Need You Now

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**Request for EmilyGalleta6 where Peter has an asthma attack and has to call Tony while at school. There's nothing wrong with needing your father when you're at your lowest, right? Enjoy!**

The slamming of lockers was sent terrible shocks through Peter's brain, the sharp noise echoing off the hard tiled floors of the high school hallway and making it sound 10 times louder.

"You good?" Ned asked. It was no secret that Peter's super senses made day-to-day life difficult for the teen, but some things were worse than others. Lockers were particularly rough on Peter's hearing, as were things like chalk on a board or the squeak of a whiteboard marker.

Peter nodded. "Just a little off. I didn't get much sleep."

"Sensory overload kind of off or...?"

"No, I don't think so. I just need to be careful to not make things worse."

Ned nodded sympathetically, closing his locker as quietly as he could. The two teens made their way towards their first classes, which was math for Ned and History for Peter. Ned waved and headed towards his class, which was down at the end of the main hall, while Peter turned and headed down a side hall to his class.

An hour and a half later, nothing was really feeling better. Peter was holding his head in his hands, his eyes screwed shut and his neck stiff. The bell ripped through the room, causing Peter to tuck his head further into his hands and wince painfully.

Peter waited for everyone to leave before he got up, his eyes squinted to see as much as possible without letting in too much light.

The teen made his way to his gym class, mostly feeling around. He hated feeling like this, and he hated that he was about to go run around a gym full of yelling teens even more. Ned met him near the locker room, grabbing Peter's arm to steady him.

"You look awful! Is it getting worse?" Ned's voice was laced with concern, making Peter smile.

"You sound like Dad."

"Not an answer."

"'m fine," Peter said, his voice wavering. "Just want to get through the day."

The two teens headed into the locker room, the yelling and echoed conversations nearly sending Peter flat on his butt. He whirled backwards, Ned barely grabbing his arm and steadying him before he fell.

"Block it out," Ned said, pulling out some earbuds and shoving them into his friend's ears. He knew it wouldn't do much, but it was something.

Peter went to the farthest corner of the room, trying to escape the noise as best as possible. He changed as quick as he could, hurrying out of the room, his head pounding.

The gym was old, to say the least. There was a thin coat of dust on everything, including the basketballs and bleachers. The ceiling was probably asbestos.

Peter took a breath, trying to relax, but instead got a mouthful of gritty, dusty air. Of course. The senses, dialed up to 11, were picking up every taste and every feel of the dust in the teen's mouth.

Peter hacked, hunching over in a rhythmic way. His lungs burned suddenly, and he nearly fell over as he tried to rid himself of the disgusting air. Each hack brought a gasp of air, and the boy got more and more dust in his mouth.

Just then, Ned ran into the gym, having heard his friend struggling from the hall. 

"Peter!" Ned pounded on the teen's back, trying to help him breathe.

The rest of the class was starting to show up, as did the coach, and they all crowded around the two teens. The sudden noise was shocking to the boy's ears, making the coughing worse as he tried to ignore the pounding in his head and the pain that ripped through his body.

"Parker!" The coach rushed forward, unsure of how to help but wanting to do something to help. Peter couldn't say anything, so the coach turned to Ned.

"Leeds, what's going on?"

"I have no idea," the boy said honestly, continuing to pat on his friend's back.

"Take him out to the hall!"

The teens struggled to get outside, Peter gasping each step of the way.

Clean air was a welcome relief, but the spiderling's lungs were still spasming.

"N-Ned," he choked out, squeezing his eyes shut to get away from the awful light. "Wa-watch."

The boy was confused, but looked down at his friend's watch, which was a new version of the StarkToGo watch. He looked at it helplessly for a minute, unsure of what to do.

"Karen?" Ned finally asked timidly.

"Yes, Ned?"

"Call Tony. Peter's having some sort of attack."

The AI gave a quick confirmation and Ned went back to pounding his friend's back.

"Leeds." The teen looked up at the gym door where the coach was poking his head out. "How is he doing?"

"I think he's having an asthma attack. I called his dad."

The coach's face fell as he realized how terrible this really was. He rushed forward, putting his own hand on Peter's back. The rest of the class was gathering at the doors, watching in concern. Sure, Peter wasn't the most popular kid in school, but they hated seeing him like this.

The sound of a strange noise, almost like a plane flying overhead, made most of the class look around wildly, but Ned knew.

"Ned!" The noise stopped just as the side doors burst open and Tony Stark stepped out of his IronMan suit.

"What's going on?" The billionaire ran to the teen, pulling Peter into his arms and shoving an inhaler into his mouth.

"He was having a rough morning and I think it was a sensory overload or something, he just started hacking!"

Peter gasped the inhaler in, closing his eyes in relief as his lungs began to relax.

"Sorry," he whispered after a moment. "I just really needed you."

Tony smiled and ruffled the boy's hair. "No problem. You're never a problem, Underoos."

Peter looked around at his shocked class, who were all watching with wide eyes and filming on phones.

"We should do something about that," he whispered to his dad, jerking his head at the class.

"Let them leak it," Tony remarked with a shrug. "I'm so damn proud of being your dad."

"Even when I have an asthma attack?"

"Even when you have the flu or a nasty burn or a stab wound."

Peter laughed heartily, wincing when his already sore chest flared with pain.

"Let's get you home," Tony said knowingly. He didn't even mind that he'd left a major board meeting, because when his son needed him, that was all that mattered.

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