Old Man Rogers

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**Request for galaxy_404 where Peter learns he's the great-grandson of Steve and he goes to live at the tower for a week to get to know him! This one was so much fun to write, and totally new to me since I normally do Irondad! I hope I did it justice. We're going to go a little off cannon here (as if I don't in every other one-shot) so for the sake of plot, Steve and Peggy were a couple before he was frozen, and they were expecting a child. Also, all the dates and timelines and stuff are completely made up, haha! Sorry for not following more cannon, yikes. This way, everything actually lines up! Enjoy!**

Peter Parker was just an ordinary kid. He went to school, he did the dishes for his aunt, and he tried to not think about the kid at school who bullied him.

In every way, Peter was about as ordinary as you could get. All that was about to be drastically changed, though, and the teen didn't even see it coming.

It all started when Steve Rodger's got curious about what happened after he'd fallen into the ice and went looking into his genetics. What he wasn't expecting, though, was to find out that Peggy Carter had been pregnant when he fell into that ice, and his son had been born 8 months later.

His son. The words sounded so strange to Steve, especially because he'd never met the child. Man. God, it was weird to think that Steve had outlived his child, even though he was only in his 30's now. Everything about it was strange.

After some more digging, Steve found out even more about his son. Andrew. He'd married a woman in '65 and they'd had a son named Charles and a daughter named Mary. It was even stranger to think the super soldier had missed grandchildren.

Mary had a standard life, and Steve was happy to see that she'd been married in '97. There wasn't much information after that, but Steve wanted more. '97 was a while ago, he could have great-grandchildren by now!

Desperately wanting more, no, needing more, Steve had tapped into his SHIELD connections and asked for as much information as they could get.

It took a few days, but finally, Steve got a message.

Found something. Come in.


Bucky was the only one who knew Steve was looking into his past family. (His current family? It was all just to confusing!) The ex-assassin had agreed to go with Steve to SHIELD the next morning to learn more, hoping to be a good moral support for his friend.

And that's just what he was. Steve paced in the office, waiting for Agent Hill to come in and give them the news. Bucky was seated in the leather chairs by the wall, watching his friend walk back and forth.

"Steve, stop. You're just working yourself up, and she'll probably have good news."

The super soldier glanced over at his friend, but Bucky knew he wasn't really listening. He was too worked up.

Finally, there was a knock at the door and Hill came in. "Rogers." The Agent nodded at the super soldier standing by the door, then noticed Bucky sitting in the chair by her desk. "And Barnes."

Steve quickly took a seat next to Bucky, his heart rate increasing steadily. He just wanted her to tell him. Quickly.

"I'll get right to the point. You have a great-grandson. He was orphaned back in 2002, he lives with his aunt in Queens."

Steve's face didn't betray any of the emotions whirling around his mind, but it didn't mean they weren't there.

"Name?" Bucky asked.

"Peter Parker. I have his information if you'd like it."

After a few more formalities, and a little more information, Bucky and Steve found themselves in a run down apartment building, climbing up to the third floor. Wallpaper was peeling in the hall, and the lights were a little dusty and dim.

"Ugh," Bucky said, stepping over a mysterious stain on the landing.

Steve raised an eyebrow. "Really? Its better than a foxhole."

The two men continued down the hall until they reached C7. Steve raised a hand to knock, but hesitated. Bucky picked up on the anxiety right away, so he placed a warm hand on his friend's shoulder. "Hey. It's going to be great, Steve. The kid will love you."

And with that, Steve Rogers knocked on the door and met his great-grandson.


To say Peter Parker was surprised was an understatement. He was baffled. No, that was an understatement, too.

Finding out that you're related to Steve Rogers, Captain America, the first Avenger, was unimaginable. It took a solid hour for Peter to fully register what was happening, which is how he found himself at the Stark Tower without any memory of leaving his apartment.

"Wait, what?"

"We're here, kid, grab your stuff."

Peter looked up at Steve, his great-grandfather, and then looked over at the other side of the backseat. His back pack, and May's old duffel bag, were on the seat next to him, clearly filled haphazardly with clothes. A toothbrush was poking out of the front pocket in the backpack.

"Oh," the teen said, his cheeks reddening in embarrassment. "Sorry."

Grabbing his stuff, he hopped out of the car, then came to a complete stop. His eyes traveled up the tower in front of him, a soft sigh coming through his open mouth.

"Why are we at Stark Tower?"

"I told you back at your Aunt's place, you're going to stay with us for a few days so we can all get to know each other."

Peter nodded slowly, trying to figure out what the hell he was going to do to get out of this one.

It was a short walk into the building, though, and Peter didn't have time to think about what he was going to say before he'd entered.

Steve and Bucky were walking ahead of the teen, Peter's duffel bag slung over the super soldier's shoulder as they chatted. Every now and then, one of them would look back at Peter, and Peter didn't need super hearing to know that they were talking about him.

As the three passed through the security checkpoint, Steve turned, fully prepared to tell FRIDAY that Peter was all set to come through the Tower. Instead, he stood there baffled as Peter walked right through and FRIDAY greeted him warmly.

"Welcome back, Peter, it is unusual for you to be here on a Tuesday. Would you like me to alert Boss to your arrival?"

"Actually," Peter started. "That would be great, Fri, can you ask him to meet us in the living room on floor 87?"

The AI agreed and Peter walked through the rest of the checkpoint and towards the elevators. Bucky and Steve sent him a questioning look, but he just shrugged.

"Tony should really explain."

Steve and Bucky's faces were priceless as they put all the pieces together. Somehow, Steve's great-grandson, Peter, knew Tony? Knew his well enough to call him Tony?

They superheros were still processing what Peter had said when they got up to floor 87, where Steve, Bucky, and Sam all bunked. Tony was on the couch, reading through emails on his phone.

The ding of the elevator alerted the billionaire to Steve, Bucky, and Peter's arrival. Instantly, his face changed quickly, and he jumped up.

"What are you doing with them, Pete?" Tony walked towards the teen, guiding him to the side a little and pulling him away from the super soldier and ex-HYDRA assassin.

"It's okay, Tony, they were just-"

"How do you know Peter?" Steve asked, interrupting his great-grandson.

"How do you know Peter?"

Tony and Steve stared at one another, both narrowing their eyes and watching the other intently. Bucky decided to break the silence and tension.

"Steve and I went digging into his history. Peggy had a child after Steve was iced, Peter here is his great-grandson."

Tony stared at the man with the metal arm for a full minute and a half until he broke into laughter. Hysterical laughter, the kind that hurt your stomach and made you throw your head back.

"Peter is my intern, and the heir to this whole company," Tony choked out after a moment, his breath coming in spurts and ragged gulps in between his words.

"He's what?" Steve asked, his voice jumping up at the end.

"I've been working with Tony here for about 2 years now," Peter explained with a shrug.

"2 years? So you were here when I was on the run." Bucky tilted his head to the side.

"Oh," Peter chucked dryly. "I was there." The two friends exchanged confused glances, and Tony just shrugged. "I was in Germany. I'm Spiderman."

With those 6 words, Steve dropped to his knees, his head in his hands. "I almost killed my great-grandson!" he exclaimed.

Bucky rested a hand on his friend's shoulder reassuringly. "But you didn't."

"Oh, that was nothing," Peter said, hoping to make Steve feel better. "I've had a whole warehouse dropped on me before, so it was really nothing."

At this, all three men's heads turned towards the teen in front of them. "You what?"

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