New Recruits

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**Request for abstar101 and I_drink_tea__darling where the team is called to SHIELD headquarters and sees Peter there, surprising them all. In this one, Peter is Tony's intern, but the team doesn't know he's Spiderman. Enjoy!!**

Natasha and Clint had been trained to wake up at the drop of a hat and as such, were the first two members of the team awake and ready to go. Steve, Bucky, and Sam were next, having all been part of the military. Bruce wandered to the elevator with a travel mug of black tea after that, and Tony brought up the rear with half-lidded eyes, baggy pajamas, and a steaming mug of black coffee. Thor was off world, otherwise he'd have joined them.

"Really, Tones? You're in pajamas," Steve admonished quietly.

"If it's before 10am, I'm not required to wear real clothes," Tony said after taking a long sip of his coffee. "Didn't you read my agreement with SHIELD when you joined the team?"

Steve just shook his head. The team headed down to the lobby and out to the street - Happy was already waiting with the car. While he wasn't the team's driver, he was Tony's, and whenever they all went places, Happy drove them.

Since Stark Industries was downtown, and SHIELD was only on the other side of the river, it was a quick drive. Especially at this time of morning.

SHIELD was a beautiful place objectively. It was a modern building, with tall and bright glass windows in the front lobby. The grounds were well kept, with flowerbeds and well trimmed trees throughout. Tony was always a little shocked by how pretty it was given how much of a tough and gruff man Fury was, but then he remembered that Carol had been a large influence in Fury's life and in the original development of SHIELD.

"Where are we supposed to be going?" Clint asked as the team headed through the front doors.

Tony shrugged. "Probably Fury's office or the conference rooms."

"Room 111," Natasha said quietly. "Did no one else read the actual message?"

Tony opened his mouth to reply, but his eyes focused across the room and his jaw snapped shut with a click. The rest of the team followed his line of focus and each were shocked to see Peter Parker, Stark's intern, leading a group of young, new recruits around the lobby.

"-where we all check in for each shift. You'll get used to the system soon enough. Now, we're going to be heading over to the gyms to do some preliminary training sessions, just to get you all warmed up, and then I'll be testing each of you for recommendations on continued education."

"Mr. Parker?"

Peter looked up, his face suddenly flushed. "Mr. Stark? Natasha? What are you all doing here?"

"We're here for a meeting with Fury," Natasha said, eyeing the way Peter was wearing a whole kevlar outfit regulation for agents. He was even strapped with a couple guns on his waist, and a knife on his thigh. "The real question is what you are doing here."

Peter ran a hand over his neck. "I'm uh- I'm working. I'm an agent. An agent."

Natasha's eyebrows rose into her hair, but Tony beat her to the punch. "An agent? Peter, you're a kid. I've seen you around the lab, you don't even-"

"Mr. Parker!"

Peter turned at the sound of Fury's voice. "Yes, sir?"

"We need you to go on the mission today," Fury passed over some folders and a comm unit. "Can you ship out in an hour?"

"I'll need to pass this tour off, but I can leave by 4. I need to call May, but that's it."

Fury nodded. "Give her a call and get out of here. Information in the folders."

Before Peter or Fury could leave, Tony put a hard hand on Fury's shoulder. Over the years, he'd become pretty protective of Peter, and more than that, he'd started to think of Peter as his son. Tony saw so much of himself in Peter - the teen was smart, kind, and unsure, very much like the way Tony had been terrified of his father. Tony and Peter were close, too, which made it all the more upsetting to find out Peter had been keeping something like this from him.

"What's going on?" Tony asked. "How do you know Peter?"

"Peter is an agent," Fury said easily. "Agent Spider."

The whole team gasped. Agent Spider was legend - he was known for taking down targets by the hundreds with ruthless abandon, and he did it without leaving a trace behind. It was the kind of thing Natasha and Clint hoped and aspired to when they were in training.

"You're kidding," Clint whispered.

"Peter? Peter is Agent Spider?" Tony and Natasha were looking between Fury and Peter, their heads whipping back and forth so fast, Steve had a passing though they might have given themselves concussions.

"I am," Peter said bashfully. "I'm sorry, Mr. Stark, I'm so sorry, I just didn't think you would ever- ever care. I just mean, you wouldn't care about me as much if you knew. If you knew I was-"

Tony cut the teen off with a smile and a hand through Peter's curls. "I get it. Sometimes, the strongest, toughest people in the world need a hug most of all. It's okay. I wouldn't treat you different. I understand."

Peter let some of the weight on his shoulders show, and he fell into Tony's shoulder. Fury cleared his throat, so Peter pulled away. "Can I come see you when I get back? From this- from this mission?"

Tony smiled at Peter. "Of course."

Peter hurried off to get his stuff together, and Tony turned to Fury. In one swift motion, Tony was holding Fury by the collar. "Anything happens to him, I kill you."

Fury just laughed.

"He's the Agent Spider. He'll be fine."

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