he had no living family, and at this point, the only thing waking up in the mornings was the internship he had with Stark Industries.

Oh, and it didn't help that the first thing he did after waking up in a new century was get bitten by a radioactive spider.

"Mr. Stark," Peter started quietly, in that way he only used when he wanted something. The two were heading down to the lab to work on some new equipment for the team. "Does this mean I might be able to meet the others?"

Stark gave his intern a look. "Maybe. Why do you want to meet the others anyways? It's not like you're a big Avengers fan anyways."

"I'm an Ironman fan," Peter said quietly. "But I still want to meet them. Do they even know I'm Spiderman?"

Stark was quiet for a moment. He hadn't exactly kept Peter's identity secret, but he wasn't very open about it either. If the team wanted to know who the kid was, they could always ask FRIDAY. She would tell them.

"They haven't investigated it," Stark said with a shrug. "If they asked me directly, I'd tell them. But, Pete, I don't want you to think it's because I'm not proud."

Stark put a hand on Peter's shoulder. They'd come a long way since the the Homecoming incident, and Stark was slowly learning that Peter needed positive reinforcement and affection to thrive in this world. He was getting a lot better at that - he reminded Peter of how proud he was on a near weekly basis now.

"I know."

Stark sighed. "Alright. It's your birthday next week, why not. You can meet them out of mask."

Peter's smile was infectious as the teen jumped up and down.


Stark was starting to regret telling Peter to come over. It was a Friday and the team was spread out along the couches, lounging and soaking up their free time. Fridays were precious here in the towers. It was the one day the team didn't train, and it usually ended in homemade pasta dinners and movie nights.

"Hey, guys, do you mind if my intern stops by?"

The team chorused 'yes's and 'go for it's. "How long has he been an intern?" Steve asked.

"A few years," Stark said vaguely. "He started here a few years back. When he got his powers."

"Powers?" Steve looked a little alarmed. "What powers? Your intern is a kid, Tones, you said he's in high school!"

Natasha had a knowing look, though. "Spiderman?"

Tony nodded. "Yeah, he's Spiderman. You guys met him briefly in Germany."

The team exchanged uneasy looks. "You mean that kid in Germany-"

"He caught my punches!" Bucky said in awe. "You're telling me the Spiderman is some high school student in Queens?"

Stark nodded. "Yep. He's been dying to meet you guys outside of the mask for weeks now." The billionaire would never admit it, but there was something... nerve-wracking about Peter meeting the others. For nearly 2 years now Peter and Stark had been working on a budding relationship and the others threatened that. What if Peter decided that Steve was better mentor material? What if he started to like Natasha more? Or Bucky? Tony was already fighting off Rhodey.

Tony didn't have much time to panic, though, because the elevator was dinging and the billionaire was getting an armful of Peter Parker.

"Oof-" Tony stumbled a bit, but his arms went around the teen anyways. "Hey, kiddo, ready to meet the team?"

Peter pulled away from the hug with a bright smile. "Yes!"

As the teen spun around, Tony noticed Steve and Bucky both tense as ever, their eyes dark and serious. "What's with-"

Peter shrank back into Tony's hold as soon as he saw the other two men. Tony put his arms around Peter protectively and looked between the super-soldiers and the teen. Even Natasha seemed to notice something was wrong.

"Stevie? Buck?" Peter's voice was low and shaking, as if he was holding back tears. Tony tightened his hand a little, trying to give Peter some reassurance through the squeeze.


"Doe Eyes?" Bucky had barely gotten the nickname out when Peter was running at him, lithe body leaping into the man's arms. Bucky caught him easily and hugged the teen hard. Steve was there in an instant, his own arms wrapping around the teen.

"How the hell are you two here?" Peter asked. "I thought I was the only one."

"What does that even mean?" Steve asked with a laugh. "We were sure we were the only ones in this century."

"How are- what hap- Buck! Your arm." Peter's surprise and happiness was starting to fade, his eyes narrowing in on Bucky's arm. "You're the Winter Soldier? I fought you!"

Bucky laughed. "Of course you did, Pete, you were the only one who went up against us back home, too. God, you've grown."

"And you've been a trained assassin!" Bucky seemed to wither under Peter's outburst, and the teen turned to Steve. "And you! You've been playing what, exactly? Captain America?"

Steve gave a sheepish shrug.

"You nearly killed Rhodey! You and your band of misfits- of all the stupid things to do! And to think you were always lecturing me on responsibility!"

Peter huffed and pulled away from both men, who looked more than a little ashamed. "Peter, we just-"

"Nope. I don't want to hear it. What I do want to hear is how my big brothers got themselves tied up in being the Winter Soldier and Captain America."

Stark seemed to step out of his daze and quickly got in between Peter and the two men. "Can someone fill me in?"

Peter's face softened. "Sure. These two idiots grew up down the street from me and were practically my brothers. When they went off to the war, I lied on my enlistment card and got into the war early. Last I saw them, I was heading into a battle. Where I was taken a PoW."

"Back in the 40's?" Stark asked. All three nodded together and Stark felt his face pale a little. This was exactly what he was worried about. Peter had these two men - these super soldier men - to call brothers, and where did that leave Tony?

"I was taken by HYDRA," Bucky said quietly.

"And I fell into the artic ocean," Steve supplied. "What about you?"

"Germans," Peter said quietly. "Some scientist got a hold of me. They knew what the Russians were trying to do and thought they could do it too. Never cracked the brain washing part, but they kept me alive."

Tony had retreated quietly to the couch, watching as Peter, Steve, and Bucky talked in hushed tones. After a few tense moments, there seemed to be a break in the serious tone and Peter was laughing, his head thrown back. 

"I forget you called me that, honestly," the teen said, scuffing his toe. "Must have been on to something, though. Mr. Stark calls me Bambi." Stark's heart ached. They had nicknames and a life and a connection. They were real family, not like he was. He was going to lose him, he was going to lose Peter, Peter would chose-

"Probably more to do with 'bambino' than Bambi, though," Steve said. "Tones is Italian. He uses Italian words for stuff all the time."

"Italian?" Peter cocked his head to the side.

"Yeah," Steve said with a shrug.

"Bambino means child in Italian," Bucky added.

Peter whipped around to get a look at Stark better. "What? You've been calling me kid this whole time?"

Stark just gave a half-hearted shrug. Peter searched his face a little, and Stark wished more than anything Peter didn't know him so well. After a second, Peter's eyes softened and he leaned into Bucky's ear to whisper something. Ugly jealousy bubbled up in Stark's chest as he saw Bucky's eyes widen, then the man smiled and whispered back.

Peter looked over again. "Babbo. I like it."

Tony's entire body relaxed and he was smiling all the way to his eyes. "Really? But you have-" Tony cut himself off as he looked between Steve, Bucky, and back to Peter.

Peter shrugged. "I may have brothers, and an adopted aunt, and Rhodey is a pretty cool uncle... But I've never had a dad before."

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