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**Request for pll_rvd_lm_fan_ where Peter is Steve's grandson and the team finds out when a picture of Steve with the Parkers goes viral. May is still alive in this one, and I made Peter an intern at Stark Industries, but he's been keeping his relationship with Steve a secret. Also, just pretend all the ages make sense, I was trying so hard to force it all together but Steve is so damn old... Enjoy!**

Steve was a private person. It might have been that social media was a new concept to him ("No, Clint, I don't want a Snapped Chat"), or maybe he was just part of that 1940's generation of hating all things personal, but the team knew virtually nothing about him and Steve never really offered up any information.

They knew he was born on July 4th, but only because that was a huge part of the Captain America propaganda.

They knew he loved Italian food, but only because it was his go-to suggestion for team dinners.

They knew a bunch of little, inconsequential things, but only because he let those things slip when he talked during training or team meetings or on the way to and from missions.

Which is why when Clint saw a tabloid newspaper with Steve's face plastered across it while grocery shopping for the Tower's common floor, he nearly shrieked and dropped all his groceries. Clint grabbed the paper and ran as fast as his little archer legs could carry him back to the Tower.

"Look!" The archer was brandishing the paper in Natasha's face too close for her to read. "Look!"

Natasha snatched the paper away from Clint with a huff while the rest of the team looked on in curiosity. Steve was still training downstairs, which left Tony, Bruce, and Thor up on the common floor for lunch with the others. "Can't see it, you idiot." Once Natasha could focus on the picture, she gasped. "Oh, my God!"

"What?" The rest of the team asked curiously. It wasn't unusual that Clint got overly excited about things, but for Natasha to get excited? It had to be something incredibly juicy. Tony took a better look at the tabloid.

"Is that the Star?"

"Nah," Clint replied. "The US Weekly."

Tony hummed. "Good rag, they were the first ones to guess Peter wasn't my son."

"He is your son," Natasha, Bruce, and Clint all said at once. Thor just furrowed his brow at the paper still clutched in Natasha's hands.

"Is it about the little spider, then?"

Natasha shook her head and held up the paper. There, on the cover, was Steve. He had a hand on someone's shoulder, like he was leading him away from something. There was a woman to his right, a woman Tony recognized as the woman who dropped Peter off some days.

"Is that Mary Parker?"

"How do you know her?" Natasha asked as Tony all but tore the paper in half trying to get a closer look.

"She's Peter's mom," Tony said quietly, turning his head this way and that. The curls were familiar. Tony tilted the picture again, as if he could somehow get a different angle of the scene. The sweater was familiar, too. Wait... Wait... Wait-

"This is Peter!"


"This is Peter," Tony repeated, throwing down the tabloid. "I'd know that old sweater any day. It's his school sweater."

The team was all shoving closer to one another then, trying to get a better look at the paper. Thor knocked his head into Clint's, making the archer shout and pull back. Bruce happily took Clint's spot and squinted down at the paper.

"Are you sure?"


"What are we positive about?" Steve asked, coming through the hall. Everyone jumped a mile high and spun around, Natasha hiding the paper behind her back. "Nothing," she said.

"This is clearly not nothing," Steve said with a chuckle. "What were you guys looking at?

Everyone shook their heads violently, but then Steve was coming across the room and the team was backing away and Steve was wrestling the paper out of Natasha's hands. The red head bit him in the arm, but Steve held on and kept pulling on the paper. "You're ripping it," he said as the corner started to tear.

"You're ripping it!" Natasha argued.

"Just let go!"


"What is it that it matters so much?"

"It's nothing!"

"Then let me see it!"

Steve finally got the paper away from Natasha and looked down, his good-natured expression melting away to one of cold anger. "How dare they!"

The team watched as Steve threw the paper down on the coffee table and sank onto the couch with his head in his hands. "We were trying to get out of there without being noticed... I thought- I hoped they couldn't see him too well with my arm like that."

"Steve," Tony started, sitting next to the man carefully. "What's going on? Why were you out with Peter and his mom?"

Steve looked over in shock for a second before he huffed a little. "Right. The internship."


"Listen, it's complicated." Steve looked around, but no one seemed to mind complicated. "Back before I was iced. I had a girl back home. And she had a daughter, my daughter, and I recently found her."

"Wait, wait, wait. You have a kid?"

Steve nodded numbly. "And her son is Peter. I go and see them every now and then, just to hang out and see family. God, I mean, Mary is so much like her mother. I didn't even know, ya know? I didn't know I was a dad, and then I got frozen out, and then I wake up thinking I have no one." Steve took a breath. "I went looking, mostly to find out what happened, but then I find out I have this family? It was... I was trying to protect them."

Tony had a hand on Steve's shoulder. It was a comforting weight, and Steve was so thankful for his friends- no, his family in that moment.

"Okay, so here's what we are going to do," Tony said, ever the 'man-with-a-plan'. "Natasha and Clint are going to go and get Peter and Mary and bring them here so the press doesn't get too close and freak them out. I'm going to call Pepper and have the press team come upstairs so we can all figure out what to do next. And Bruce and Thor are going to make some lunch, because you look ready to faint."

Steve let out a little chuckle. "Okay."

The team sprung into action, each one going about the task Tony had given them. It was like a mission plan - everyone had a job and they executed those jobs thoroughly and expertly.

"Hey, Tony?" Steve caught his friend's arm as he headed out to the hall to call Pepper. "Thanks."

Tony just shrugged. "This is what friends are for. Just don't keep anymore secret families from us."

Steve gave a single bark of laughter and let Tony go. Maybe he could be a little more open, but...

He was still refusing to get a Snapped Chat.

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