MoF Day 25: Surprises

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MJ watched Peter as he bopped around the shop. Every now and then, the 26 year old would duck down behind a shelf or rack of clothes to take a closer look at something, then pop back up over the top like some beach ball being thrown around a pool.

"Calm down, babe, you're going to knock something over," MJ laughed through her words, her eyes crinkling at the corners.

Peter looked over at her. "How can you ever say that?"

MJ cocked her head to the side.

"This is literally the most important day of my life."

"I thought that was our wedding day?"

Peter blushed. "Besides that day, that day was the best day of the whole century so-"

"Whatever, just find it."

Peter went back to looking through everything. He wanted this to be perfect. MJ, being MJ, had told her parents over breakfast. She'd just said it, too, like it was no big deal! Like it was nothing at all!

Peter browsed through the stuffed animals, looking at all the teddy bears embroidered with things like "mommy's favorite" or "snuggles and cuddles" on the tummies of the bears. He sighed, his shoulders dropping. When Peter was upset, his face screwed up like a little pout mixed with someone about to cry.

"Your face will freeze like that if you don't stop doing that," MJ teased.

Peter huffed. He looked over at a display of-



Tony and Pepper were lounging in the common room of the Tower, the rest of the team either laid out around the couple on the couch or in the kitchen working on dinner. Bucky, who had a surprising knack for cooking, was bossing Sam and Steve around, making them chop onions, open cans, and stir boiling pots.

"Keep that moving, I don't want the Arborio rice to burn."

Steve stirred the pot with more vigor, his eyes never leaving the pot. "When should I add this broth?"

"When the onions are browned and the rice is tender," Bucky sighed. "I told you a million times."

The ex-assassin mumbled under his breath as he chopped sage and savory, his knife flying over the cutting board at an almost terrifying pace.

"You guys do know this is just a normal family dinner, right?" Tony called from the couch, draping his arm around Pepper as he twisted himself over the back of the cushions to see into the kitchen.

"This is not a normal family dinner! MJ is coming!" Bucky said, his eyes bright. It was no secret that Bucky was totally enamored with the girl Peter brought home 5 years ago. Maybe it was that MJ was the only other person to make Steve speechless besides Bucky, or because she make the super soldier laugh with her nihilistic jokes. In any case, he was always excited to spend an evening with Peter and MJ.

The entire teem shared a sly smile. It was kind of adorable how well Bucky and MJ got along, and the only other person in the world to put the man at ease and to make him melt into a sappy goofball besides Steve was MJ, so everyone was thankful for her time at the Tower.

"They'll be here soon, Sam, how's the veggies coming."

"Fine," Sam said, signature snark coming through his tone. "Its not like I'm loosing a battle with a carrot."

Bucky looked over his shoulder, the knife in his hands slowing as Bucky looked away. "Those pieces are too big, they won't cook all the way through."

"Oh, my God, Bucky. Calm down." Steve looked over at his friend. "Seriously. I'm begging you to calm down."

"No! I won't stand for uncooked vegetables!"

FRIDAY interrupted the skirmish between the men in the kitchen. "Sir, it would appear that Peter and MJ are on their way up now. Should I let them know dinner isn't ready yet?"

"Yeah, let them know it'll be a half hour still."

FRIDAY confirmed that the couple was in the elevator and said waiting for dinner would be fine. Tony sat back to watch the nightly news, Pepper nestled into his side. It was barely a minute later when the elevator dinged and Peter and MJ came into the room, a little gift bag held tightly in Peter's hand.

"Hey, kid, come sit down."

Peter practically dragged MJ towards the living room, his heart picking up pace as he went. This was it.

"FRIDAY? Can you mute the TV?"

The AI muted the news, much to everyone's upset. "What are you doing that for, Pete?"

"I have something for you. A gift."

Tony raised an eyebrow. "Did I miss a holiday or something? What'd you get me something for?"

Peter held out his gift bag, his hand shaking slightly as he did. "Here."

Tony took the bag with a look of unsure suspicion. Peter just beamed back at his dad, his face dusted in pink as he waited with baited breath.

Tony pushed the tissue paper back, digging around the bag carefully. After all, it was entirely possible this was the start of another prank war and Tony  could grab a hand full of shaving cream or hot spaghetti-o's if he wasn't careful. Finally, his fingers brushed something soft, like cotton. The billionaire pulled out the bunch of fabric.

"You got me an extra-small children's tee?" Tony joked, unfolding the bundle as he looked up at Peter, his signature smirk plastered over his face.

"No, not quite."

Tony looked down at the little shirt in his lap, which wasn't a shirt at all but rather a baby onesie. My Grandpa is Iron Strong was embroidered across the front, a printed picture of the IronMan mask under the words.

"What the-" Tony's mind was churning. Hell, Peter could practically see the gears working. Suddenly, Tony looked up at Peter and MJ, his head swiveling from one to the other rapidly as he put everything together. "You're- no! Really? How- I mean, I know how- I- Wow! Really? Really, really?"

Peter nodded along excitedly. MJ just shrugged, her nonchalance so very reminiscent of Natasha and Bucky.

"Oh, my God!" In an instant, Tony was up and grabbing Peter and MJ and pulling them into a bone crushing hug. "This is amazing!"

"What's happening? I don't understand," Bucky was standing in the doorway between the common room and the kitchen, his apron tied loosely around his waist, his confusion clear in his face and voice.

MJ turned the hug so she could see Bucky clearly over Tony's shoulders. "I'm pregnant."

Bucky fainted directly backwards, his body weight pulling Steve and Sam down with him as he went.

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