MoF Day 27: Friends

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**I got this idea from a Pinterest post I saw yesterday and I kinda ran with it. It's very Bucky-centric, but that's good because Bucky is literally a little croissant. As a side note, Would anyone be interested in some one-shots that were non-Avengers related? I'm thinking of doing a couple Star Wars ones, or maybe Harry Potter? In any case, here's the newest chapter! Enjoy!**

There was a lot to catch up on when Bucky woke up. While he was in HYDRA, and while he was the Winter Soldier, he didn't exactly get out much. Television was new. Cars were so much better now! Hell, even music was new and different and radios had way less static and-

"Sargent Barnes? Can I order any more of those energy bars you like?"

Bucky jumped. He was still getting used to the little voice in the ceiling that seemed to know constantly watching and listening.

"I won't-" Bucky started. He was still getting used to the way the AI spoke, and speaking to something that wasn't even there. And, more than all of that, he didn't like robots. At all. "Nevermind."

Bucky tried so hard to not speak to the AI. He did everything himself, save the few things he needed FRIDAY for, like moving the elevator or contacting people when he didn't have a phone near by. He set his own alarm clock, an old fashioned one with one of those hammer-like bells on top. He did his own shopping, without letting the AI order anything for him.

FRIDAY, to her credit, was pretty smart. It might have been all the pattern-recognition software Tony designed for her, or the updates Peter wrote to give her more empathetic "thought", but regardless, she knew Bucky was uncomfortable. Rather than confront the man, which was undoubtedly going to make matters worse, FRIDAY opted for a more subtle route.

She played Steve and Bucky's favorite big band music from the 20's when Bucky was working out. She would wake up Steve if Bucky had a nightmare, or get Natasha when the es-assassin had pushed himself too hard in training and hurt himself. She would order specialty parts for Bucky's old bike and tell Tony to stash them in the garage for Bucky to find later.

At first, Bucky hardly noticed, but after a while, it became more and more apparent that FRIDAY was watching out for him. Not in a scary "robots are coming for me" way, but rather in a "genuine caring" way.

The tipping point was the day Bucky accidentally shut his hand in a doorway. His metal hand. The sleek plating dented harshly, and then Bucky's pinky and ring finger wouldn't move. The man sucked his teeth, thinking of what to do. It wasn't like he could stroll up to a HYDRA base and ask them to fix it.

"Hey," Tony said, interrupting Bucky's thoughts. "Can I help you with that? Shuri left some vibranium here last time she was here."

Bucky startled. He hadn't even heard Tony come in. "What? How did you know?"

Tony shrugged. "FRIDAY got me."

Bucky nodded absentmindedly, letting the shorter man lead him out of the gym and down to the lab. It was a relatively quick fix. Tony just had to pry off the dented piece of metal, repair a couple wires, and refashion a piece of the metal to cover the part exposed. It was all done in less than 30 minutes.

Bucky waited for Tony to leave before he looked up at the ceiling. "FRIDAY?"

"Yes, Sargent Barnes?"

"Thank you. For getting Tony, I mean."

"Of course," the AI assured. "I care for your well being, sir."

Bucky chuckled. "Don't call me 'sir', FRIDAY, it makes me feel old. Just call me Bucky."

"Alright, Bucky."

The man was quiet for a moment, contemplating if he should... "FRIDAY? Can I ask you something? It's kind of personal. Or at least as personal as a question about a robot can be. Not that you're a robot! Just that-"

FRIDAY interrupted Bucky with some kind of chuckle. "Bucky, you can ask anything."

"How are you so kind? Like... like a..."

"Like a person?" FRIDAY kept a little chuckle in her tone. "You can thank Sir and Peter for that. Sir worked on human-like pattern recognition and thoughtfulness software for me, and Peter wrote empathetic coding for me."

"That's incredible!" Bucky said, throwing his hands up. "It's really working, too!"

From that moment one, Bucky and FRIDAY were thick as thieves, though they never let on to anyone. Bucky was pretty funny when he wanted to be, throwing out puns and jokes in the kitchen, which FRIDAY always responded to with sass and her own brand of humor. Bucky and FRIDAY even pulled a couple pranks together, setting off alarms at bedtime and tying all the door knobs together in the hall. And when Bucky was the very first person in the dining room when Steve made his mother's 7 Layer Lasagna, FRIDAY was careful to not say anything about Bucky getting the first dinner bell warning.

But then, after a particularly long mission, the whole team got a shock.

Natasha led the way in. The whole team had been out on mission for a week and a half, but Bucky had stayed behind to keep an eye on things at the Tower, and by things, the team meant Peter.

"I'm so ready to go to sleep for a week." Clint nearly tripped over his toes as he stumbled into the elevator.

"I'm so ready to take a shower for a week." Bruce held the door open for the whole team to file in. Steve was the last one in, barely squeezing in.

"Move over," the blond said.

"Move where?"

"Shut up," Tony sighed, holding his ears. "I'm tired of everyone here."

The whole group fell into a comfortable silence, resting their eyes as they rode up to the elevator. As the doors slid open, the team spilled out, the sound of the television flooding the penthouse.

"-and there's a pass to the-"

"We all know the Pats will win the Bowl this year," Bucky said. "It's inevitable."

"Unless the Cowboys pull it out, Buck, there's always a-"


"You interrupt me one more time and I swear I'll make you late to dinner tomorrow," FRIDAY warned. Bucky gasped. 

"You wouldn't dare! My closest friend, threatening me with-"

"I thought I was your best friend," Steve said with a scowl, cutting off Bucky. The man twisted around on the couch, looking over at the team.

"How long have you guys been here?"

"Like, 3 minutes," Natasha said testily. "Long enough to see you and FRIDAY getting all friendly. When'd that happen?"

Bucky looked up at the ceiling. "I have no idea what you mean," he said.

"I've literally never met this man in my life," FRIDAY said, causing Bucky to burst into laughter.

"I leave for one week," Tony mumbled. "I leave for one week and FRIDAY picks a new favorite."

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