MoF Day 11: Proud Father

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**Guys! This is the 100th part!! This is... wow. When I wrote my first fanfic, I never thought it would grow to be a two-book series, a one-shot collection of over 100 chapters, and a new plot book. The support I have gotten from y'all has been incredible and... I literally don't have any words for it. I've got some special chapters coming up, but the right after this one is my Q&A. :) Anyways, Enjoy!!! I literally love you guys so much!!**

Tony nearly bounded out of bed when the alarm went off, knocking Pepper in the nose as he threw back the blankets. The billionaire hurriedly checked his wife's face, holding her chin as he pulled back her hands to get a better look.


"I'm so sorry, love," Tony gushed, thumbing away tears from Pepper's cheeks. "It's not broken, I promise."

"Why are you so jumpy this morning anyways?" Pepper snapped, knocking Tony's hand away.

Tony got out of bed, now satisfied he hadn't hurt Pepper too badly. "I'm going to Peter's science fair today."

If the redheaded woman still in bed gave a silly smile, a teasing one, Tony pretended to not see it as he tugged on his jeans and pulled on a slightly stained band tee.

"I just want to stop and get him some snacks and stuff before I go over to the school at 3."

"It's 6 in the morning," Pepper said, squinting at the clock. "At least take a shower and put on clean clothes, okay? I'm going back- back to sleep." A yawn punctuated her words, and a light thump of her head hitting the pillows again told Tony she was down and out.

Tony looked at the clock sheepishly, realizing that at this rate, he would be 6 hours early to the science fair, so he decided to take a shower, do a load of laundry, and then head out. He quickly gathered up some clothes, grabbing Pepper's and his hamper and rushing across the hall to put them in the washer. Once that was done, he started up the shower, waiting for the water to heat up while he brushed his teeth.

Hair washed and styled, dressed in a new pair of slacks and a clean button up, Tony was sitting in the kitchen with a hot cup of coffee an hour later. He made a couple pieces of toast, just to get something in his stomach, and then it was down to the garage.

In hindsight, he probably went overboard. Tony could have stopped at a candy bar and some pizza, but with so much time between shopping for Peter and the science fair, Tony found himself at the mall, wandering stores to find things Peter would like, and then he was downtown, and then he was on the waterfront.

Pulling up to the school at 3:05, Tony was a little shocked to see so many families in the parking lot. Sure, being a smarty school for smarty kids, it made sense that families would be excited for a science fair, but this was downright incredible. Cars were jammed along the curb, bumpers barely touching. People were staring as Tony parked his shiny, yellow Ferrari, stepping out and putting on his sunglasses.

"Mr. Stark... The- billionaire!... Look at that!"

Whispers were heard from all directions, but Tony was used to it. He just kept walking.

The gym was huge, and even more packed than the halls and parking lot. Tony tried to look over the crowds to find Peter, but it was mostly unneeded as each time people caught a look of Tony, they backed up and gave him wide space.

"Mr. Stark!" Peter caught a glimpse of Tony from his presentation board. Tony began to walk towards the teen, but the crowds once again parted and Peter rushed up to give Tony a crushing hug. "You made it!"

"Of course I made it, Underoos," Tony said, ruffling the teen's hair with an affectionate smile. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

If Tony was telling the full truth, he'd be explaining how May called the minute she found out she was scheduled to work on the day of the fair, and how Tony had cleared the entire day to make it, meaning he'd missed a board meeting, a project proposal, and two press releases.

"Thanks," Peter said, pulling Tony over to his project. "Come look, I worked on this project forever!"

Tony looked over the project board, where Peter had recreated what looked like a small arc reactor. "Is that-"

Peter nodded. "I worked on the reactor on my weekends at the Tower, I wanted to try and up the efficacy and down the size."

Tony looked over the math and materials, but his eyes narrowed in an a big sticker in the corner of the project board that read "DISQUALIFIED" in big, red letters.

"Why was it disqualified? It's perfect! It's brilliant!"

Peter shuffled his feet, his face turning a light pink. "I put my work at Stark Industries in the background section of my report and my teacher said I was lying."

"So you can't win any prizes? And they won't believe you?"

Peter shook his head.

Tony huffed. "Let's go sort that out." The billionaire began to drag Peter down the aisle, scanning around for someone who looked like a teacher. His eyes set on a man at the end of the row, wearing a badge and holding a clipboard.

"Teach." The man looked up, absolutely stunned to see Tony Stark, and he paled. "This is Peter, sweet kid, I believe he's in your class. He's also my personal intern, and he worked on his science project while he was staying over on weekends. He should win the blue ribbon. And a gold medal. And every other award you've got here, but since you disqualified him, we're going to get out of here. Don't ever ignore my son's hard work again."

The teacher's jaw hit the floor as he watched Tony drag Peter out to the main hall, and then out to the car. The poor teen was still processing what his mentor had said to his science teacher. Peter hopped in the passenger seat, looking over his shoulder at the backseat, which distracted him. "What's all of this?"

Tony  looked back, reaching over and rummaging around before pulling out a stuffed bear dressed like Spiderman. "You're prizes. I may have gotten just a little carried away, but there's pizza and candy, some cool clothes, the bear, and some other stuff, too."

Peter pulled the bear in for a hug, digging his head into the plush. Suddenly, a little voice came through a small speaker, from the middle of the bear.

"Hey, Underoos. I'm so proud of you."

Peter smiled into the bear, looking up at Tony with tears in his eyes. "Thanks for coming. And thanks for being here for me when I need you."

Tony returned the smile and ruffled the teen's hair.

"Thanks, dad," Peter whispered, just over his breath. Tony still heard it, and smiled like there was nothing better in the whole world.

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