Presidential Seal pt. 2

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**Don't worry, I didn't forget about the one-shots! Back by popular demand, this is a pt. 2 for Peter and Ned working for the President of the US. I took some phenomenal inspiration from a comment about Peter coming back to school from his secret service detail hurt, and everyone has questions. Enjoy!!**

The school was bustling with students as the day began. It was early spring, meaning the sun had just started to dry out the city, and students basked in the above-freezing temperatures. Buses were starting to show up to let students off, creating a mass of people on the front steps.

Ned waited for Peter patiently. He'd gotten back from the security detail on Sunday, but Peter had stayed for a Monday secret service briefing. He was supposed to be back at school on Tuesday, but Tuesday went by, and Wednesday, and now it was Thursday!

Ned bounced on the balls of his feet, looking over the crowds for his friend's familiar mop of curls. It was almost time for the first bell!

Then, suddenly, the throngs of teens quieted and the crowds of cars parted as a parade of black SUV's came through the parking lot. There, in the middle, was a car with American flags flying on the front. Ned didn't have to guess. It was him.

Pushing his way through the crowds, Ned rushed at the car.

"Mr. President, Sir." The teen nodded through the window as it rolled down, revealing the well-known man inside.

"Ned. It's good to see you again!"

The teen smiled. "Likewise, Sir. What are you doing here?"

The president laughed, throwing his head back. "Dropping off Peter, of course! He stayed a few extra days, he got in the middle of a live training and things didn't exactly go his way."

Ned's eyes widened, fearing the worst. Seeing the poor boy's expression, the president hurriedly continued to explain. "He's okay! He's fine, he got shot in the shoulder! Just a quick stitch and he was good to go."

Ned nodded, relaxing instantly. Shot in the shoulder was about as easy as it got. Peter got shot in the shoulder almost as frequently as he got A's in math.

Peter chose that exact moment to get out of the other side of the car, his arm in a sling. White bandages were just peeking out of the hem of his tee-shirt.

"Hey, Ned. How's school been?"

"Fine. Boring without you, and I think I finally got top grade on the quiz in Chem without you there to beat me."

Peter laughed, the president joining in after a second or two. "I should get back to Air Force, boys. Have a good rest of the week!"

The two said goodbye to the president, then headed through the still mostly quiet crowd towards the school. Some kids were filming on their phones, curious about why Peter had gotten a ride to school in a presidential procession and why the two biggest nerds in the school had laughed and joked with the president himself.

Flash, who had been inside at his locker when the president had rode up, spotted Peter through the halls, hollering to get his attention.

"Hey! Parker!"

Peter turned, tensing up. His shoulder, despite the quick healing, was still sore and slightly oozing blood. If anything happened with Flash, he would probably rip the tender flesh around the wound.

"Hey, Flash. What, uh- what do you- you need?"

Peter tended to stutter around Flash, it was part of his whole shy, nerdy, weakling kind of thing. He wasn't Spiderman around Flash. He wasn't an agent around Flash.

"What happened to your arm?" The bully pushed the smaller boy's shoulder, making Peter wince in pain.

"Hey!" Ned raised his voice in protest, stepping forward to confront Flash. Peter grabbed Ned's arm with his good hand, pulling back slightly.

"I got hurt. I, uh, I fell."

Flash scoffed. "Sounds about right for Puny Parker. Is that what happened to your Uncle? Did you trip and push him into that criminal?"

Peter tried to ignore the tears swimming in his eyes, but he couldn't. He just couldn't ignore the pain Flash's words were causing.

"I- I- I didn't-"

Flash pushed him again, sending Peter stumbling backwards into the lockers. The shoulder in the sling was the first point of contact, and Peter felt the warm sensation of blood soak his bandages again.

"Oh, God," Peter whimpered, his good hand flying to his shoulder.

Ned jumped into action, grabbing his friend and pulling him to the ground.

Peter nearly yelled when his friend peeled back the bandages. The edges of the wound were red and inflamed, blood oozing and dripping down the boy's pale skin.

"Shit, Pete, why wasn't this stitched?" Ned asked exasperatedly, pressing down on the wound with his hands.

"It was already closing up when they got the bullet out, I didn't need stitches."

Ned sighed, a slight growl coming through at the end. He hated Peter's stupid Spider DNA. It was such a cop-out when Peter didn't want to go through real medical care.

Flash was standing back behind both of the teens, his face pale. He saw a little spurt of blood shoot through Ned's fingers as he readjusted his grip. Flash turned, swaying on his feet for a moment before he leaned over and puked all over the hall floor. He tried to steady himself with a hand against the lockers, but he slipped and fell against the metal before landing on the floor. 

A gasp made both Ned and Peter look over at the bully, who was holding his hand. There was a deep gash, probably from one of the lockers.

"Go help him," Peter said, jerking his head towards the bully. Ned scoffed.


"I'm not kidding," Peter continued. "You are really good at first aid, get him fixed up."

Ned reluctantly took his hands off of Peter's shoulder, letting his friend hold his own shoulder. Peter pushed down on his own shoulder, holding back a hiss of pain, and rebandaged the wound, pulling his slightly bloody gauze back up over his shoulder.

Ned bent down, grabbing Flash's hand. "You don't need stitches, this will be fine. Let's go get a band-aid, you big baby."

Flash opened his mouth to resume his usual bully-persona, but Ned shot him a look.

"You just vomited all over from a little sight of blood. I wouldn't be putting on a tough-guy persona."

Flash rolled his eyes weakly and let Ned lead him to the nurse's office, Peter trailing behind them with his phone in his hands.

"This one needs a band-aid."

The nurse looked up, surprised to see Flash, Ned, and Peter together, but got out a little basket from behind her desk and pulling out a variety of sizes. Just as she was sticking a large one to Flash's palm, none other that Tony Stark opened the office door.

"Hey, kid, you texted?"

Flash's jaw dropped and his eyes bugged. Peter just waved.

"Yeah, I ripped the wound. Can I go back to the tower and see Bruce?"

The billionaire nodded, taking the teen under his arm. "Let's go."

The two left, Peter nodding his head at Ned and leaving without another word.

Flash turned to Ned, his face questioning and confused and crazy. "What- what- what-"

"Shhh," Ned soothed. "Don't worry, it's always shocking the first time. They're very close."

Flash nodded vacantly.

"Let's get to class." Ned put his arm around the bully, leading him out of the office.

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